New management appointments at Nordea

Hans Jacobson is the new Head of Banking Sweden and Torsten Hagen
Jørgensen will take over after Jakob Grinbaum as Head of Group
Treasury. Head of Investor Relations Johan Ekwall will succeed the
current Head of Group Planning and Control, Frank Søllested, who will
lead Group Finance.

Hans Jacobson has been appointed Head of Banking Sweden. He has
worked within the business area of Nordea most of his career. Over
the last years he has been deputy head of the Swedish banking
operations, and before that Nordic Head of Segment Household among
other positions.

- Nordea's banking operations have a very strong position both from a
financial and a business perspective. I look forward to further
developing our products and enhancing our service to existing and new
customers. My aim is to maintain current and create new great
customer relations, both with household and corporate customers, says
Hans Jacobson, who takes on his position immediately.

Torsten Hagen Jørgensen, today Head of Group Strategy, will as of 1
October become new Head of Group Treasury as Jakob Grinbaum retires.

- Jakob Grinbaum has been with Nordea for more than 30 years, of
which 20 as Head of Group Treasury. I am grateful for the substantial
efforts he has made for the bank over the years and not least the
last year when he chose to stay in spite of passing his retirement
age. I am also glad that Torsten Hagen Jørgensen with his strategic
competence and deep insight into Nordea and the banking market has
accepted the offer to take over as Head of Group Treasury, says CFO
Fredrik Rystedt.

Torsten Hagen Jørgensen has been with Nordea since 2005 and has
before that many additional years of experience in investment banking
and asset management.

As of 1 September Johan Ekwall, today Head of Investor Relations,
will become Head of Group Planning and Control, where he takes over
after Frank Søllested, who becomes Head of Group Finance. Johan
Ekwall will remain in his position as Head of Investor Relations
until a new head has been recruited.

In connection with the changes Nordea has made, CFO Fredrik Rystedt
will become new Country Senior Executive in Sweden.

For further information:
Fredrik Rystedt, Chief Financial Officer, +46 8 614 7812
Peter Schütze, Head of Nordic Banking, +45 33 33 42 00
Jan Larsson, Head of Group Identity & Communications, +46 8 614 7916


Press release PDF.pdf