PKC Group Oyj  INTERIM REPORT                          30 APRIL 2009	8.15 a.m.  

PKC GROUP'S INTERIM REPORT JANUARY-MARCH/2009                                   

PKC Group's net sales in the January-March period decreased by 36.8% from the   
previous year to EUR 53.8 million (85.1 million in Jan.-Mar. 2008). Operating   
profit was EUR 0.1 million (9.3 million) and profit before taxes was EUR 1.9    
million negative (7.3 million positive). Diluted earnings per share were EUR    
0.20 negative (0.26 positive). Cash flows after investing activities during the 
report period were EUR 23.5 million (8.6 million).                              

HARRI SUUTARI, PRESIDENT AND CEO:                                               

“The rapid decline in production volumes in our customer sectors, particularly  
in the heavy commercial vehicle industry, led to a sharp drop in our operational
result. The PKC Group's production volume fell by about 42% on the same period a
year earlier. Thanks to cost-cutting measures carried out in the past 12 months,
consolidated comparable operating expenses in the first quarter declined by     
about 30%. Reorganisation and cost-cutting measures will be continued. The      
result in the first quarter was burdened by EUR 0.3 million in non-recurring    
rationalisation expenses.”                                                      

OPERATING ENVIRONMENT                                                           

Demand for heavy trucks saw a very sharp decline during the first quarter in all
of our market areas. In Europe, our main market, the volume of deliveries       
dropped to half and the value of new orders received by our customers reached   
only a third of what it had been a year earlier. In South America, deliveries   
and new orders fell by half. Deliveries to the mechanical engineering industry  
were only about a third of last year's level. The production and deliveries of  
recreational products were halved in North America. Our customers succeeded in  
reducing their stocks of finished goods early in the year, but report that they 
are continuing to empty their stocks, cutting the volume of production in the   
second quarter.                                                                 

Despite the difficult market situation, PKC is participating in several         
competitive bid processes concerning new customer relationships. Success in     
these processes might lead to new long-term delivery relationships and          
strengthening of the company's market position.                                 

With the exception of the Asian markets, investments made by the industrial     
sector fell significantly early in the year, reducing the Group's industrial    
electronics deliveries by about a quarter.                                      

NET SALES AND FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE                                             

January-March 2009                                                              

Consolidated net sales in January-March amounted to EUR 53.8 million (85.1      
million), down 36.8% on the same period a year earlier. Consolidated operating  
profit totalled EUR 0.1 million (9.3 million), accounting for 0.2% of net sales 
(11.0%). Depreciations amounted to EUR 2.7 million (2.0 million). Financial     
income and expenses were EUR 2.0 million negative (2.0 million negative). Profit
before taxes was EUR 1.9 million negative (7.3 million positive). Profit for the
report period totalled EUR 3.3 million negative (4.6 million positive). Diluted 
earnings per share were EUR 0.20 negative (0.26 positive).                      

Net sales generated by the Wiring Harnesses business in the report period       
amounted to EUR 41.7 million (69.3 million), or 40.0% less than in the          
comparative period. The segment's share of consolidated net sales was 77.6%     
(81.5%). It generated an operating profit of EUR 0.6 million negative (7.0      
million positive), equivalent to 1.4% negative of the segment's net sales (10.1%
positive). Without the acquisition of MAN Nutzfahrzeuge AG's wiring harness     
business in Poland in 2008, the segment's net sales would have shrunk to less   
than half of the previous year's figure.                                        

Net sales generated by the Electronics business decreased by 24.6% to EUR 12.1  
million positive (15.8 million positive). The segment's share of consolidated   
net sales was 22.4% (18.5%). It generated an operating profit of EUR 0.7 million
positive (2.3 million positive), equivalent to 5.7% of the segment's net sales  

BALANCE SHEET AND FINANCING                                                     

Consolidated total assets at 31 March 2009 stood at EUR 168.1 million (171.8    
million). Interest-bearing liabilities totalled EUR 56.3 million at the close of
the report period (46.2 million). The Group's equity ratio was 42.9% (46.0%).   
Net liabilities totalled EUR 34.8 million (37.1 million) and gearing was 48.3%  

Inventories amounted to EUR 41.5 million (45.0 million). Current receivables    
totalled EUR 46.8 million (71.1 million). Cash flows after investing activities 
during the report period were EUR 23.5 million (8.6 million). Cash in hand and  
at bank amounted to EUR 21.5 million (9.1 million). In order to ensure financing
flexibility, PKC has available credit facilities.                               

CAPITAL EXPENDITURES                                                            

During the report period, the Group's gross capital expenditures totalled EUR   
1.9 million (2.5 million), representing 3.6% of net sales (2.9%). Capital       
expenditures consisted mostly of the acquisition of production machinery and    

RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT                                                        

Research and development expenditure totalled EUR 1.5 million (1.6 million),    
representing 2.7% (1.8%) of consolidated net sales. At the end of the report    
period, 106 (94) people were employed in product development.                   


During the report period, the Group had an average payroll of 5,216 employees   
(5,538). At the end of the report period, the Group's personnel numbered 4,879  
employees (5,597), of whom 4,260 (4,857) worked abroad and 619 (740) in Finland.

Personnel cuts have been made at various units within the Group. A total of EUR 
0.3 million in non-recurring expenses arising from the termination of employee  
contracts was recorded in the first quarter.                                    

As a result of the co-determination negotiations concluded in January 2009, it  
was decided to temporarily lay off almost the entire personnel of PKC Group     
Oyj's Kempele unit, a total of 250 people, with the duration of the layoffs     
varying between a week and longer periods, as well as 60 employees at PKC       
Electronics Oy's Raahe factory for a maximum of three months.                   

Co-determination negotiations for closing the wiring harness production in      
Kempele and its effects to the personnel were initiated in Kempele unit on 19   
March 2009 due to production and financial reasons. These negotiations concern  
the personnel of PKC Group Oyj's Kempele plant organisation's personnel, and may
lead to the termination of the employment contracts of a maximum of 226         
employees. With a view to serving other units and customers, the possibility of 
rearranging work and/or reorganising operations is also being considered, which 
may decrease the number of staff cuts.                                          

QUALITY AND THE ENVIRONMENT                                                     

The Wiring Harnesses business operations at the Haapsalu, Keila, Kempele,       
Kostomuksha and Nogales production units have been certified in accordance with 
the ISO/TS 16949 and ISO 9001 standards as well as the ISO 14001 standard. The  
Curitiba production unit is certified under the ISO/TS 16949 and ISO 14001      
standards. The certification process at the wiring harness factory in Poland has
been began. During the report period, the Curitiba unit concluded the process of
certifying its OHSAS 18001 occupational health and safety system.               

The Group's Electronics business operations at the Kostomuksha, Suzhou and Raahe
production units have been certified in accordance with the ISO 9001 and ISO    
14001 standards. The Group's Electronics business will continue to prepare for  
the adoption and certification of its operations under the ISO/TS 16949         
standard. A preliminary assessment of compliance with the ISO/TS 16949 standard 
was carried out at the Raahe unit during the report period.                     

The implementation and development of the best quality practices in the Group's 
Wiring Harnesses business forms one of the Group's strategic objectives. These  
best practices support continuous development by involving personnel more       
extensively in day-to-day quality enhancement work. During the report period,   
the best quality practices were audited internally and enhanced in the spirit of
continuous improvement and based on feedback received. Progress is being        
monitored actively by the Group's Executive Board.                              


The Annual General Meeting on 27 March 2009 resolved to pay a dividend of EUR   
0.15 per share, or a total of around EUR 2.7 million. The dividend was paid out 
on 8 April 2009.                                                                

The Annual General Meeting re-elected Endel Palla, Olli Pohjanvirta, Matti      
Ruotsala and Jyrki Tähtinen to seats on the Board of Directors. Outi Lampela was
elected as a new member to the Board. At its organisation meeting, the Board of 
Directors elected Matti Ruotsala Chairman and Jyrki Tähtinen Vice Chairman.     

The Authorized Public Accountant Firm Ernst & Young Oy will continue as the     
company's auditor, with Juhani Rönkkö, Authorized Public Accountant, acting as  
the principal auditor.                                                          

SHARE TURNOVER AND SHAREHOLDERS                                                 

PKC Group Oyj's share turnover on NASDAQ OMX Helsinki Oy from 1 January to 31   
March 2009 was 1,946,791 shares (4,551,043 shares), representing 10.9% of the   
average number of shares (25.6%). Shares were traded to a total value of EUR 6.7
million (34.7 million). The lowest share value during the report period was EUR 
2.70 (6.88) and the highest EUR 4.44 (9.48). The closing price on the last      
trading day of the report period was EUR 2.70 (7.04) and the average price      
during the period was EUR 3.42 (7.58). The company's market capitalisation at 31
March 2009 was EUR 48.0 million (121.2 million).                                

Shares held by Board members, related individuals and corporations in which they
have a controlling interest accounted for 0.7% (2.9%) of the total number of    
shares at the end of the report period. PKC Group Oyj had 7,640 shareholders    
(7,172) at the end of the report period. The proportion of shares held by       
foreigners and by way of nominee registrations at the close of the report period
was 24.0% of the shares outstanding (25.2%).                                    

SHARE CAPITAL                                                                   

The Board of Directors has been granted authorisation by the Annual General     
Meeting on 29 March 2007 to decide on one or more share issues and the granting 
of special rights as defined in Chapter 10, Section 1 of the Companies Act and  
on all the terms and conditions thereof. A maximum total of 3,500,000 shares may
be issued or subscribed for on the basis of the authorisation. The authorisation
includes the right to decide on a directed share issue and shall remain in force
for five years from the date of the resolution of the Annual General Meeting.   
The authorisation may be used at the Board's discretion for financing corporate 
acquisitions, for carrying out inter-company co-operation or similar            
arrangements, or for strengthening the company's financing and capital          

The Board of Directors does not have a valid authorisation to acquire the       
company's own shares, and the company does not have any own shares (treasury    
shares) in its possession.                                                      

STOCK OPTION SCHEMES                                                            

In 2006, PKC launched a stock option scheme according to which the maximum total
number of stock options to be issued is 697,500, and they are divided into A, B 
and C warrants. At the close of the report period, the company's key personnel  
had a total of 202,500 2006A warrants, 232,500 2006B warrants and 253,840 2006C 
warrants in their possession.                                                   

The subscription period for shares through the exercise of stock options granted
under the 2006 scheme shall be during the years 2009-2013. The share            
subscription price for stock options shall be the volume-weighted average price 
of the PKC Group Oyj share on NASDAQ OMX Helsinki, with dividend adjustments, as
defined in the stock option terms (at present, EUR 10.49 for the 2006A, 2006B   
and 2006C warrants). Through the exercise of the 2006 stock options, the share  
capital of PKC Group Oyj may be increased by a maximum total of 697,500 new     
shares and EUR 234,673.67. The 2006 stock options are subject to a share        
ownership plan. Key personnel are obligated to subscribe for or purchase the    
company's shares with 20% of the gross income earned from stock options and to  
own these shares for two years. The company's President and CEO is obligated to 
own these shares for the duration of his managerial contract.                   

The Annual General Meeting held on 27 March 2009 resolved to issue stock options
to the key personnel of the Company and its subsidiaries. The maximum total     
number of stock options issued will be 600,000 and they are divided into A, B   
and C options. The stock options entitle their owners to subscribe for a maximum
total of 600,000 new shares in the company or existing shares held by the       

The share subscription price for these stock options will be the trade volume   
weighted average quotation of PKC Group's share in April 2009, 2010 and 2011 on 
the NASDAQ OMX Helsinki Ltd exchange plus 20%. The amount of the dividend       
decided after the period for the determination of the share subscription price, 
but before shares are subscribed for, shall be deducted from the share          
subscription price of the stock options on each dividend record date. The share 
subscription price will be recorded in the invested non-restricted equity fund. 
The share subscription period for 2009A stock options will be 1 April 2012 — 30 
April 2014, for 2009B stock options 1 April 2013 — 30 April 2015 and for 2009C  
stock options 1 April 2014 — 30 April 2016.                                     

After the close of the report period, the Board of Directors has decided to     
grant 161,500 2009A warrants to key personnel and to transfer the rest of the   
stock options to the company's subsidiary to be distributed at a later date.    

SHORT-TERM RISKS AND UNCERTAINTIES                                              

The financial crisis and the resulting economic downturn have also had an impact
on demand for the products of PKC's customers in the commercial vehicles and    
electronics product groups. Other main uncertainties include price pressures and
demands for tighter contractual terms imposed by customers, the significant     
fluctuation of currency exchange rates as well as the impact of financial crisis
on suppliers and the availability of raw materials and components.              

The risks of the last few years concerning fluctuations in the prices of raw    
materials have decreased. Suppliers and their financial situation are being     
actively monitored throughout the order and delivery chain.                     

The principles, objectives and organisation of the company's risk management as 
well as key risk areas are described in the risk management section of the      
Corporate Governance guidelines, which are available on the company's website,                                                               

OUTLOOK FOR THE FUTURE                                                          

At present, it is difficult to estimate how long the current economic downturn  
will continue. However, we foresee the weak predictability of commercial vehicle
demand and uncertainty concerning financing in general, coupled with the        
emptying of the stocks of vehicle manufacturers, keeping demand for wiring      
harnesses exceptionally low.                                                    

We also estimate that demand for electronics design and manufacturing services  
in the market will weaken compared with last year. In Asia, investments made in 
the infrastructure of mobile phone networks may have a positive effect on demand
for PKC's products.                                                             

We predict that the full-year net sales will decrease substantially and         
operating profit to be negative. Full year estimation contains significantly    
more uncertainty than usual. Thanks to low need for capital expenditures and    
decrease of working capital, cash flows after investments are expected to be    

PKC's balance sheet, liquidity and good customer relationships enable           
improvement in PKC's relative competitive position.                             

This unaudited interim report has been prepared in accordance with the          
accounting policies set out in International Accounting Standard 34 on Interim  
Financial Reporting and in the Group's Annual Report for 2008, except for the   
effects of the adoption of the standards described below:                       
IFRS 8 Operating Segments                                                       
The Group's reportable segments remain unchanged from those reported in previous
interim reports. The adoption of this standard has had no impact on the reported
results or financial position of the Group.                                     
IAS 1 Presentation of Financial Statements                                      
The revised standard has introduced a number of terminology changes and revised 
titles for the primary statements, however the adoption of this standard has had
no impact on the reported results or financial position of the Group.           

| CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF          |  1-3/09     | 1-3/08      | 1-12/08     |
| COMPREHENSIVE INCOME (1000 EUR)    |      3 mon. |      3 mon. |     12 mon. |
| NET SALES                          |      53,751 |      85,092 |     311,713 |
| Other operating income             |         582 |         366 |       1,304 |
| Increase (+) / decrease (-) in     |      -6,555 |      -2,465 |          71 |
| stocks of finished goods and work  |             |             |             |
| in progress                        |             |             |             |
| Materials and services             |      26,643 |      44,873 |     172,198 |
| Employee benefits expenses         |      13,279 |      19,244 |      76,049 |
| Depreciation                       |       2,700 |       1,950 |       8,177 |
| Impairment loss for goodwill       |           0 |           0 |       1,197 |
| Other operating expenses           |       5,061 |       7,584 |      34,427 |
| OPERATING PROFIT/LOSS              |          95 |       9,342 |      21,039 |
| Financial income                   |       5,039 |         906 |       8,406 |
| Financial expenses                 |      -7,033 |      -2,938 |     -14,217 |
| PROFIT/LOSS BEFORE TAXES           |      -1,898 |       7,309 |      15,228 |
| Income tax expense                 |      -1,353 |      -2,684 |      -9,661 |
| PROFIT/LOSS FOR THE REPORT PERIOD  |      -3,252 |       4,625 |       5,567 |
| Other comprehensive income:        |             |             |             |
| Exchange differences on            |        -607 |        -774 |      -1,500 |
| translating foreign operations     |             |             |             |
| Total comprehensive income for the |      -3,859 |       3,851 |       4,067 |
| period:                            |             |             |             |
| Profit/loss attributable to:       |             |             |             |
| Shareholders of the parent company |      -3,252 |       4,602 |       5,519 |
| Minority intrest                   |           0 |         -24 |         -47 |
| Total                              |      -3,252 |       4,625 |       5,566 |
| From profit/loss attributable to   |             |             |             |
| shareholders of the parent company |             |             |             |
| Basic earnings per share (EPS),    |       -0.18 |        0.26 |        0.31 |
| EUR                                |             |             |             |
| Diluted earnings per share (EPS),  |       -0.20 |        0.26 |        0.31 |
| EUR                                |             |             |             |
| CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF          |        3/09 |        3/08 |       12/08 |
| FINANCIAL POSITION (1000 EUR)      |             |             |             |
| ASSETS                             |             |             |             |
| NON-CURRENT ASSETS                 |             |             |             |
| Goodwill                           |       8,116 |       5,676 |       9,481 |
| Other intangible assets            |      14,136 |       3,574 |      14,694 |
| Tangible assets                    |      33,857 |      34,624 |      34,931 |
| Deferred tax assets                |       1,825 |       2,202 |       1,623 |
| Other receivables                  |         223 |         425 |         453 |
| Non-current assets total           |      58,157 |      46,500 |      61,182 |
| CURRENT ASSSETS                    |             |             |             |
| Inventory                          |      41,526 |      45,007 |      51,815 |
| Receivables                        |             |             |             |
| Trade receivables                  |      35,647 |      61,474 |      47,025 |
| Other receivables                  |      11,195 |       8,605 |      14,948 |
| Receivables total                  |      46,843 |      71,117 |      61,973 |
| Cash and cash equivalents          |      21,524 |       9,132 |      12,468 |
| Current assets total               |     109,893 |     125,257 |     126,256 |
| ASSETS TOTAL                       |     168,050 |     171,757 |     187,437 |
| EQUITY AND LIABILITIES             |             |             |             |
| EQUITY                             |             |             |             |
| Share capital                      |       5,983 |       5,983 |       5,983 |
| Share premium account              |       4,862 |       4,862 |       4,862 |
| Reserve fund                       |         370 |         239 |         370 |
| Translation difference             |      -2,305 |        -816 |      -1,841 |
| Share-based payments               |         831 |         909 |         808 |
| Retained earnings                  |      65,557 |      62,364 |      62,557 |
| Profit/loss for the report period  |      -3,252 |       4,602 |       5,519 |
| Minority interest                  |           0 |         813 |         328 |
| EQUITY TOTAL                       |      72,046 |      78,956 |      78,586 |
| LIABILITIES                        |             |             |             |
| Non-current liabilities            |             |             |             |
| Interest-bearing liabilities       |      38,413 |      19,721 |      40,120 |
| Non-interest-bearing liabilities   |             |             |             |
| Provisions                         |         216 |         114 |         216 |
| Deferred tax liabilities           |       3,515 |         797 |       3,461 |
| Non-current liabilities total      |      42,143 |      20,631 |      43,797 |
| Current liabilities                |             |             |             |
| Interest-bearing liabilities       |      17,886 |      26,481 |      31,866 |
| Trade payables                     |      17,915 |      21,822 |      14,907 |
| Other liabilities                  |      18,059 |      23,867 |      18,281 |
| Current liabilities total          |      53,861 |      72,170 |      65,055 |
| Liabilities total                  |      95,788 |      92,687 |     108,635 |
| EQUITY AND LIABILITIES TOTAL       |     168,050 |     171,757 |     187,437 |
| CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF CASH     |  1-3/09     |  1-3/08     | 1-12/08     |
| FLOWS    (1000 EUR)                |      3 mon. |      3 mon. |     12 mon. |
| Cash flows from operating          |             |             |             |
| activities                         |             |             |             |
| Cash receipts from customers       |      64,901 |      84,750 |     326,650 |
| Cash receipts from other operating |       1,122 |         194 |       1,304 |
| activities                         |             |             |             |
| Cash paid to suppliers and         |     -38,639 |     -72,092 |    -289,969 |
| employees                          |             |             |             |
| Cash flows from operations before  |      27,385 |      12,851 |      37,985 |
| financial income and expenses and  |             |             |             |
| taxes                              |             |             |             |
| Interest paid                      |      -1,498 |      -2,091 |      -5,644 |
| Interest received and other        |          74 |         986 |         233 |
| financial income                   |             |             |             |
| Income taxes paid                  |         431 |        -786 |      -7,275 |
| Net cash from operating activities |      25,392 |      10,961 |      25,299 |
| (A)                                |             |             |             |
| Cash flows from investig           |             |             |             |
| activities                         |             |             |             |
| Purchase of tangible and           |      -1,566 |      -2,509 |      -9,906 |
| intangible assets                  |             |             |             |
| Proceeds from sale of tangible and |         129 |         100 |           4 |
| intangible assets                  |             |             |             |
| Investments                        |        -485 |           0 |     -21,589 |
| Loans granted                      |          -1 |          -4 |          -9 |
| Amortisations of loan received     |           1 |           3 |          44 |
| Dividends received                 |           0 |           0 |           1 |
| Net cash flow from investing       |      -1,922 |      -2,410 |     -31,455 |
| activities (B)                     |             |             |             |
| Cash flows from financing          |             |             |             |
| activities                         |             |             |             |
| Drawing of credits                 |           0 |         148 |      37,313 |
| Amortasations of credits           |     -14,387 |      -9,992 |     -21,011 |
| Dividends paid                     |         -27 |           0 |      -8,104 |
| Net cash used in financing         |     -14,414 |      -9,844 |       8,198 |
| activities (C)                     |             |             |             |
| Net increase (+) or decrease (-)   |       9,056 |      -1,293 |       2,042 |
| in cash and equivalents            |             |             |             |
| KEY FINANCIAL INDICATORS           |  1-3/09     |  1-3/08     | 1-12/08     |
|                                    |      3 mon. |      3 mon. |     12 mon. |
| Net sales, 1000 EUR                |      53,751 |      85,092 |     311,713 |
| Operating profit/loss, 1000 EUR    |          95 |       9,342 |      21,039 |
| % of net sales                     |         0.2 |        11.0 |         6.7 |
| Profit/loss before taxes, 1000 EUR |      -1,898 |       7,309 |      15,228 |
| % of net sales                     |        -3.5 |         8.6 |         4.9 |
| Net profit/loss for the period,    |      -3,252 |       4,602 |       5,519 |
| 1000 EUR                           |             |             |             |
| % of net sales                     |        -6.0 |         5.4 |         1.8 |
| Return on equity (ROE), %          |       -17.3 |        22.9 |         6.9 |
| Return on investments (ROI), %     |         9.4 |        22.8 |        14.5 |
| Net liabilities, 1000 EUR          |      34,775 |      37,070 |      59,518 |
| Gearing, %                         |        48.3 |        46.9 |        75.7 |
| Equity ratio, %                    |        42.9 |        46.0 |        41.9 |
| Current ratio                      |         2.0 |         1.7 |         1.9 |
| Gross capital expenditure, 1000    |       1,937 |       2,446 |      27,426 |
| EUR                                |             |             |             |
| % of net sales                     |         3.6 |         2.9 |         8.8 |
| R&D expenditures, 1000 EUR         |       1,459 |       1,566 |       5,812 |
| % of net sales                     |         2.7 |         1.8 |         1.9 |
| Personnel average                  |       5,216 |       5,538 |       5,588 |
| PER-SHARE KEY FIGURES              |  1-3/09     |  1-3/08     | 1-12/08     |
|                                    |      3 mon. |      3 mon. |     12 mon. |
| Earnings per share (EPS), EUR      |       -0.18 |        0.26 |        0.31 |
| Earnings per share (EPS),diluted,  |       -0.20 |        0.26 |        0.31 |
| EUR                                |             |             |             |
| Equity per share, EUR              |        4.05 |        4.39 |        4.40 |
| Share price at close of period,    |        2.70 |        7.04 |        3.25 |
| EUR                                |             |             |             |
| Lowest share price, EUR            |        2.70 |        6.88 |        2.82 |
| Highest share price, EUR           |        4.44 |        9.48 |        9.48 |
| Average share price, EUR           |        3.42 |        7.58 |        6.56 |
| Turnover in shares, 1000 shares    |       1,947 |       4,551 |      12,941 |
| Turnover in shares per (share      |        10.9 |        25.6 |        72.8 |
| issue adjusted) share capital, %   |             |             |             |
| Average number of shares, 1000     |      17,782 |      17,782 |      17,782 |
| shares                             |             |             |             |
| Average number of shares,          |      16,358 |      17,585 |      17,782 |
| diluted,1000 shares                |             |             |             |
| Shares at end of period, 1000      |      17,782 |      17,782 |      17,782 |
| shares                             |             |             |             |
| Market capitalisation , 1000 EUR   |      48,010 |     121,182 |      57,790 |

| 1. SEGMENT            |               |            |             |           |
| INFORMATION           |               |            |             |           |
| 1.1.-31.3.2009 (1 000 | Wiring        | Electronic | Elimination | Group     |
| EUR)                  | Harness       | s          | s           | Total     |
| Sales to external     |        41,704 |     12,048 |             |    53,751 |
| customers             |               |            |             |           |
| Sales to other        |            17 |         10 |         -27 |         0 |
| segment               |               |            |             |           |
| Net sales to other    |        41,721 |     12,058 |         -27 |    53,751 |
| segments, 1000 EUR    |               |            |             |           |
| Operating profit/loss |          -589 |        684 |             |        95 |
| % of net sales        |          -1.4 |        5.7 |         0.0 |       0.2 |
| Segments assets       |       130,316 |     39,971 |      -4,062 |   166,225 |
| Unallocated assets *) |               |            |             |     1,825 |
| Assets total          |       130,316 |     39,971 |      -4,062 |   168,050 |
| * Segments assets do not include deferred taxes                              |
| 1.1.-31.3.2008 (1 000 | Wiring        | Electronic | Elimination | Group     |
| EUR)                  | Harness       | s          | s           | Total     |
| Sales to external     |        69,324 |     15,768 |             |    85,092 |
| customers             |               |            |             |           |
| Sales to other        |            67 |        228 |        -295 |         0 |
| segment               |               |            |             |           |
| Net sales to other    |        69,391 |     15,996 |        -295 |    85,092 |
| segments, 1000 EUR    |               |            |             |           |
| Operating profit/loss |         7,018 |      2,324 |             |     9,342 |
| % of net sales        |          10.1 |       14.7 |             |      11.0 |
| Segments assets       |       137,942 |     31,613 |      -3,868 |   169,555 |
| Unallocated assets *) |               |            |             |     2,202 |
| Assets total          |       137,942 |     31,613 |      -3,868 |   171,757 |
| * Segments assets do not include deferred taxes                              |
| 1.1.-31.12.2008 (1    | Wiring        | Electronic | Elimination | Group     |
| 000 EUR)              | Harness       | s          | s           | Total     |
| Sales to external     |       246,487 |     65,226 |             |   311,713 |
| customers             |               |            |             |           |
| Sales to other        |           193 |        671 |        -864 |         0 |
| segment               |               |            |             |           |
| Net sales to other    |       246,680 |     65,897 |        -864 |   311,713 |
| segments, 1000 EUR    |               |            |             |           |
| Operating profit/loss |         9,744 |     11,295 |             |    21,039 |
| % of net sales        |           4.0 |       17.3 |             |       6.7 |
| Segments assets       |       152,765 |     38,044 |      -4,994 |   185,815 |
| Unallocated assets *) |               |            |             |     1,623 |
| Assets total          |       152,765 |     38,044 |      -4,994 |   187,438 |
| * Segments assets do not include deferred taxes                              |
| NET SALES BY          |               |            |             |           |
| GEOGRAPHICAL SEGMENTS |               |            |             |           |
|     (1000 EUR)        |               |            |             |           |
| Finland               |        10,552 |     15,606 |      58,621 |           |
| Other Europe          |        28,904 |     45,040 |     151,701 |           |
| North America         |         4,860 |      9,338 |      33,427 |           |
| South America         |         5,253 |     10,711 |      48,510 |           |
| Other Countries       |         4,183 |      4,396 |      19,453 |           |
| Total                 |        53,751 |     85,092 |     311,713 |           |

| 2. RECONCILIATION OF EQUITY  |       |       |       |      |       |        |
| (MILLION EUR)                |       |       |       |      |       |        |
| A = Share Capital            |       |       |       |      |       |        |
| B = Share premium account    |       |       |       |      |       |        |
| C = Fair value and other     |       |       |       |      |       |        |
| reserves                     |       |       |       |      |       |        |
| D = Retained earnings        |       |       |       |      |       |        |
| E = Minority interest        |       |       |       |      |       |        |
| F = Total equity             |       |       |       |      |       |        |
|                              |     A |     B |     C |    D |     E |      F |
| Shareholders' equity         |   6.0 |   4.9 |   0.2 | 71.1 |   0.8 |   83.0 |
| 1.1.2008                     |       |       |       |      |       |        |
| Profit/loss for the period   |   0.0 |   0.0 |   0.0 |  4.6 |   0.0 |    4.6 |
| Dividends                    |   0.0 |   0.0 |   0.0 | -8.0 |   0.0 |   -8.0 |
| Share options used           |   0.0 |   0.0 |   0.0 |  0.2 |   0.0 |    0.2 |
| Translation differences      |   0.0 |   0.0 |   0.0 | -0.8 |   0.0 |   -0.8 |
| Other changes                |   0.0 |   0.0 |   0.1 |  0.0 |   0.0 |    0.1 |
| Shareholders' equity         |   6.0 |   4.9 |   0.3 | 67.1 |   0.8 |   79.1 |
| 31.3.2008                    |       |       |       |      |       |        |
| Shareholders' equity         |   6.0 |   4.9 |   0.4 | 67.1 |   0.3 |   78.6 |
| 1.1.2009                     |       |       |       |      |       |        |
| Profit/loss for the period   |   0.0 |   0.0 |   0.0 | -3.3 |   0.0 |   -3.3 |
| Dividends                    |   0.0 |   0.0 |   0.0 | -2.7 |   0.0 |   -2.7 |
| Share-based payments         |   0.0 |   0.0 |   0.0 |  0.0 |   0.0 |    0.0 |
| Translation differences      |   0.0 |   0.0 |   0.0 | -0.6 |   0.0 |   -0.6 |
| Aquisitions of minority      |   0.0 |   0.0 |   0.0 |  0.3 |  -0.3 |    0.0 |
| interest                     |       |       |       |      |       |        |
| Shareholders' equity         |   6.0 |   4.9 |   0.4 | 60.8 |   0.0 |   72.1 |
| 31.3.2009                    |       |       |       |      |       |        |

| 3. CONTINGENT LIABILITIES AT  |    3/09 |    3/08 |     12/08 |              |
| END OF PERIOD (1000 EUR)      |         |         |           |              |
| Leasing liabilities           |  10,124 |   5,414 |    11,745 |              |
| Liabilities for derivate      |         |         |           |              |
| instruments                   |         |         |           |              |
| Nominal values                |         |         |           |              |
|   Currency derivates          |         |         |           |              |
|     Forward contracts         |   3,068 |   2,055 |     3,307 |              |
|     Option agreements         |         |         |           |              |
|       Call                    |     739 |     791 |       757 |              |
| Total                         |   3,807 |   2,846 |     4,064 |              |
| Fair values                   |         |         |           |              |
|   Currency derivates          |         |         |           |              |
|     Forward contracts         |     -18 |    -223 |      -195 |              |
|     Option agreements         |         |         |           |              |
|       Call                    |       0 |     176 |         0 |              |
| Total                         |     -18 |     -47 |      -195 |              |
| Currency derivates are used only in hedging currency risks.PKC Group does    |
| not apply hedge accounting to derivate instruments in accordance with IAS    |
| 39. Fair values of the derivates are entered directly in the income          |
| statement.                                                                   |

| 4. QUARTERLY KEY | 10-12/0 |  1-3/08 |  3-6/08 |  7-9/08 | 10-12/0 |  1-3/09 |
| FIGURES,         |     7 3 |  3 mon. |  3 mon. |  3 mon. |     8 3 |  3 mon. |
|     CONSOLIDATED |    mon. |         |         |         |    mon. |         |
| Net sales, 1000  |   78.08 |   85.09 |   88.57 |   73.37 |   64.68 |   53.75 |
| EUR              |         |         |         |         |         |         |
| Operating        |    6.80 |    9.34 |    9.63 |    6.00 |   -3.93 |     0.1 |
| profit/loss,     |         |         |         |         |         |         |
| 1000 EUR         |         |         |         |         |         |         |
| % of net sales   |     8.7 |    11.0 |    10.9 |     8.2 |    -6.1 |     0.2 |
| Profit/loss      |    5.63 |    7.31 |    9.81 |    5.54 |   -7.43 |    -1.9 |
| before taxes,    |         |         |         |         |         |         |
| 1000 EUR         |         |         |         |         |         |         |
| % of net sales   |     7.2 |     8.6 |    11.1 |     7.6 |   -11.5 |    -3.5 |
| Equity ratio, %  |    47.2 |    46.0 |    48.6 |    50.0 |    41.9 |    42.9 |
| Earnings per     |    0.19 |    0.26 |    0.41 |    0.17 |   -0.53 |   -0.20 |
| share (EPS),     |         |         |         |         |         |         |
| diluted (EUR)    |         |         |         |         |         |         |
| Shareholders     |    4.62 |    4.39 |    4.82 |    5.06 |    4.40 |    4.05 |
| equity per       |         |         |         |         |         |         |
| share, EUR       |         |         |         |         |         |         |
| QUARTERLY KEY    |         |         |         |         |         |         |
| FIGURES,  WIRING |         |         |         |         |         |         |
| HARNESSESS       |         |         |         |         |         |         |
| Net sales, 1000  |   61.97 |   69.32 |   69.29 |   56.95 |   50.77 |    41.7 |
| EUR              |         |         |         |         |         |         |
| Operating        |    4.61 |    7.02 |    5.09 |    3.86 |   -3.93 |   -0.59 |
| profit/loss,     |         |         |         |         |         |         |
| 1000 EUR         |         |         |         |         |         |         |
| % of net sales   |     7.4 |    10.1 |     7.3 |     6.8 |   -12.2 |    -1.4 |
| QUARTERLY KEY    |         |         |         |         |         |         |
| FIGURES,         |         |         |         |         |         |         |
| ELECTRONICS      |         |         |         |         |         |         |
| Net sales, 1000  |   16.12 |   15.77 |   19.28 |   16.42 |   13.91 |   12.05 |
| EUR              |         |         |         |         |         |         |
| Operating        |    2.19 |    2.32 |    4.54 |    2.14 |    2.29 |    0.68 |
| profit/loss,     |         |         |         |         |         |         |
| 1000 EUR         |         |         |         |         |         |         |
| % of net sales   |    13.6 |    14.7 |    23.5 |    13.1 |    16.4 |     5.7 |

CALCULATION OF INDICATORS                                                       

Return on equity (ROE), %                                                       
= 100 x Profit/loss / Shareholders' equity (average)                            

Return on investments (ROI), %                                                  
= 100 x (Profit/loss  + financial expenses) / Balance sheet total +             
interest-bearing liabilities (average)                                          

Gearing, %                                                                      
= 100 x (Interest-bearing liabilities - cash in hand and at bank and            
investments) / Shareholders' equity + minority interest                         

Equity ratio, %                                                                 
= 100 x (Shareholders' equity + minority interest) / Balance sheet total -      
advance payments received                                                       

Quick ratio                                                                     
= Receivables and cash in hand and at bank / Current liabilities - advance      
payments received                                                               

Current ratio                                                                   
Receivables and cash in hand and at bank + inventories / Current liabilities    

Earnings per share (EPS), EUR                                                   
Profit before extraordinary items - income taxes +/- minority interest / Average
share issue-adjusted number of shares                                           

Shareholders' equity per share, EUR                                             
Shareholders' equity / Share issue-adjusted number of shares on the balance     
sheet date                                                                      

Market capitalisation                                                           
Number of shares at the end of the financial period x the last trading price of 
the financial period                                                            

All the future estimates and forecasts presented in this stock exchange release 
are based on the best current knowledge of the company's management. The        
estimates and forecasts contain certain elements of risk and uncertainty which, 
if they materialise, may lead to results that differ from present estimates. The
main factors of uncertainty are related, among other things, to the general     
economic situation, the trend in the operating environment and the sector as    
well as the success of the Group's strategy.                                    

PKC GROUP OYJ                                                                   
Board of Directors                                                              

Harri Suutari                                                                   
President and CEO                                                               

For additional information, contact:                                            
Harri Suutari, President & CEO, PKC Group Oyj, +358 400 384 937                 

PRESS CONFERENCE                                                                

A press conference on the Interim Report will be arranged for analysts and      
investors today, 30 April 2009, at 11.30 a.m., at the address Garnegie, 4th     
floor, Eteläesplanadi 12, Helsinki. Registrations to                    no later than at 9.00 a.m.                         


NASDAQ OMX                                                                      
Main media                                                                                                                             

The PKC Group offers design and contract manufacturing services for wiring      
harnesses, cabling and electronics. The Group has production facilities in      
Finland, Brazil, China, Mexico, Poland, Estonia and Russia, and employs about   
5,000 people. The Group's net sales in 2008 totalled EUR 311.7 million. PKC     
Group Oyj is listed on NASDAQ OMX Helsinki Ltd.