Performance Results for the First Quarter of 2009

Based on the unaudited data one of the largest construction companies in the
country, Panevėžio statybos trestas AB Company Group, was on the income of 50.5
mln. Litas (14,6 mln.EUR) for three months of this year, i.e. by 46 percents
less than last year, and incurred the loss of 0.5 mln. (0.147 mln. EUR) before
taxation. The result of this year was loss-making to the PST Company Group due
to negative changes in the real estate market, however PST earned 2.2 mln.
Litas (0,6 mln. EUR) of before tax profit during January through March. 
The received net profit of PST was conditioned by successful activities on the
main construction sites - Klaipėdos BIG, Office Building of Lithuanian
Railways, Rokiškis Waste Water Treatment Plant and other sites. 

For more information contact:
Dalė Bernotaitienė
Finance Director
Phone: +370 45 505 507