DGAP-News: Sales and occupancy rates increased - higher costs compared to previous

MediClin AG / Quarter Results


Release of a Corporate News, transmitted by DGAP - a company of EquityStory AG.
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Frankfurt, May 8, 2009 - MEDICLIN Aktiengesellschaft (MediClin) has
achieved sales of EUR 112.5 mill. in the first three months of the 2009
financial year. This is EUR 3.2 mill. or 2.9 % more than in the same period
last year. Admittedly increasing costs - especially energy costs - led to a
quarterly operating result of the Group of EUR -0.1 mill. which is
EUR 0,5 mill. below the comparable value of the previous year's figure (Q1
2008: EUR 0.4 Mill.). The post-acute segment had to absorb the largest part
of the increase in costs, therefore the segment result was EUR 1.4 mill.
below the previous year's value (Q1 2009: EUR -3.3 mill.; Q1 2008: EUR -1.9
mill.). The acute segment could improve it's result despite higher costs by
EUR 0.6 mill. to EUR 4.5 mill. (Q1 2008: EUR 3.9 mill.).

Comprehensive income attributable to shareholders of MediClin amounted to
EUR -1.7 mill. (Q1 2008: EUR -1.5 mill.) in the first quarter of 2009.
Undiluted and diluted earnings per share were EUR - 0.04 (Q1 2008: EUR -

MediClin shows liquid assets of EUR 55.6 mill at the end of the period
(31.03.2008: EUR 24.4 mill.). The increase of liquid assets by EUR 31.2
mill. was primarily attributable to the capital increase performed in
November 2008.

Occupancy rate of the Group increased by 1.7 %-points up to 84,7% compared
to the previous year's quarter

In the Group, the number of nursing days rose by 0.7% or 4,201 days, and
the number of cases by 1.6% or 471 cases, as compared to the same quarter
last year. The occupancy rate was 84.7%, thus 1.7%- points higher than the
previous year's figure.

The occupancy rate in the post-acute segment increase to 83.9% (Q1 2008:
82.5%) and in the acute segment to 86.4% (Q1 2008: 82.6%). The occupancy
rate in the business area of nursing care decreased slightly showing an
occupancy rate of 90.2% (Q1 2008: 91.5%).

The average number of employees in the first quarter of 2009, calculated on
the basis of full-time staff, was 5,783 full-time employees (Q1 2008: 5,772
full-time employees).

The interim report for the first quarter of the financial year 2009 is
available in German und English at www.mediclin.de.

Key figures - yoy comparison Group and segments
in million EUR 

Group       Q1 09 Q108
 Group Sales     112.5 109.3
 Material expenses    26.8 25.7
 Staff costs     64.4 62.5
 Depreciation  and amortisation   2.9 2.6
 Other operating expenses   20.2 19.7
 Group operating result    -0.1 0.4
 Comprehensive income attributable to 
 shareholders     -1.7 -1.5
 Cash flow from operative activities  8.8 4.6
 Earnings per share in EUR (undiluted/diluted) -0.04 -0.05
 Number of employees (full time staff; 
 quarterly average)'    5,783 5,772
 Sales      63.1 61.6
 Segment result     -3.3 -1.9
 Sales      46.9 45.3
 Segment result     4.5 3.9
Other activities and reconciliation  
 Sales      2.5 2.4
 thereof business area nursing care  2.6 2.7
 Segment result     -1.3 -1.6
About MediClin AG (Ticker: MED; WKN: 659 510)

MediClin AG is a nation-wide clinic operator and large provider of services
in the area of Psycho- and Neurosciences as well as Orthopaedic. With 33
clinics and 7 nursing care facilities and 3 Medizinische Versorgungszentren
(medical care units) in 11 federal states MediClin has a total capacity of
approximately 7,900 beds. MediClins' facilities include acute care clinics,
i.e., general hospitals, special treatment facilities, specialised
hospitals and clinics for post-acute treatment and medical rehabilitation.
MediClin has approximately 7,800 employees.
DGAP 08.05.2009 
Language:     English
Issuer:       MediClin AG
              Westhafenplatz 1
              60327 Frankfurt
Phone:        +49 (0)781 488-189
Fax:          +49 (0)781 488-184
E-mail:       alexandra.muehr@mediclin.de
Internet:     www.mediclin.de
ISIN:         DE0006595101
WKN:          659510
Listed:       Regulierter Markt in Frankfurt (Prime Standard); Freiverkehr
              in Berlin, Stuttgart, München, Hamburg, Düsseldorf
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