IT – INET Nordic Member Web Updated (41/09)

Today the INET Nordic Member web has been updated with new information within a number of areas.

Information concerning Checkpoint 4 - Technical Infrastructure, to be completed May 15. This includes a word form to be filled out by each participant and also the port request form to be submitted for production access. The port request will be used to set up and configure ports in the INET Pre Production Environment. Both forms should be emailed to latest on May 15.

The launch of GENIUM Consolidated Feed 2.1 has been re-scheduled from September 14th to October 19th to open up for additional time for customer adaptations and testing prior to launch. The master time schedule has been updated to reflect this change. An updated specification of GENIUM Consolidated Feed TIP Specification (Draft 4) is available at the member web. The final version will be available second half of May.

Two presentations on the order routing offering for INET Nordic have been published. This offering will be available at the launch of INET Nordic. The Order routing functionality will be available for member test during second half of Q3. 

The FIX specifications have been updated based on the order routing offering and also some other changes. 

The INET member test environment is updated with more functionality continuously. The document Released Functionality List (submenu testing) has been added to give a view of available and upcoming functionality in the test environment. In addition it will be updated with comments on functionality level on daily basis, if applicable.

