Skanska and Platzer enter into property transaction in Gothenburg generating a gain of SEK 97 M for Skanska

Skanska and Platzer enter into property transaction in Gothenburg generating a
gain of SEK 97 M for Skanska

Skanska and Platzer have entered into a property transaction agreement in which
Skanska will divest two parking garages and an office building in Gothenburg and
acquire four development properties. Skanska will receive a net amount of SEK
168 M, generating a gain of SEK 97 M which is reported in the second quarter.
Occupancy will be in June 2009. 

Platzer will acquire the Gullbergsvass and Gårda parking garages in central
Gothenburg and an office building in Högsbo, south of Gothenburg. The three
properties comprise a total of 2,500 square meters of office premises and about
950 parking spaces. 

At the same time, Skanska will acquire four development properties from Platzer,
including the property adjacent to Skanska's Gothenburg office at Lilla Bommen
in central Gothenburg. The others are located in the Orrekulla industrial park
north of Gothenburg. The acquisition comprises a total of 21,000 square meters
of building rights. 

“We net acquire properties in locations we prioritize and consequently
strengthen our presence in these areas, in accordance with Platzer Fastigheter's
stated growth ambitions. The properties provide a stable cash flow today, but
also represent significant future possibilities,” says 
P-G Persson, President of Platzer Fastigheter.

“We are divesting completed properties and acquiring strategic building rights
for future projects. This will enable us to develop modern, efficient and green
buildings that appeal to tenants and investors,” says Cecilia Fasth, President
of Skanska Fastigheter Göteborg. 

Skanska is currently developing a new office building with a strong
environmental profile in Gårda. The property will be LEED certified and it is
Gothenburg's first property certified under the EU GreenBuilding scheme. This
means that the building's energy consumption will be at least 25 percent lower
than the level stipulated by the Swedish National Board of Housing, Building and
Planning in its standards for newly constructed properties.

Skanska Commercial Development Nordic initiates and develops property projects
involving office, logistics and retail buildings. Office buildings are
concentrated in the three major metropolitan regions in Sweden, the Copenhagen
region in Denmark and Helsinki in Finland. 

The business unit pursues the development of logistics and high-volume retail
properties at strategic locations in Sweden, Denmark and Finland. 

For further information please contact:

Cecilia Fasth, President, Skanska Fastigheter Göteborg, 
tel +46 70 528 38 15
P-G Persson, President, Platzer Fastigheter AB, tel +46 734 111 222
Peter Gimbe, Press Officer, Skanska AB, tel +46 10 448 88 38
Direct line for media: tel +46 10 448 88 99

This and previous releases can also be found at

Skanska AB may be required to disclose the information provided herein pursuant
to the Securities Markets Act.

Skanska is one of the world's leading project development and construction
groups with expertise in construction, development of commercial and residential
projects and public-private partnerships. The Group currently has 55,000
employees in selected home markets in Europe, in the US and Latin America.
Headquartered in Stockholm, Sweden and listed on the Stockholm Stock Exchange,
Skanska's sales in 2008 totaled SEK 144 billion.

