On the subscription order for shares issue of APB Apranga

The board of APB Apranga established the following subscription order for new
shares issue: 
1) There will be an announcement about offer to execute the pre-emption rights
and subscribe for new shares published in the newspaper Lietuvos Rytas within 5
working days after the approval of the shares issue prospectus by Securities
2) The subscription will start next day after the public announcement of the
manager of the Register of Legal Entities, and will last 14 calendar days. The
shareholders will be additionally informed about the public announcement of the
manager of the Register of Legal Entities through information distribution
system GlobeNewswire of AB NASDAQ OMX Vilnius, also on the company‘s website
3) During the subscription persons and entities which have been the
shareholders of the company at the end of 15 May 2009 may execute their
pre-emption rights to subscribe for new issued shares by signing the Main Share
Subscription Agreement with the company, as well to express their will to
subscribe for additional number of shares by signing the Supplementary Share
Subscription Agreement. 
4) The maximum number of the shares being subscribed by the shareholders under
the Main Share Subscription Agreement is proportional to the nominal value of
shares held by them at the end of 15 May 2009. 
5) The shareholders, which during the subscription period have subscribed all
shares under the Main Share Subscription Agreement, will have the right to
conclude the Supplementary Share Subscription Agreement. The shareholders under
Supplementary Share Subscription Agreement will have the right to subscribe for
the number of additional shares, which may not be greater than the difference
between the total number of new issued shares (20,000,000) and the number of
shares subscribed under the Main Share Subscription Agreement. 
6) The total subscription price has to be paid within the term of the initial
contributions, which ends the next day after the end of subscription. 
7) The subscription agreements may be concluded at the places of business
activity of Bankas Finasta representing the APB Apranga: 
- Maironio 11, Vilnius,
- Vytauto 3, Kaunas,
- Simkaus 8, Klaipeda.
8) The detailed information on shares subscription and payment terms will be
announced in the shares issue prospectus, which will be announced through
information distribution system GlobeNewswire of AB NASDAQ OMX Vilnius, also on
the company‘s website www.apranga.lt/investuotojams immediately after the
approval by Securities Commission. 

Vaidas Savukynas
Apranga Group CFO
+370 5 2390843