Metro International announces financial and strategic update in view of the previously announced rights issue

Metro International  S.A.  ("Metro International"  or  "the  Group"),
today  announces,  in  view   of  Metro  International's   previously
announced rights issue (with a scheduled subscription period from and
including 22 May to and including 4 June 2009), its financial results
for the month of April 2009, forecasted results for the month of  May
2009 as  well  as a  strategic  update regarding  its  operations  in
Portugal and Italy.

In April 2009,  local currency sales  for the Group  declined by  18%
(11% adjusting for Easter impact) against the same month last year to
EUR 19.2 million (2008:  EUR 23.8 million)  excluding sales in  Metro
Spain which was closed  down in January this  year. The main part  of
the decline in sales was generated  in the segments for Northern  and
Southern Europe. In April 2009,  Metro International has recorded  an
EBIT loss of EUR 1.2 million (2008: EUR 0.6 million) excluding  Metro

For the month of May  2009, Metro International forecasts that  local
currency sales for the Group will  decline year-on-year by 9% to  EUR
21.4 million  (2008: EUR  23.4 million)  excluding Metro  Spain.  The
operating EBIT result for  the Group in May  2009 is estimated to  be
EUR 0.2 million (2008: EUR 0.1 million) excluding Metro Spain.

Metro  International  is  currently  in  advanced  negotiations  with
potential partners in  both Italy and  Portugal which may  lead to  a
partial or full divestment of these operations. These discussions are
in line  with  Metro  International's global  strategy  to  encourage
consolidation in its European  markets. For the  full year 2008,  the
total losses  in Italy  and  Portugal together  amounted to  EUR  2.5

For further information please contact:

Per Mikael Jensen, CEO and President         Tel: +44 (0)20 7016 1300
Anders Kronborg, CFO                         Tel: +44 (0)20 7016 1300



Metro is the largest international newspaper in the world.  Metro  is
published in over  100 major  cities in  18 countries across  Europe,
North & South  America and Asia.  Metro has a  unique global reach  -
attracting a young, active, well-educated Metropolitan audience of 17
million daily readers.

Metro International S.A.  shares are listed  on Nasdaq OMX  Stockholm
through Swedish Depository Receipts  of series A  and series B  under
the symbols MTROA and MTROB.


Press release PDF.pdf