Collaboration with Skåne County Council with regard to combined diabetes and obesity clinic in the United Arab Emirates

Collaboration with Skåne County Council with regard to combined diabetes and
obesity clinic in the United Arab Emirates

In unique collaboration with Skåne County Council's company Skåne Care AB,
Global Health Partner will set up a clinic in the United Arab Emirates which
will focus on the treatment of diabetes and obesity. Skåne Care AB has long
experience and great knowledge of diabetes care through the endocrinology clinic
at Malmö University Hospital. “Global Health Partner is very happy about this
collaboration, which we think will be of benefit to both parties and to the
patients in the United Arab Emirates,” says Per Båtelson, Global Health
Partner's CEO.

On 14 May 2009 Global Health Partner entered into an agreement (see separate
press release) with the Ministry of Health in the United Arab Emirates regarding
the setting up and running of a combined obesity and diabetes clinic in Ajman,
an Emirate that is about fifty kilometres from Dubai. The clinic, which will be
the first of its kind in the region, with a combination of highly specialized
obesity and diabetes care, is immediately adjacent to the public Sheikh Khalifa
Hospital. Initially the clinic will focus on outpatient care, with additional
limited volumes of inpatient obesity surgery. The aim is to gradually expand the
inpatient care. Under the agreement Global Health Partner has full
responsibility for leading and running the business and the term of the contract
is initially five years.

The clinic in Ajman will be set up in collaboration with Malmö University
Hospital through Skåne Care, which is Skåne County Council's company for
commercial collaboration abroad. Skåne County Council has long experience and is
in the forefront with regard to clinical work and research related to diabetes
and obesity. Over the five-year period Skåne Care will contribute with both
competence regarding the treatment of diabetes and training and continual
monitoring of the quality of the work done. “The collaboration with Global
Health Partner enables us to put Skåne County Council on the map in a region
that will greatly expand its hospital resources over the next twenty years. This
will give us the opportunity to contribute with our competence, at the same time
as the collaboration allows our personnel to develop further and is of
commercial interest for Skåne County Council,” says Ronnie Halvardsson, Skåne
Care's CEO.

20 May 2009
Gothenburg, Sweden 

Global Health Partner AB (publ)
Per Båtelson, CEO

For further information, please contact:
Per Båtelson, CEO, tel: +46 (0)705-95 57 00
Anna Ahlberg, Head of Investor Relations, tel: +46 (0)708-55 38 35

Global Health Partner operates specialist clinics that focus on selected
treatment areas (Spine, Dental, Bariatrics and Orthopaedics) using a business
model unique in the Swedish healthcare sector in which leading physicians become
partners and shareholders. Operating clinics with a high patient volume in a
particular treatment area leads to a higher level of efficiency and quality.
This concept of “Quality through Specialisation” is the foundation for the
clinics and Global Health Partner's operations. Global Health Partner's shares
are traded on the Small Cap list at NASDAQ OMX Stockholm under the abbreviation

Global Health Partner AB (publ) is required to publish the information herein
according to the Swedish Securities Market Act.
This information was published on 20 May 2009 at 12.20 pm CET.

This is a translation of the Swedish version of the press release. When in
doubt, the Swedish wording prevails.

