- Candidatures for the Board of Directors of Bakkavör Group hf.

Below are the candidates for the Board of Directors of Bakkavör Group hf. at
the Annual General Meeting, held on 20 May 2009 at 10:30 am local time at
Ármúli 3, Reykjavík: 

1.  Ágúst Gudmundsson, United Kingdom, CEO of Bakkavör Group hf. (First elected

2.  Ásgeir Thoroddsen, Iceland, Attorney to the Supreme Court of Iceland (First
    elected 2000) 

3.  Hildur Árnadóttir, Iceland, State Authorised Public Accountant (First
    elected 2008) 

4.  Katrín Pétursdóttir, Iceland, Managing Director of Lýsi hf. (First elected

5.  Lýdur Gudmundsson, United Kingdom, Executive Chairman of Exista hf. (First
    elected 1986) 

Further information on candidates for the Board of Directors is available at
Bakkavör Group hf. headquarters, Ármúli 3, 108 Reykjavík, Iceland.