Minutes of Annual General Meeting 20.05.2009

Annual General Meeting of the shareholders of AS Eesti Telekom, held on 20 May  
2009 decided:                                                                   

1. Approval of the 2008 Annual Report                                           
To approve the 2008 Annual Report.                                              

2. Allocation of Profit                                                         
To distribute consolidated retained earnings of the Eesti Telekom Group as of   
the end of the year 2008, attributable to the equity holders of the parent      
company of the Group, totalling EEK 2,413,843 thousand, as follows:             

To distribute among the shareholders and pay to the shareholders as dividends   
EEK 1,448,523 thousand, i.e. EEK 10.50 per share, based on a total of           
137,954,528 shares entitled to dividends.                                       
To leave the residual retained earnings totalling EEK 965,320 thousand          

The list of shareholders based on which dividends will be distributed shall be  
fixed at 23:59 on 5 June 2009. The dividends shall be paid out on 16 June 2009. 

3. Recall and election of the Supervisory Council members                       
To recall the following members of the Supervisory Board of AS Eesti Telekom:   
Björn Lindegren and Jörgen Latte. To consider the members of the Supervisory    
Board recalled and the term of their authorities as members of the Supervisory  
Board terminated from the moment of shareholders' resolution. To elect as       
members of the Supervisory Board of AS Eesti Telekom: Juha-Pekka Weckström and  
Freenasp Mobedjina. To consider the above persons elected and the term of their 
authorities as members of the Supervisory Board commenced from the moment of    
shareholders' resolution.                                                       

4. Election and remuneration principles of an auditor                           
To appoint AS PricewaterhouseCoopers (reg. no. 10142876) as an auditor of AS    
Eesti Telekom in the financial year 2009. The provision of and remuneration for 
the auditing services will be based on a contract entered into with the auditing