DSV, 327 - Completion of the offering

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Completion of the offering

The offering (the “Offering”) of 19,000,000 new shares and 6,300,000 existing
shares (treasury shares) totalling 25,300,000 shares in DSV A/S (“DSV”) has
been successfully executed through an accelerated bookbuilding process. Please
refer to stock exchange announcements no. 325 of 29 April 2009 and no. 326 of
29 April 2009. 

The offer price is DKK 57 per share, raising gross proceeds to DSV of DKK 1,442

As the Offering was subscribed approx. 2.2 times by Danish and international
institutional investors, an individual allocation of shares has been made. 

Subject to certain exceptions, DSV has accepted a 180-day lock-up period for
issuance of new shares. 

The proceeds from the capital increase will be used for repayment of
interest-bearing debt. Please refer to DSV's 2008 Annual Report for a
description of the order for the use of free cash flow. 

Capital increase
After the capital increase, the share capital of DSV will consist of
209,150,000 shares of DKK 1.00 each, equivalent to a nominal value of DKK

The new shares represent approximately 9.99 % of DSV's registered share capital
before the capital increase and will account for approximately 9.08 % of DSV's
registered share capital upon completion of the capital increase. 

Timetable for the capital increase 
The dates below have been brought forward compared to stock exchange
announcement no. 325, as a result of the closing of the offer on 29 April 2009. 
Date of payment against delivery 	5 May 2009
Date of registration of the capital increase with the Danish Commerce and
Companies Agency 	 
5 May 2009
Date for admission for listing of new shares under the existing ISIN code	7 May

The new shares
The new shares will rank pari passu in all respects with existing DSV shares.

The new shares will be issued to bearer through VP Securities but may be
registered in the name of the holder in the company's register of shareholders.
The Supervisory Board has proposed to the general meeting to be held later
today, to modify the articles of associations whereby the shares shall be
required to be registered in the holder's name. See stock exchange announcement
no. 321 of 15 April 2009. 

The new shares will be negotiable instruments, and no restrictions will apply
to their transferability. No shares, including the new shares, carry or will
carry any special rights. 

Rights conferred by the new shares, including voting rights and dividend
rights, will apply from the time when the capital increase is registered with
the Danish Commerce and Companies Agency. 

The new shares may be recorded in the holder's name in DSV's register of
shareholders through the shareholder's account-holding bank (see above for
proposed change in the articles of associations). 

Taxation and dividends
Dividend payments will be taxed pursuant to current legislation, including any
applicable double taxation treaties. 

The new shares are eligible for any dividends payable in respect of the
financial year ending December 31, 2009. 

The transaction with JL-Fondet (Vesterhavet A/S) regarding DFDS A/S as
announced on 13 January 2009 will not be affected by this Offering. The
transaction remains subject to merger control clearance. Feedback is expected
late May or June 2009. A prospectus will be prepared in connection with the
related issuance of 11,083,724 new shares to JL-Fondet at completion of the

ISIN codes
Parent ISIN securities identification code DK0060079531.

Temporary ISIN securities identification code DK0060180255.

Joint Global Co-ordinators and Joint Bookrunners
Danske Markets (division of Danske Bank A/S) and Nordea Markets (division of
Nordea Bank Danmark A/S) acted as Joint Global Coordinators and Joint
Bookrunners in connection with the Offering. 

Yours sincerely,

Jens Bjørn Andersen	Jens H. Lund		


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lawfully be communicated, falling within Article 49(2)(a) to (d) of the Order
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327 - meddelelse 30 04 2009 - completion of the offering - uk.pdf