LINN Energy Announces Results for First Quarter 2009

HOUSTON, May 7, 2009 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- LINN Energy, LLC (Nasdaq:LINE) announced today financial and operating results for the three months ended March 31, 2009, and its outlook for the remainder of the year. The Company highlights the following significant achievements:

 * Average production at the high end of the Company's guidance range 
   of 217 million cubic feet of natural gas equivalent per day 
   (MMcfe/d) compared to mid-point guidance of 214 MMcfe/d;

 * Lease operating expenses of $1.73 per thousand cubic feet 
   equivalent (Mcfe) compared to mid-point guidance of $1.77 per Mcfe;

 * Adjusted EBITDA of $138 million compared to mid-point guidance of 
   $136 million;

 * Distribution coverage ratio of 1.24x compared to mid-point guidance 
   of 1.20x;

 * Closed new credit facility with a $1.75 billion borrowing base and 
   maturity extended to August 2012;

 * Strong balance sheet with a borrowing capacity of approximately 
   $300 million;

 * Substantially all of current production levels hedged for 2009, 
   2010 and 2011; and

 * Current commodity hedge portfolio with a value of approximately 
   $900 million as of March 31, 2009.

"I am pleased to report that LINN Energy posted excellent financial and operational results during the first quarter 2009," said Michael C. Linn, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer. "During the quarter, the Company continued to be resilient to market volatility and low commodity prices and, even in this environment, succeeded in surpassing expectations. Additionally, we believe that our long-life assets and favorable hedge positions for the next several years position the Company to continue delivering positive results."

First Quarter 2009 Results (From Continuing Operations)

During the first quarter 2009, LINN Energy generated adjusted EBITDA (a non-GAAP financial measure) of $138 million. The Company's distribution coverage ratio was 1.24x for the quarter. Adjusted EBITDA is the primary measure used by Company management to evaluate cash flow and the Company's ability to sustain or increase distributions. A reconciliation of adjusted EBITDA to net income is provided in this release (see Schedule 1). The most significant reconciling items between net income and adjusted EBITDA are interest expense and non-cash items, including the change in fair value of derivatives and depreciation, depletion and amortization.

Average production was 217 MMcfe/d for the first quarter 2009, compared to 201 MMcfe/d for the fourth quarter 2008. Oil, natural gas and NGL revenues were $80 million and hedge revenues were $124 million, for combined revenues (a non-GAAP financial measure) of $204 million for the first quarter 2009, compared to $155 million for the fourth quarter 2008.

For the first quarter 2009, lease operating expenses were lower due to a decrease in commodity prices and service costs. Transportation expenses and production and ad valorem taxes were also lower due to a decrease in commodity prices. Lease operating expenses were $34 million, or $1.73 per Mcfe, which were down from $37 million, or $2.01 per Mcfe, in the fourth quarter 2008. Transportation expenses during the quarter decreased to $3 million, or $0.15 per Mcfe, from $5 million, or $0.27 per Mcfe, for the fourth quarter 2008. Production and ad valorem taxes for the first quarter 2009 also decreased to $8 million, or $0.39 per Mcfe, compared to $14 million, or $0.74 per Mcfe, in the fourth quarter 2008.

The Company utilizes commodity hedging to capture cash flow margin and reduce cash flow volatility. Due to the decrease in commodity prices during the first quarter, the Company reported a gain on derivatives from natural gas and oil hedges of approximately $161 million for the quarter, including $37 million of non-cash change in fair value of hedge positions. Non-cash gains or losses do not affect adjusted EBITDA, cash flow from operations or the Company's ability to pay its cash distributions.

For the first quarter 2009, the Company reported net income of $121.3 million, or $1.06 per unit, which includes a non-cash gain of $37.3 million, or $0.33 per unit, from the change in fair value of commodity hedges covering future production; a gain of $25.7 million, or $0.22 per unit, associated with settlement of post-closing matters related to the Company's fourth quarter 2008 sale of Woodford shale assets; a realized gain of $4.3 million, or $0.04 per unit, from hedge cancellations; and a non-cash loss of $1.5 million, or $0.01 per unit, on interest rate hedges. Excluding these items, adjusted net income for the first quarter 2009 would have been $55.5 million, or $0.48 per unit.

Adjusted net income from continuing operations is a non-GAAP financial measure, and a reconciliation of adjusted net income from continuing operations to net income from continuing operations is provided in this release (see Schedule 2). Adjusted net income is presented because the excluded items affect the comparability of operating results from period to period.

Operational Update

The Company's capital budget of $150 million is comprised of 314 projects. Approximately 225 will focus on low-cost workover, recompletion and optimization projects and the Company anticipates drilling a total of 89 wells for the year, of which 41 wells were drilled in the first quarter (8 operated). The Company operated a total of three drilling rigs in the quarter, as compared to 14 drilling rigs in the first quarter 2008.

Credit Facility

On April 28, 2009, the Company announced the closing of a new $1.75 billion secured revolving credit facility with a $1.75 billion initial borrowing base. The new credit facility's covenants are substantially unchanged from the prior credit facility and the maturity date has been extended to August 1, 2012. The Company anticipates undrawn capacity of approximately $300 million for the balance of the year, including cash on its balance sheet.

Hedge Information

At current production levels, the Company is approximately 100 percent hedged for 2009, 2010 and 2011. For 2009, the Company's natural gas production is hedged at a weighted average price of $8.32 per Mcf, and oil and NGL production at $102.21 per barrel. For 2010, the Company's natural gas production is hedged at a weighted average price of $8.26 per Mcf, and oil and NGL production at $99.68 per barrel. For the next three years, substantially all of the Company's exposure to the Mid-Continent basis differential is hedged. The Company's LIBOR exposure is also hedged for four years at a rate of 3.85 percent.

Cash Distributions

On April 23, 2009, the Company's Board of Directors declared a quarterly cash distribution of $0.63 per unit, or $2.52 per unit on an annualized basis, with respect to the first quarter 2009. The distribution will be paid on May 14, 2009 to unitholders of record as of the close of business on May 6, 2009.

Use of Non-GAAP Measures

Adjusted EBITDA from continuing operations and adjusted net income from continuing operations are non-GAAP financial measures that are reconciled to their most comparable GAAP financial measures in Schedules 1 and 2 in this press release.

Conference Call

As previously announced, management will host a teleconference call on May 7, 2009, at 10 a.m. Central (11 a.m. Eastern) to discuss the Company's first quarter 2009 results and its outlook for the remainder of the year. Prepared remarks will be followed by a question and answer period.

Investors and analysts are invited to participate in the call by phone at (866) 730-5763 (Passcode: 22346001) or via the internet at A replay of the call will be available on the Company's website or by phone at (888) 286-8010 (Passcode: 51787154) for a seven-day period following the call.


LINN Energy's mission is to acquire, develop and maximize cash flow from a growing portfolio of long-life natural gas and oil assets. LINN Energy is an independent natural gas and oil development company, with approximately 1.7 Tcfe of proved reserves in producing U.S. basins as of year-end 2008. More information about LINN Energy is available at

This press release includes "forward-looking statements." All statements, other than statements of historical facts, included in this press release that address activities, events or developments that the Company expects, believes or anticipates will or may occur in the future are forward-looking statements. These statements include but are not limited to forward-looking statements about acquisitions and the expectations of plans, strategies, objectives and anticipated financial and operating results of the Company, including the Company's drilling program, production, hedging activities, capital expenditure levels and other guidance included in this press release. These statements are based on certain assumptions made by the Company based on management's experience and perception of historical trends, current conditions, anticipated future developments and other factors believed to be appropriate. Such statements are subject to a number of assumptions, risks and uncertainties, many of which are beyond the control of the Company, which may cause actual results to differ materially from those implied or expressed by the forward-looking statements. These include risks relating to the Company's financial performance and results, availability of sufficient cash flow to pay distributions and execute its business plan, prices and demand for oil, natural gas and natural gas liquids, the ability to replace reserves and efficiently develop current reserves and other important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those projected as described in the Company's reports filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission. See "Risk Factors" in the Company's Annual Report filed on Form 10-K and other public filings and press releases.

Any forward-looking statement speaks only as of the date on which such statement is made and the Company undertakes no obligation to correct or update any forward-looking statement, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.

The financial summary follows; all amounts within are unaudited.

Effective January 1, 2009, the Company adopted FSP EITF 03-6-1, "Determining Whether Instruments Granted in Share-Based Payment Transactions Are Participating Securities" ("FSP EITF 03-6-1"), which requires that the Company's unvested restricted units be included in the computation of earnings per unit under the two-class method. FSP EITF 03-6-1 requires retrospective adjustment of all prior period earnings per unit data. As such, earnings per unit data included in the following has been adjusted for all prior periods presented.

                              Schedule 1
                           LINN Energy, LLC
             Explanation and Reconciliation of Adjusted EBITDA

Adjusted EBITDA

This press release includes the non-generally accepted accounting principle ("non-GAAP") financial measure of adjusted EBITDA. The accompanying schedules provide reconciliations of this non-GAAP financial measure to its most directly comparable financial measure calculated and presented in accordance with United States generally accepted accounting principles ("GAAP"). This non-GAAP financial measure should not be considered as an alternative to GAAP measures, such as net income, operating income or any other GAAP measure of liquidity or financial performance.

The Company defines adjusted EBITDA as income (loss) from continuing operations plus the following adjustments:

 * Net operating cash flow from acquisitions and divestitures, 
   effective date through closing date;
 * Interest expense;
 * Depreciation, depletion and amortization;
 * Impairment of goodwill and long-lived assets;
 * Write-off of deferred financing fees and other;
 * (Gain) loss on sale of assets, net;
 * Unrealized (gain) loss on commodity derivatives;
 * Unrealized (gain) loss on interest rate derivatives;
 * Realized (gain) loss on interest rate derivatives;
 * Realized (gain) loss on canceled derivatives;
 * Unit-based compensation expenses;
 * Exploration costs; and
 * Income tax (benefit) expense.

Adjusted EBITDA is a significant non-GAAP performance metric used by Company management to indicate (prior to the establishment of any reserves by its Board of Directors) the cash distributions the Company expects to pay unitholders. Specifically, this financial measure indicates to investors whether or not the Company is generating cash flow at a level that can sustain or support an increase in its quarterly distribution rates. Adjusted EBITDA is also a quantitative metric used throughout the investment community with respect to publicly-traded partnerships and limited liability companies.

 The following presents a reconciliation of income (loss) from 
 continuing operations to adjusted EBITDA:

                                           Three Months Ended
                                    March 31,   Dec. 31,    March 31,
                                      2009        2008        2008
                                   ----------  ----------  ----------
                                              (in thousands)

 Income (loss) from continuing
  operations                       $  121,287  $  888,054  $ (258,959)
   Net operating cash flow from
    acquisitions and divestitures,
    effective date through closing
    date (1)                               --        (872)      8,321
   Interest expense, cash              20,610      16,782      23,354
   Interest expense, noncash           (6,201)      6,536       1,939
   Depreciation, depletion and
    amortization                       52,104      46,834      44,370
   Impairment of goodwill and long-
    lived assets                           --      50,505          --
   Gain on sale of assets, net        (25,711)    (98,763)         --
   Unrealized (gain) loss on
    commodity derivatives             (37,246)   (884,865)    253,547
   Reclassification of derivative
    settlements (2)                        --          --      10,438
   Unrealized loss on interest rate
    derivatives                         1,457      44,634      37,952
   Realized loss on interest rate
    derivatives (3)                    10,114       4,557       1,441
   Realized gain on canceled
    derivatives                        (4,257)         --          --
   Unit-based compensation expenses     4,303       3,301       3,611
   Exploration costs                    1,565       4,654       2,620
   Income tax expense                     136       1,665         209
                                   ----------  ----------  ----------
 Adjusted EBITDA from continuing
                                   $  138,161  $   83,022  $  128,843
                                   ==========  ==========  ==========

 (1) Includes net operating cash flow from acquisitions and 
     divestitures through the date of this report.

 (2) During the second quarter of 2008, the Company revised its 
     classification of realized and unrealized gains (losses) on gas 
     derivative contracts in order to match realized gains (losses) 
     with the related production. All prior periods amounts have been 
     reclassified to conform to current period presentation. This 
     reclassification had no effect on the Company's reported net 

 (3) During the first quarter of 2009, the Company revised its 
     definition of adjusted EBITDA to include realized (gains) losses 
     on interest rate derivatives in order to match the related 
     interest expense. All prior periods amounts have been 
     reclassified to conform to current period presentation. This 
     reclassification had no effect on the Company's reported net 
                                 Schedule 2
                              LINN Energy, LLC
              Explanation and Reconciliation of Adjusted Net Income

 Adjusted Net Income from Continuing Operations

 Adjusted net income from continuing operations is a non-GAAP 
 performance measure used by Company management to evaluate its 
 operational performance from oil and gas properties, prior to 
 derivative gains and losses, impairment of goodwill and long-lived 
 assets and (gain) loss on sale of assets, net. The following 
 presents a reconciliation of income (loss) from continuing 
 operations to adjusted net income (loss) from continuing operations:

                                          Three Months Ended
                                   March 31,   Dec. 31,   March 31,
                                     2009        2008       2008
                                  ----------  ----------  ----------
                                        (in thousands, except 
                                           per unit amounts)

 Income (loss) from continuing
  operations                      $  121,287  $  888,054  $ (258,959)
  Unrealized (gain) loss on
   commodity derivatives             (37,246)   (884,865)    253,547
  Reclassification of derivative
   settlements                            --          --      10,438
  Unrealized loss on interest rate
   derivatives                         1,457      44,634      37,952
  Realized gain on canceled
   derivatives                        (4,257)         --          --
  Impairment of goodwill and 
   long-lived assets                      --      50,505          --
  Gain on sale of assets, net        (25,711)    (98,763)         --
                                  ----------  ----------  ----------
 Adjusted net income (loss) from
  continuing operations           $   55,530  $     (435) $   42,978
                                  ==========  ==========  ==========
 Income (loss) from continuing
  operations per unit - basic     $     1.06  $     7.72  $    (2.28)
 Plus, per unit:
  Unrealized (gain) loss on
   commodity derivatives               (0.33)      (7.69)       2.24
   Reclassification of derivative
    settlements                           --          --        0.09
   Unrealized loss on interest
    rate derivatives                    0.01        0.39        0.33
   Realized gain on canceled
    derivatives                        (0.04)         --          --
   Impairment of goodwill and long
    -lived assets                         --        0.44          --
   Gain on sale of assets, net         (0.22)      (0.86)         --
                                  ----------  ----------  ----------
 Adjusted net income (loss) from
  continuing operations per unit 
  - basic                         $     0.48  $       --  $     0.38
                                  ==========  ==========  ==========

                            Schedule 3
                          LINN Energy, LLC
         Explanation and Reconciliation of Combined Revenues

 Combined Revenues

 Combined revenues is a non-GAAP performance measure used by Company 
 management to evaluate its performance. Management believes that the 
 presentation of combined revenues provides useful information to 
 investors because it is used by investors and securities analysts in 
 evaluating oil and gas companies. This non-GAAP financial measure 
 should not be considered as an alternative to GAAP measures, such as 
 total revenues. The following presents a reconciliation of revenues 
 and other from continuing operations to combined revenues from
 continuing operations:

                                          Three Months Ended
                                 March 31,   December 31,  March 31,
                                   2009          2008        2008
                                -----------  -----------  -----------
                                           (in thousands)
 Revenues and other from
  continuing operations         $   242,661  $ 1,043,981  $   (89,627)
  Unrealized (gain) loss on oil
   and gas derivatives              (37,246)    (884,865)     263,985
  Gas marketing revenues               (516)      (1,790)      (2,816)
  Other revenues                       (966)      (2,077)        (479)
                                -----------  -----------  -----------
 Combined revenues from
  continuing operations         $   203,933  $   155,249  $   171,063
                                ===========  ===========  ===========

 Gain (loss) on oil and gas
  derivatives                   $   161,315  $   956,562  $  (268,794)
  Unrealized (gain) loss on oil
   and gas derivatives              (37,246)    (884,865)     263,985
                                -----------  -----------  -----------
 Hedge revenues (losses)        $   124,069  $    71,697  $    (4,809)
                                ===========  ===========  ===========

                               Schedule 4
                            LINN Energy, LLC
                   Consolidated Statements of Operations

                                           Three Months Ended
                                   March 31, December 31,  March 31,
                                     2009        2008        2008
                                  ----------  ----------  ----------
                                        (in thousands, except 
                                           per unit amounts)
 Revenues and other:
  Oil, gas and natural gas
   liquid sales                   $   79,864  $   83,552  $  175,872
  Gain (loss) on oil and gas
   derivatives                       161,315     956,562    (268,794)
  Gas marketing revenues                 516       1,790       2,816
  Other revenues                         966       2,077         479
                                  ----------  ----------  ----------
                                     242,661   1,043,981     (89,627)
                                  ----------  ----------  ----------

  Lease operating expenses            33,732      37,248      19,490
  Transportation expenses              2,967       4,923       3,328
  Gas marketing expenses                 340       1,489       2,417
  General and administrative
   expenses                           23,301      21,603      19,076
  Exploration costs                    1,565       4,654       2,620
  Depreciation, depletion and
   amortization                       52,104      46,834      44,370
  Impairment of goodwill and
   long-lived assets                      --      50,505          --
  Taxes, other than income taxes       7,567      13,592      12,973
  (Gain) loss on sale of assets
   and other, net                    (26,711)    (98,763)         --
                                  ----------  ----------  ----------
                                      94,865      82,085     104,274
                                  ----------  ----------  ----------
 Other income and (expenses):
  Interest expense, net of
   amounts capitalized               (14,409)    (23,318)    (25,293)
  Loss on interest rate swaps        (11,571)    (49,191)    (39,393)
  Other, net                            (393)        332        (163)
                                  ----------  ----------  ----------
                                     (26,373)    (72,177)    (64,849)
                                  ----------  ----------  ----------
 Income (loss) from continuing
  operations before income taxes     121,423     889,719    (258,750)
 Income tax expense                     (136)     (1,665)       (209)
                                  ----------  ----------  ----------
 Income (loss) from continuing
  operations                         121,287     888,054    (258,959)

 Discontinued operations:
   Loss on sale of assets, net
    of taxes                          (1,048)     (2,075)       (294)
   Income (loss) from
    discontinued operations, net
    of taxes                            (838)      2,527        (106)
                                  ----------  ----------  ----------
                                      (1,886)        452        (400)

 Net income (loss)                $  119,401  $  888,506  $ (259,359)
                                  ==========  ==========  ==========

 Income (loss) per unit -
  continuing operations:
   Units - basic                  $     1.06  $     7.72  $    (2.28)
                                  ==========  ==========  ==========
   Units - diluted                $     1.06  $     7.72  $    (2.28)
                                  ==========  ==========  ==========

 Income (loss) per unit -
  discontinued operations:
   Units - basic                  $    (0.02) $       --  $       --
                                  ==========  ==========  ==========
   Units - diluted                $    (0.02) $       --  $       --
                                  ==========  ==========  ==========

 Net income (loss) per unit:
   Units - basic                  $     1.04  $     7.72  $    (2.28)
                                  ==========  ==========  ==========
   Units - diluted                $     1.04  $     7.72  $    (2.28)
                                  ==========  ==========  ==========

 Weighted average units
   Units - basic                     113,473     114,229     113,757
                                  ==========  ==========  ==========
   Units - diluted                   113,502     114,250     113,757
                                  ==========  ==========  ==========

 Distributions declared per unit  $     0.63  $     0.63  $     0.63
                                  ==========  ==========  ==========

                               Schedule 5
                             LINN Energy, LLC
                Operating Statistics - Continuing Operations

                                          Three Months Ended
                                   March 31, December 31,  March 31,
                                     2009        2008        2008
                                  ----------  ----------  ----------
 Average daily production:
  Gas (MMcf/d)                           133         114         123
  Oil (MBbls/d)                          8.8         7.7         7.8
  NGL (MBbls/d)                          5.2         6.8         4.4
  Total (MMcfe/d)                        217         201         196

 Weighted average prices (hedged):
  Gas (Mcf)                       $     7.94  $     7.36  $     8.22
  Oil (Bbl)                       $   118.19  $    81.15  $    74.98
  NGL (Bbl)                       $    23.32  $    32.95  $    65.84

 Weighted average prices 
  (unhedged): (2)
  Gas (Mcf)                       $     3.53  $     2.84  $     7.66
  Oil (Bbl)                       $    33.76  $    47.01  $    90.45
  NGL (Bbl)                       $    23.32  $    32.95  $    65.84

 Representative NYMEX oil and gas 
  Gas (MMBtu)                     $     4.91  $     6.95  $     8.03
  Oil (Bbl)                       $    43.08  $    58.74  $    97.90

 Costs per Mcfe of 
  Lease operating expenses        $     1.73  $     2.01  $     1.10
  Transportation expenses         $     0.15  $     0.27  $     0.19
  General and administrative
   expenses (3)                   $     1.19  $     1.17  $     1.07
  Depreciation, depletion and 
   amortization                   $     2.67  $     2.53  $     2.49
  Taxes, other than income taxes  $     0.39  $     0.74  $     0.73

 (1) Includes the effect of realized gains (losses) on derivatives 
     of $119.8 million (excluding $4.3 million realized gains on 
     canceled contracts), $71.7 million and $(4.8) million for the 
     three months ended March 31, 2009, December 31, 2008 and March 
     31, 2008, respectively. The Company utilizes oil puts to hedge 
     revenues associated with its NGL production; therefore, all 
     realized gains (losses) on oil derivative contracts are included
     in weighted average oil prices, rather than weighted average NGL 
 (2) Does not include the effect of realized gains (losses) on 

 (3) General and administrative expenses for the three months ended 
     March 31, 2009, December 31, 2008 and March 31, 2008 includes 
     approximately $4.2 million, $3.3 million and $3.6 million, 
     respectively, of non-cash unit-based compensation expenses. 
     Excluding these amounts, general and administrative expenses for 
     the three months ended March 31, 2009, December 31, 2008 and 
     March 31, 2008 were $0.98 per Mcfe, $0.99 per Mcfe and $0.87
     per Mcfe, respectively.

                               Schedule 6
                            LINN Energy, LLC
                       Selected Balance Sheet Data

                                               March 31,  December 31,
                                                 2009         2008
                                             -----------  -----------
                                                 (in thousands)

 Total current assets                        $   609,234  $   563,931
 Oil and gas properties, net                   3,572,309    3,552,378
 Other property and equipment, net                98,358       98,288
 Other noncurrent assets, net                    493,017      507,423
                                             -----------  -----------
   Total assets                              $ 4,772,918  $ 4,722,020
                                             ===========  ===========
           Liabilities and Unitholders' Capital

 Total current liabilities                   $   195,897  $   237,830
 Credit facility                               1,428,393    1,403,393
 Senior notes, net                               250,265      250,175
 Other noncurrent liabilities                     88,976       69,936
                                             -----------  -----------
   Total liabilities                           1,963,531    1,961,334
 Unitholders' capital                          2,809,387    2,760,686
                                             -----------  -----------

   Total liabilities and unitholders' 
    capital                                  $ 4,772,918  $ 4,722,020
                                             ===========  ===========

                              Schedule 7
                           LINN Energy, LLC
                        Selected Cash Flow Data

                                                Three Months Ended 
                                                    March 31,
                                                 2009         2008
                                             -----------  -----------
                                                  (in thousands)

 Net cash provided by operating activities   $    94,970  $    61,200
 Net cash used in investing activities           (58,817)    (613,294)
 Net cash provided by (used in) financing 
  activities                                     (41,928)     551,729
                                             -----------  -----------
 Net decrease in cash and cash equivalents        (5,775)        (365)

 Cash and cash equivalents:
   Beginning                                      28,668        1,441
                                             -----------  -----------
   Ending                                    $    22,893  $     1,076
                                             ===========  ===========

                              Schedule 8
                           LINN Energy, LLC
                            Guidance Table

                           Q2 2009E                  FY 2009E
                    -----------------------  ------------------------
 Net Production and
  Other Revenues:
  Gas (MMcf/d)           125  --        131        125  --        131
  Oil (Bbls/d)         8,340  --      8,730      8,450  --      8,850
  NGL (Bbls/d)         5,820  --      6,100      5,710  --      5,980
  Total (MMcfe/d)        210  --        220        210  --        220

  Other revenues,
   net (in
   thousands) (1)   $    200  --   $    400   $  1,500  --   $  2,500

 Costs (in
  Lease operating
   expenses         $ 32,000  --   $ 36,000   $131,000  --   $141,000
   expenses            3,000  --      5,000     14,000  --     17,000
  Production and ad
   valorem taxes       7,500  --      9,500     31,000  --     35,000
                    --------       --------   --------  --   --------
   Total            $ 42,500  --   $ 50,500   $176,000  --   $193,000
                    ========       ========   ========       ========
  General and
   expenses - non-
   GAAP (2)         $ 17,000  --   $ 19,000   $ 68,000  --   $ 72,000

   depletion and
   amortization     $ 56,000  --   $ 62,000   $220,000  --   $240,000

 Costs per Mcfe 
  Lease operating 
   expenses                $   1.74                  $   1.73
   expenses                    0.20                      0.20
  Production and ad 
   valorem taxes               0.43                      0.42
                           --------                  --------
     Total                 $   2.37                  $   2.35
                           ========                  ========
  General and 
   expenses - non-
   GAAP (2)                $   0.92                  $   0.89

   depletion and 
   amortization            $   3.02                  $   2.93

 Targets (Mid-
  Point) (in 
  Adjusted EBITDA 
   (3)                     $138,000                  $542,000
  Interest expense 
   (4) (5)                  (33,000)                 (127,000)
   expenditures             (24,250)                  (97,000)
                           --------                  --------
   cash flow               $ 80,750                  $318,000
                           ========                  ========
   cash flow per 
   unit (6)                $   0.70                  $   2.76
  Distribution per 
   unit (6) (7)            $   0.63                  $   2.52
   coverage ratio 
   (6) (7)                     1.11x                     1.10x

 Weighted Average
   Gas (MMBtu)      $  (1.00)  --  $  (0.80)  $  (1.30) --   $ (1.10)
   Oil (Bbl)        $  (6.00)  --  $  (3.50)  $  (7.50) --   $ (5.00)
   NGL realization 
    on crude oil 
    price                      50%                      50%

 Unhedged Commodity 
  Price Assumptions:  April           May       June          Remainder
                    --------       --------   --------        --------
   Gas (MMBtu)      $   3.65       $   3.33   $   3.75        $   4.50
   Oil (Bbl)        $  49.95       $  50.00   $  55.00        $  55.00

 Notes to Guidance Table:

 (1) Includes other revenues and margin on natural gas marketing 

 (2) Excludes unit-based compensation, which represents a non-cash 
     charge based on equity-related compensation.

 (3) Includes effects of the Company's hedge positions, cash flow
     adjustments from acquisition and divestiture activities and 
     other expenses.

 (4) Includes cash payments for interest expense as well as accrued
     interest on the Company's outstanding senior notes.

 (5) Includes the effects of the Company's interest rate swaps.

 (6) Assumes 115.1 million units outstanding.

 (7) Based on current quarterly distribution of $0.63 per unit, or 
     $2.52 per unit on an annualized basis.

                              Schedule 9
                           LINN Energy, LLC
               Guidance Table - Commodity Hedge Summary

                                          Q2 2009E      FY 2009E
                                        ------------  ------------
 Gas Positions:
   Fixed Price Swaps:
     Hedged Volume (MMMBtu)                   9,896        39,586
     Average Price ($/MMBtu)             $     8.53    $     8.53
     Hedged Volume (MMMBtu)                   1,740         6,960
     Average Price ($/MMBtu)             $     7.50    $     7.50
   PEPL Puts:(1)
     Hedged Volume (MMMBtu)                   1,334         5,334
     Average Price ($/MMBtu)             $     7.85    $     7.85
     Hedged Volume (MMMBtu)                  12,970        51,880
     Average Price ($/MMBtu)             $     8.32    $     8.32

 Oil Positions:
   Fixed Price Swaps:
     Hedged Volume (MBbls)                      609         2,437
     Average Price ($/Bbl)               $    90.00    $    90.00
     Hedged Volume (MBbls)                      461         1,843
     Average Price ($/Bbl)               $   120.00    $   120.00
     Hedged Volume (MBbls)                       62           250
     Average Floor Price ($/Bbl)         $    90.00    $    90.00
     Average Ceiling Price ($/Bbl)       $   114.25    $   114.25
     Hedged Volume (MBbls)                    1,132         4,530
     Average Price ($/Bbl)               $   102.21    $   102.21

 Gas Basis Differential Positions:
   PEPL Basis Swaps:(3)
     Hedged Volume (MMMBtu)                  11,729        46,916
     Average Price ($/MMBtu)             $    (0.97)   $    (0.97)

 Notes to Hedge Summary:

 Includes positions covering production for all months within periods

 (1) Settle on the PEPL spot price of gas to hedge basis differential
     associated with gas production in the Mid-Continent Deep and
     Mid-Continent Shallow regions.

 (2) The Company uses oil puts to hedge oil production and NGL

 (3) Represents a swap of the basis between NYMEX and PEPL spot price
     of gas for the volumes hedged.

                             Schedule 10
                           LINN Energy, LLC
                      Commodity Hedge Portfolio

 The following table shows the Company's annual commodity derivative
 positions, at March 31, 2009, for each of the years ending
 December 31, 2009 through December 31, 2014.

                    Year     Year     Year     Year     Year     Year
                    2009     2010     2011     2012     2013     2014
                  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
 Gas Positions:
 Fixed Price
  Hedged Volume
   (MMMBtu)        29,689   39,566   31,901   14,676       --       --
  Average Price
   ($/MMBtu)      $  8.53  $  8.50  $  8.50  $  8.57  $    --  $    --
  Hedged Volume
   (MMMBtu)         5,220    6,960    6,960       --       --       --
  Average Price
   ($/MMBtu)      $  7.50  $  7.50  $  7.50  $    --  $    --  $    --
 PEPL Puts:(1)
  Hedged Volume
   (MMMBtu)         4,001   10,634   13,259    5,934       --       --
  Average Price
   ($/MMBtu)      $  7.85  $  7.85  $  7.85  $  7.85  $    --  $    --
  Hedged Volume
   (MMMBtu)        38,910   57,160   52,120   20,610       --       --
  Average Price
   ($/MMBtu)      $  8.32  $  8.26  $  8.20  $  8.37  $    --  $    --

 Oil Positions:
 Fixed Price
  Hedged Volume
   (MBbls)          1,828    2,150    2,073    2,025    2,275    2,200
  Average Price
   ($/Bbl)        $ 90.00  $ 90.00  $ 84.22  $ 84.22  $ 84.22  $ 84.22
  Hedged Volume
   (MBbls)          1,382    2,250    2,352      500       --       --
  Average Price
   ($/Bbl)        $120.00  $110.00  $ 69.11  $ 77.73  $    --  $    --
  Hedged Volume
   (MBbls)            187      250      276      348       --       --
  Average Floor
   Price ($/Bbl)  $ 90.00  $ 90.00  $ 90.00  $ 90.00  $    --  $    --
  Average Ceiling
   Price ($/Bbl)  $114.25  $112.00  $112.25  $112.35  $    --  $    --
  Hedged Volume
   (MBbls)          3,397    4,650    4,701    2,873    2,275    2,200
  Average Price
   ($/Bbl)        $102.21  $ 99.68  $ 77.00  $ 83.79  $ 84.22  $ 84.22

 Gas Basis
 PEPL Basis Swaps:
  Hedged Volume
   (MMMBtu)        35,187   43,166   35,541   34,066   31,700       --
   ($/MMBtu)      $ (0.97) $ (0.97) $ (0.96) $ (0.95) $ (1.01) $    --

 Notes to Hedge Portfolio:

 Includes positions covering production for all months within periods

 (1) Settle on the PEPL spot price of gas to hedge basis differential
     associated with gas production in the Mid-Continent Deep and
     Mid-Continent Shallow regions.

 (2) The Company uses oil puts to hedge oil production and NGL

 (3) Represents a swap of the basis between NYMEX and PEPL spot price
     of gas for the volumes hedged.



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