Holding of own shares

Nasdaq OMX Copenhagen
London Stock Exchange
Bourse de Luxembourg
Other stakeholders

Stock Exchange Announcement No 06/09	Group Executive Management

	Peberlyk 4 • PO Box 1038
DK-6200 Aabenraa

Tel +45 74 36 36 36
Fax +45 74 36 35 36


Sydbank A/S
CVR No DK 12626509, Aabenraa

Direct tel. +45 74 36 20 05
25 May 2009 

Dear Sirs

Holding of own shares

As of 19 May 2009 Sydbank's holding of own shares amounts to 3,155,732 shares,
equal to 4.68% of the share capital of DKK 675m. 

Compared to the Bank's most recent stock exchange announcement in this respect
(No 21/07 dated 19 December 2007) the holding of own shares represented 5.22%. 
Yours faithfully
Jakob Aakjær	
Head of Executive Secretariat


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