Brightpoint Reports First Quarter 2009 Financial Results

INDIANAPOLIS, May 7, 2009 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Brightpoint, Inc. (Nasdaq:CELL) reported its financial results for the first quarter ended March 31, 2009. Unless otherwise noted, amounts pertain to the first quarter of 2009.


Revenue was $709 million for the first quarter of 2009, a decrease of 40% compared to the first quarter of 2008 and a decrease of 30% compared to the fourth quarter of 2008, due to a decrease in both wireless devices handled and average selling price brought on by the global economic downturn.

Loss from continuing operations was $3.1 million or $0.04 per diluted share for the first quarter of 2009 compared to income from continuing operations of $3.2 million or $0.04 per diluted share for the first quarter of 2008.

Adjusted income from continuing operations (non-GAAP) was $4.2 million or $0.05 per diluted share for the first quarter of 2009 compared to $9.7 million or $0.12 per diluted share for the first quarter of 2008. Please see the disclosure below regarding adjusted income from continuing operations (non-GAAP). Adjustments to income from continuing operations for the first quarter of 2009 include:

   *  $5.1 million (pre-tax) of restructuring charges in connection
      with our previously announced 2009 spending and debt reduction
   *  $3.6 million (pre-tax) of non-cash amortization expense related
      to acquired intangible assets.
   *  $1.7 million (pre-tax) of non-cash stock based compensation
   *  $3.1 million tax impact of the items described above.

Total debt was $138.3 million at March 31, 2009, compared to $176.4 million at December 31, 2008 and $378.4 million at March 31, 2008. Total liquidity (unrestricted cash and unused borrowing availability) was $398.1 million at March 31, 2009 compared to $401.2 million at December 31, 2008 and $313.1 million at March 31, 2008. Average daily debt outstanding for the first quarter of 2009 was $216.0 million compared to average daily debt outstanding of $333.0 million for the fourth quarter of 2008 and $513.0 million for the first quarter of 2008.

Gross margin was 8.8% for the first quarter of 2009 compared to 7.5% for the first quarter of 2008 and 8.0% for the fourth quarter of 2008. The increase in gross margin was primarily due to a higher mix of logistic services revenue as well as an improved cost structure resulting from the impact of spending reductions in our North America operations.

SG&A expenses were $52.5 million for the first quarter of 2009 compared to $69.8 million for the first quarter of 2008 and $59.3 million for the fourth quarter of 2008. SG&A expenses as a percent of revenue were 7.4% for the first quarter of 2009 compared to 5.9% for the first quarter of 2008 and 5.8% for the fourth quarter of 2008 due to lower revenue in the first quarter of 2009. SG&A expenses were lower compared to the first quarter of 2008 primarily due to the impact of our 2008 realignment of our Europe operations as well as the impact of our 2009 Spending and Debt Reduction Plan. Please refer to the separate press release dated May 7, 2009 for an update on the Company's previously announced 2009 Spending and Debt Reduction Plan.

Interest expense, net was $2.8 million for the first quarter of 2009 compared to $6.7 million for the first quarter of 2008 and $4.0 million for the fourth quarter of 2008. Interest expense, net decreased because of the positive impact of our debt reduction initiatives in 2008 and 2009.

Income tax benefit was $1.4 million for the first quarter of 2009 compared to income tax expense of $1.5 million for the first quarter of 2008. The effective tax rate was 30.8% for the first quarter of 2009 compared to 31.9% for the first quarter of 2008.

Cash provided by operating activities was $35.8 million for the first quarter of 2009 compared to $98.4 million for the first quarter of 2008 and cash used in operating activities of $40.1 million for the fourth quarter of 2008.

EBITDA was $6.7 million for the first quarter of 2009 compared to $18.9 million for the first quarter of 2008.

Units handled were 18.7 million for the first quarter of 2009 compared to 21.6 million for the first quarter of 2008 and 21.9 million for the fourth quarter of 2008.

"Given the tough global economic environment over the last 12 months, I am proud of our first quarter 2009 performance specifically in the areas of overall debt and spending reduction," said Robert J. Laikin, Brightpoint's Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive officer. "In 2009, we will continue to focus on the fundamentals of our business, which include reducing debt and spending, focusing on building cost-efficient customized logistics capabilities in Europe, exiting programs and/or countries that do not meet our ROIC and ROTC criteria and focusing on smartphones. I firmly believe that the successful performance in these focus areas will reduce our overall risk profile, enhance our balance sheet and build long term shareholder value."

"I am very pleased to say that we were able to reduce our daily average debt by another $117 million to a daily average of $216 million during the first quarter of 2009," said Tony Boor, Brightpoint's Chief Financial Officer. "We continued to make very good progress toward this initiative in the beginning of the second quarter with an average daily debt of $170 million for the month of April. We had previously announced a targeted reduction in average daily debt for 2009 of $100 to $150 million. Our success in the first quarter already puts us squarely within that targeted reduction range for the year. Therefore, I am revising our estimated debt reduction, and now anticipate having an average daily debt of less than $100 million during the fourth quarter of 2009. This represents an additional $116 million reduction in average daily debt compared to the first quarter of this year including the anticipated impact of normal seasonal increases in working capital and debt."

Please see the attached Schedules and the Brightpoint website at for an explanation and reconciled presentation of the results for the first quarter ended March 31, 2009 prepared in accordance with U.S. GAAP and on an as adjusted non-GAAP basis. The explanation includes the reasons why management believes such non-GAAP measures are useful both to management and investors. Any financial measure other than those prepared in accordance with U.S. GAAP should not be considered a substitute for, or superior to, measures of financial performance prepared in accordance with U.S. GAAP. In addition, please see the attached Supplemental Information for a reconciliation of EBITDA.

The consolidated statements of operations for all periods presented reflect the reclassification of the results of operations of the Company's Poland and Turkey businesses as well as the Company's locally branded PC notebook business in Slovakia to discontinued operations in accordance with U.S. generally accepted accounting principles. The Company abandoned its Poland and Turkey businesses in the first quarter of 2009 and abandoned the locally branded PC notebook business in the third quarter of 2008. Please see Brightpoint Inc.'s website at for quarterly statements of operations for all periods that have been reclassified.

                      SUMMARY FINANCIAL RESULTS
             (Amounts in thousands, except per share data)

                                        Three Months Ended
                              March 31,     March 31,   December 31,
                                2009          2008          2008
                            ------------  ------------  ------------
                             (Unaudited)   (Unaudited)   (Unaudited)

 Wireless devices handled        18,742        21,623        21,938

 Revenue                     $  709,077    $1,174,803    $1,016,502

 Gross profit                $   62,462    $   88,647    $   80,862

 Gross margin                       8.8%          7.5%          8.0%

 Selling, general and
  administrative expenses    $   52,473    $   69,754    $   59,292

 Operating income from
  continuing operations      $    1,155    $   10,557    $  (314,571)

 Income (loss) from
  continuing operations      $   (3,075)   $    3,180    $ (341,935)

 Net income (loss)
  attributable to common
  stockholders               $   (3,073)   $      775    $ (346,037)

 Diluted per share
  attributable to common

 Income (loss) from
  continuing operations      $    (0.04)   $     0.04    $    (4.33)

 Net income (loss)           $    (0.04)   $     0.01    $    (4.38)

Brightpoint, Inc. (Nasdaq:CELL) is a global leader in the distribution of wireless devices and in providing customized logistic services to the wireless industry. In 2008, Brightpoint handled approximately 84 million wireless devices globally. Brightpoint's innovative services include distribution, channel development, fulfillment, product customization, eBusiness solutions, and other outsourced services that integrate seamlessly with its customers. Brightpoint's effective and efficient platform allows its customers to benefit from quickly deployed, flexible, and cost effective solutions. The company has approximately 2,800 employees in more than 25 countries. In 2008 Brightpoint generated revenue of $4.6 billion. Brightpoint provides distribution and customized services to over 25,000 B2B customers worldwide. Additional information about Brightpoint can be found on its website at, or by calling its toll-free Information and Investor Relations line at 877-IIR-CELL (877-447-2355).

Certain information in this press release may contain forward-looking statements regarding future events or the future performance of the Company. These statements are only predictions and actual events or results may differ materially. Please refer to the documents the Company files, from time to time, with the Securities and Exchange Commission; specifically, the Company's most recent Form 10-K and Form 10-Q and the cautionary statements and risk factors contained therein. These documents contain and identify important risk factors that could cause the actual results to differ materially from those contained in or implied by these forward-looking statements. These risk factors include, without limitation, uncertainties relating to customer plans and commitments, including, without limitation, (i) the current economic downturn could cause a severe disruption in our operations; (ii) fluctuations in regional demand patterns and economic factors could harm our operations; (iii) our debt facilities could prevent us from borrowing additional funds, if needed; (iv) collections of our accounts receivable; (v) our reliance on suppliers to provide trade credit facilities to adequately fund our on-going operations and product purchases; (vi) a significant percentage of our revenues are generated outside of the United States in countries that may have volatile currencies or other risks; (vii) the loss or reduction in orders from principal customers or a reduction in the prices we are able to charge these customers could cause our revenues to decline and impair our cash flows; (viii) the impact that seasonality may have on our business and results; (ix) we buy a significant amount of our products from a limited number of suppliers, and they may not provide us with competitive products at reasonable prices when we need them in the future; (x) our business could be harmed by consolidation of mobile operators; (xi) we make significant investments in the technology used in our business and rely on that technology to function effectively without interruptions; (xii) the fact that a substantial number of shares are eligible for future sale by Dangaard Holding and the sale of those shares could adversely affect our stock price; (xiii) our future operating results will depend on our ability to continue to increase volumes and maintain margins; (xiv) our ability to expand and implement our future growth strategy, including acquisitions; (xv) uncertainty regarding whether wireless equipment manufacturers and wireless network operators will continue to outsource aspects of their business to us; (xvi) our reliance upon third parties to manufacture products which we distribute and reliance upon their quality control procedures; (xvii) rapid technological changes in the wireless communications and data industry; (xviii) effect of natural disasters, epidemics, hostilities or terrorist attacks on our operations; (xix) intense industry competition; (xx) our ability to manage and sustain future growth at our historical or current rates; (xxi) our ability to continue to enter into relationships and financing that may provide us with minimal returns or losses on our investments; (xxii) our ability to attract and retain qualified management and other personnel, cost of complying with labor agreements and high rate of personnel turnover; (xxiii) protecting our proprietary information; (xxiv) our obligations under certain debt, lease and other contractual arrangements; (xxv) our dependence on our computer and communications systems; (xxvi) uncertainty regarding future volatility in our Common Stock price; (xxvii) potential dilution to existing shareholders from the issuance of securities under our long-term incentive plans; (xxviii) existence of anti-takeover measures; (xxix) acquisition related accounting impairment and amortization. Because of the aforementioned uncertainties affecting our future operating results, past performance should not be considered to be a reliable indicator of future performance, and investors should not use historical trends to anticipate future results or trends. The words "believe," "expect," "anticipate," "estimate" "intend," "likely", "will", "should" and "plan" and similar expressions identify forward-looking statements. Readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on any of these forward-looking statements, which speak only as of the date that such statement was made. We undertake no obligation to update any forward-looking statement.

 (Amounts in thousands, except per share data)

                                            Three Months Ended
                                                 March 31,
                                           2009               2008
  Distribution revenue                 $  620,561         $1,069,677
  Logistic services revenue                88,516            105,126
 Total revenue                            709,077          1,174,803

 Cost of revenue                                             
  Cost of distribution revenue            594,634          1,017,764
  Cost of logistic services revenue        51,981             68,392
 Total cost of revenue                    646,615          1,086,156

 Gross profit                              62,462             88,647

 Selling, general and administrative 
  expenses                                 52,473             69,754
 Amortization expense                       3,748              4,722
 Restructuring charge                       5,086              3,614
 Operating income from continuing 
  operations                                1,155             10,557

 Interest, net                              2,765              6,662
 Other (income) expense                     2,837               (775)
 Income (loss) from continuing 
  operations before income taxes           (4,447)             4,670

 Income tax expense (benefit)              (1,372)             1,490

 Income (loss) from continuing 
  operations                               (3,075)             3,180

 Discontinued operations, net of 
  income taxes:
   Loss from discontinued operations       (1,096)            (2,266)
   Gain on disposal of discontinued 
    operations                              1,098                 --
 Total discontinued operations, net 
  of income taxes                               2             (2,266)

 Net income (loss)                         (3,073)               914

 Net loss attributable to 
  noncontrolling interest                      --               (139)
 Net income (loss) attributable to 
  common stockholders                  $   (3,073)        $      775

 Earnings per share attributable to 
  common stockholders - basic:
   Income (loss) from continuing 
    operations                         $    (0.04)        $     0.04
   Discontinued operations, net of 
    income taxes                               --              (0.03)
   Net income (loss)                   $    (0.04)        $     0.01

 Earnings per share attributable to 
  common stockholders - diluted:
   Income (loss) from continuing 
    operations                         $    (0.04)        $     0.04
   Discontinued operations, net of 
    income taxes                               --              (0.03)
   Net income (loss)                   $    (0.04)        $     0.01
 Weighted average common shares 
   Basic                                   79,064             77,523
   Diluted                                 79,064             81,519

 (Amounts in thousands, except per share data)

 We have provided income from continuing operations and earnings per 
 share on both a U.S. GAAP basis and on an as adjusted non-GAAP basis 
 because the Company's management believes it provides meaningful 
 information to investors. Among other things, it may assist investors
 in evaluating the Company's on-going operations. Adjustments to 
 earnings per share from continuing operations generally include 
 certain non-cash charges such as stock based compensation and 
 amortization of acquired finite lived intangible assets as well as 
 other items that are considered to be unusual or infrequent in nature
 such as goodwill impairment charges and restructuring charges. 
 Non-GAAP earnings per share is calculated by dividing non-GAAP income
 from continuing operations by non-GAAP weighted average common shares
 outstanding (diluted). For purposes of calculating non-GAAP earnings 
 per share, we add back certain shares presumed to be repurchased 
 under the U.S. GAAP treasury stock method related to stock based 
 compensation expense. We believe these non-GAAP disclosures provide 
 important supplemental information to management and investors 
 regarding financial and business trends relating to the Company's 
 financial condition and results of operations. Management uses these 
 non-GAAP measures internally to evaluate the performance of the 
 business and to evaluate results relative to incentive compensation 
 targets for certain employees. Investors should consider non-GAAP 
 measures in addition to, not as a substitute for, or as superior to 
 measures of financial performance prepared in accordance with U.S. 

                            Three months ended March 31,
                          2009                        2008
               --------------------------- ---------------------------
               Income (loss)     Impact       Income        Impact
                   from           per          from           per
                continuing      diluted     continuing      diluted
               operations(1)     share     operations(2)     share
               ------------- ------------- ------------- -------------

 GAAP Income 
  (loss) from
  operations:   $    (3,075)   $ (0.04)    $    3,180      $  0.04
   compensation       1,685       0.02          1,645         0.02
  Amortization        3,648       0.04          4,509         0.06
   charge             5,086       0.06          3,614         0.04
  Income tax 
   impact of 
   the above         (3,104)     (0.03)        (3,273)       (0.04)
               ------------- ------------- ------------- -------------

  income from 
  operations:   $     4,240    $  0.05     $    9,675      $  0.12

 As - adjusted 
  common shares
  outstanding -
  diluted (3):                  81,950                      82,780

 (1)   Adjustments for the three months ended March 31, 2009 include:
         --  $5.1 million of restructuring charges in connection with 
             our previously announced 2009 spending and debt reduction
         --  $3.6 million of non-cash amortization expense related to 
             acquired intangible assets.
         --  $1.7 million of non-cash stock based compensation 
         Partially offset by:
         --  $3.1 million tax impact of items described above.

 (2)   Adjustments for the three months ended March 31, 2008 include:
         --  $3.6 million of restructuring charges in connection with 
             consolidating the Brightpoint and Dangaard operations in 
         --  $4.5 million of non-cash amortization expense related to 
             acquired intangible assets.
         --  $1.6 million of non-cash stock based compensation 
       Partially offset by:
         --  $3.3 million tax impact of items described above.

 (3)   Weighted average common shares outstanding - diluted for the 
       three months ended March 31, 2009 includes the effect of 2.3 
       million common shares outstanding that are excluded from the 
       earnings per share calculation under SFAS No. 128 Earnings Per 
       Share as they are anti-dilutive to earnings per share. Weighted
       average common shares outstanding - diluted for the three 
       months ended March 31, 2009 and 2008 includes the effect of 0.5
       million (2009) and 1.3 million (2008) common shares outstanding
       that are presumed to be repurchased under the U.S. GAAP 
       treasury stock method related to stock based compensation 

 (Amounts in thousands, except per share data)

                                         March 31,       December 31,
                                       ------------      ------------
                                           2009              2008
                                       ------------      ------------
 Current Assets:
  Cash and cash equivalents             $   53,881        $   57,226
  Accounts receivable (less allowance
   for doubtful accounts of $11,433 
   in 2009 and $11,217 in 2008)            346,735           499,541
  Inventories                              207,783           290,243
  Other current assets                      62,764            61,392
                                       ------------      ------------
 Total current assets                      671,163           908,402

 Property and equipment, net                55,216            56,463
 Goodwill                                   51,413            51,439
 Other intangibles, net                    100,309           107,286
 Other assets                               20,053            22,770
                                       ------------      ------------

 Total assets                           $  898,154        $1,146,360
                                       ============      ============

 Current liabilities:                                         
  Accounts payable                      $  364,424        $  534,906
  Accrued expenses                         113,546           137,957
  Current portion of long-term debt             --                --
  Lines of credit and other short-
   term borrowings                           3,525               798
                                       ------------      ------------
 Total current liabilities                 481,495           673,661
 Long-term liabilities:                                       
  Lines of credit, long-term                    28             1,501
  Long-term debt                           134,745           174,106
  Other long-term liabilities               43,129            46,528
                                       ------------      ------------
 Total long-term liabilities               177,902           222,135
                                       ------------      ------------
 Total liabilities                         659,397           895,796

 Commitments and contingencies                                

 Shareholders' equity:                                        
  Preferred stock, $0.01 par value: 
   1,000 shares authorized; no shares
   issued or outstanding                        --                --
  Common stock, $0.01 par value: 
   100,000 shares authorized; 89,053 
   issued in 2009 and 88,730 issued 
   in 2008                                     891               887
  Additional paid-in-capital               626,166           625,415
  Treasury stock, at cost, 7,128 
   shares in 2009 and 7,063 shares in
   2008                                    (60,291)          (59,983)
 Retained deficit                         (315,721)         (312,647)
 Accumulated other comprehensive loss      (12,288)           (3,108)
                                       ------------      ------------
 Total shareholders' equity                238,757           250,564
                                       ------------      ------------

 Total liabilities and shareholders' 
  equity                                $  898,154        $1,146,360
                                       ============      ============

 (Amounts in thousands)

                                                Three months ended
                                                     March 31,
                                               2009            2008
                                            ----------      ----------
 Operating activities
 Net income (loss)                          $  (3,073)      $     914
 Adjustments to reconcile net income to 
  net cash provided by operating 
  Depreciation and amortization                 8,322           9,507
  Non-cash compensation                         1,685           1,645
  Restructuring charge                          5,086           3,614
  Change in deferred taxes                        (40)         (4,262)
  Other non-cash                                   31           3,330
 Changes in operating assets and 
  liabilities, net of effects from 
  acquisitions and divestitures:          
  Accounts receivable                         130,397         211,058
  Inventories                                  69,199          29,298
  Other operating assets                       (2,698)         (3,154)
  Accounts payable and accrued expenses      (173,097)       (153,541)
                                            ----------      ----------
 Net cash provided by operating 
  activities                                   35,812          98,409

 Investing activities                                        
 Capital expenditures                          (4,292)         (6,377)
 Acquisitions, net of cash acquired                --          (1,252)
 Decrease (increase) in other assets             (745)          1,002
                                            ----------      ----------
 Net cash used in investing activities         (5,037)         (6,627)

 Financing activities                                        
 Net proceeds from (repayments on) lines
  of credit                                     1,997         (79,134)
 Repayments on Global Term Loans              (33,751)        (23,130)
 Deferred financing costs paid                   (394)             --
 Purchase of treasury stock                      (308)           (257)
 Deficient tax benefit from equity based
  compensation                                   (920)            (82)
 Proceeds from common stock issuances 
  under employee stock option plans                --              22
                                            ----------      ----------
 Net cash used in financing activities        (33,376)       (102,581)

 Effect of exchange rate changes on cash
  and cash equivalents                           (744)           (608)
                                            ----------      ----------
 Net decrease in cash and cash 
  equivalents                                  (3,345)        (11,407)
 Cash and cash equivalents at beginning 
  of period                                    57,226         102,160
                                            ----------      ----------
 Cash and cash equivalents at end of 
  period                                    $  53,881       $  90,753
                                            ==========      ==========

 Supplemental Information
 (Amounts in thousands)

 Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation and Amortization 

                                         Three Months Ended
                               March 31,      March 31,   December 31,
                                 2009           2008          2008
                             ------------  ------------   ------------
 Net income (loss) (1)        $  (3,073)     $     775      $(346,037)
 Net interest expense (1)         2,751          7,544          4,256
 Income taxes (1)                (1,372)         1,109         21,114
 Depreciation and 
  amortization (1) (2)            8,408          9,507        334,431
                             ------------  ------------   ------------
      EBITDA                  $   6,714      $  18,935      $  13,764
                             ============  ============   ============
 (1)  Includes discontinued operations

 (2)  Depreciation and amortization for the three months ended
      December 31, 2008 includes a $325.9 million goodwill impairment
      charge related to the goodwill allocated to the EMEA reporting
      unit. The goodwill related primarily to the 2007 acquisition of
      Dangaard Telecom.

      EBITDA is a non-GAAP financial measure. Management believes
      EBITDA provides it with an indicator of how much cash the 
      Company generates, excluding non-cash charges and any changes in
      working capital. Management also reviews and utilizes the entire
      statement of cash flows to evaluate cash flow performance.

 Cash Conversion Cycle Days

      Management utilizes the cash conversion cycle days metric and 
      its components to evaluate the Company's ability to manage its
      working capital and its cash flow performance. Cash conversion
      cycle days and its components for the quarters ending March 31,
      2009 and 2008, and December 31, 2008 were as follows:

                                         Three Months Ended
                               March 31,      March 31,   December 31,
                                 2009           2008          2008
                             ------------  ------------   ------------
 Days sales outstanding in 
  accounts receivable             32            33             32
 Days inventory on-hand           29            38             26
 Days payable outstanding        (46)          (42)           (41)
                             ------------  ------------   ------------
  Cash Conversion Cycle Days      15            29             17
                             ============  ============   ============
      Please see the Brightpoint website at for a
      detailed calculation of cash conversion cycle days for the three
      months ended March 31, 2009.

 Return on Invested Capital ("ROIC")

      Management uses ROIC to measure the effectiveness of its use of
      invested capital to generate profits. ROIC for the quarters and
      trailing four quarters ended March 31, 2009 and 2008, and
      December 31, 2008, was as follows:

                                         Three Months Ended
                               March 31,      March 31,   December 31,
                                 2009           2008          2008
                             ------------  ------------   ------------
 Operating income after 
  taxes (non-GAAP):
 Operating income (loss) 
  from continuing operations $    1,155    $    10,557    $  (314,571)
 Restructuring charge             5,086          3,614          6,137
 Goodwill impairment charge          --             --        325,947
 Less: estimated income 
  taxes (1)                      (2,184)        (4,960)        (6,130)
                             ------------  ------------   ------------
   Operating income after 
    taxes (non-GAAP)         $    4,057    $     9,211    $    11,383
                             ============  ============   ============

 Invested Capital:                                                    
 Debt                        $  138,298    $   378,407    $   176,405
 Shareholders' equity           238,757        639,359        250,564
                             ------------  ------------   ------------
   Invested capital          $  377,055    $ 1,017,766    $   426,969
                             ============  ============   ============
 Average invested 
  capital (2)                $  402,013    $ 1,040,100    $   618,210

 ROIC (3)                             4%             4%             7%

                                   Trailing Four Quarters Ended
                               March 31,      March 31,   December 31,
                                 2009           2008          2008
                             ------------  ------------   ------------
 Operating income after 
  taxes (non-GAAP):
 Operating income (loss) 
  from continuing operations $ (283,578)   $    69,735    $  (274,176)
 Restructuring charge            15,084         12,275         13,612
 Goodwill impairment charge     325,947             --        325,947
 Less: estimated income 
  taxes (1)                     (20,109)       (28,704)       (22,884)
                             ------------  ------------   ------------
   Operating income after 
    taxes (non-GAAP)         $   37,344    $    53,306    $    42,499
                             ============  ============   ============

 Invested Capital:                                                    

 Debt                        $  138,298    $   378,407    $   176,405
 Shareholders' equity           238,757        639,359        250,564
                             ------------  ------------   ------------
   Invested capital          $  377,055    $ 1,017,766    $   426,969
                             ============  ============   ============
 Average invested
  capital (2)                $  710,063    $   735,274    $   847,139
 ROIC (3)                             5%             7%             5%

 (1) Estimated income taxes were calculated by multiplying the sum of
     operating income from continuing operations, the restructuring
     charge and the goodwill impairment charge by an effective tax 
     rate of 35%, which represents an estimated, blended statutory 
     tax rate for the markets in which we operate.

 (2) Average invested capital for quarterly periods represents the
     simple average of the beginning and ending invested capital
     amounts for the respective quarter. Average invested capital for
     the trailing four quarters represents the simple average of the
     invested capital amounts for the current and four prior quarter
     period ends.

 (3) ROIC is calculated by dividing operating income after taxes by
     average invested capital. ROIC for quarterly periods is stated 
     on an annualized basis and is calculated by dividing operating 
     income after taxes by average invested capital and multiplying 
     the results by four.

 We exclude unusual items such as restructuring charges from our
 calculation of "Operating income after taxes" because we do not
 believe such items are representative of expected future returns.
 Therefore, we believe decisions to allocate resources should not be
 influenced by such items.

 Return on Tangible Capital ("ROTC")

     Management uses Return on Tangible Capital, or ROTC, to provide a
     measurement which can be consistently and fairly applied
     internally to all operating entities to determine the
     effectiveness of each entity's usage of tangible capital. ROTC
     eliminates the influence of intangible assets balances, cash
     transfer capabilities and income tax rates which vary amongst
     Brightpoint operating entities and are not controllable by
     operating entity management. ROTC indicates the return which can
     be expected on the tangible capital consumed and replaced through
     the normal business cycle. To calculate ROTC, operating income
     from continuing operations is adjusted for restructuring charges,
     goodwill impairment charge and amortization of intangible assets,
     and this adjusted operating income is applied to average tangible
     capital. Average tangible capital is calculated as total assets
     less cash, investments, goodwill, and intangible assets, net of
     current liabilities excluding short term borrowings. The details
     of this measurement are outlined below.

                                         Three Months Ended
                              March 31,      March 31,    December 31,
                                2009           2008           2008
                             ------------  ------------   ------------

 Operating income before 
  amortization and 
  restructuring charges 
 Operating income from 
  continuing operations      $    1,155    $    10,557    $  (314,571)
 Plus: amortization expense       3,748          4,722          4,057
 Plus: goodwill impairment 
  charge                             --             --        325,947
 Plus: restructuring charge       5,086          3,614          6,137
   Operating income before 
   amortization and          ------------  ------------   ------------
   restructuring charges
   (non-GAAP):               $    9,989    $    18,893    $    21,570
                             ============  ============   ============

 Tangible capital:
 Total assets                $  898,154    $ 1,814,713    $ 1,146,360
 Less: cash and cash 
  equivalents                    53,881         90,753         56,632
 Less: short term 
  investments                        --          7,050             --
 Less: goodwill                  51,413        371,166         51,439
 Less: other intangibles, 
  net                           100,309        139,198        107,286
                             ------------  ------------   ------------
 Net tangible assets         $  692,551    $ 1,206,546    $   931,003

 Total current liabilities      481,495        737,434        672,862
 Less: current portion of 
  long-term debt                     --         12,382             --
 Less: lines of credit and 
  other short term 
  borrowings                      3,525          9,703            798
                             ------------  ------------   ------------
 Net current liabilities     $  477,970    $   715,349    $   672,064
                             ------------  ------------   ------------

 Net tangible capital        $  214,581    $   491,197    $   258,939
                             ============  ============   ============
 Average tangible 
  capital (1)                $  238,864    $   516,410    $   257,589
 ROTC (2)                            17%            15%            34%

                                       Trailing Four Quarters
                              March 31,      March 31,    December 31,
                                2009           2008           2008
                             ------------  ------------   ------------

 Operating income before 
  amortization and 
  restructuring charges 
 Operating income from 
  continuing operations      $ (283,578)   $    69,735    $  (274,176)
 Plus: amortization expense      17,271         15,170         18,246
 Plus: goodwill impairment 
  charge                        325,947             --        325,947
 Plus: restructuring charge      15,084         12,275         13,612
  Operating income before
   amortization and          ------------  ------------   ------------
   restructuring charges 
   (non-GAAP):               $   74,724    $    97,180    $    83,629
                             ============  ============   ============
 Tangible capital:
 Total assets                $  898,154    $ 1,814,713    $ 1,146,360
 Less: cash and cash 
  equivalents                    53,881         90,753         56,632
 Less: short term 
  investments                        --          7,050             --
 Less: goodwill                  51,413        371,166         51,439
 Less: other intangibles, 
  net                           100,309        139,198        107,286
                             ------------  ------------   ------------
 Net tangible assets         $  692,551    $ 1,206,546    $   931,003

 Total current liabilities      481,495        737,434        672,862
 Less: current portion of 
  long-term debt                     --         12,382             --
 Less: lines of credit and 
  other short term borrowings     3,525          9,703            798
                             ------------  ------------   ------------
 Net current liabilities     $  477,970    $   715,349    $   672,064
                             ------------  ------------   ------------
   Net tangible capital      $  214,581    $   491,197    $   258,939
                             ============  ============   ============
 Average tangible 
  capital (1)                $  311,561    $   406,804    $   376,010
 ROTC (2)                            24%            24%            22%

 (1) Average tangible capital for quarterly periods represents the
     simple average of the beginning and ending tangible capital
     amounts for the respective quarter.

 (2) ROTC is calculated by dividing operating income before
     amortization and restructuring charges by average tangible
     capital. ROTC for quarterly periods is stated on an annualized
     basis and is calculated by dividing operating income before
     amortization and restructuring charges by average tangible
     capital and multiplying the results by four.

 We anticipate improving our trailing four quarter ROTC to a range of
 35%-40% as we increase operating income and better employ tangible


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