Meet a Real Astral Traveler -- Free Spirit Marion Ney Shares Her Experiences and Encounters On Astral Projection

STRATFORD, Ontario, May 21, 2009 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Many are still unaware that there are Astral Travelers amongst us. Some of those who experience this for the first time may feel fear, confusion, or depression because they think that they are the only ones who have this "gift." But there are others who have come to accept and embrace this, and that's why they are able to open themselves - and help others. One of these free spirits is author Marion Ney. In her memoir, My Free Spirit, she shares of her past and present so other free spirits can learn and understand that this special "gift" is entrusted to those who are capable of enriching other people's lives.

Author Marion Ney, a free spirit, pens down her thoughts, sentiments, and experiences so that other free spirits like her would realize that Astral Travel, Astral Projection, or lucid dreaming (as others may call it) is true and real. A lot of individuals are blessed with this gift. She wants her fellow Astral Travelers to know that they are not alone, because she knows that others would feel uneasy, afraid, or weird. Ney also had questions - why, how - on her Astral encounters, but she realized that she is given this gift because she has a deep sense of nurturing and care for others. Astral Travelers don't control where and when they travel, they are just sent or led to places - hospitals or homes - where there are people who need comforting and help.

My Free Spirit is author Marion Ney's way of telling the world that if most people have talents in dancing, singing, performing, mechanics, carpentry, artistry, writing, painting, etc.; she and her fellow free spirits are uniquely gifted with Astral Traveling. This is an enlightening read for both free spirits and friends of these free spirits. For more information on this book, log on to

About the Author

Marion Ney's life began in Halifax, Nova Scotia, in February 1941. At age 16, she worked at The School for The Blind in Halifax. In 1960, she began working for New Brunswick Telephone in Sackville. There, she met and married a traveling mechanic. They were gifted with one son and one daughter. They moved to Ontario in 1974. She worked for Bell Canada which she thoroughly enjoyed until she injured her spine on their equipment and had to quit work. She became a young widow in 1982. In 1990, she was blessed with her first grandson. In 1991, her second grandson was born. She had her first granddaughter in 1992 and a second granddaughter in 1993. Her third grandson was born in 1994 and a fourth one in 1995. In 1997, she met and married a co-worker that she had met at Bell Canada twenty-three years earlier. They live in Ontario on a beautiful Lake during summers and in Florida during winters.

                   My Free Spirit * by Marion E. Ney
                    Publication Date: May 20, 2009
         Trade Paperback; $19.99; 121 pages; 978-1-4415-1980-1

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