Mechel Reports Financial Results for 2008 Full Year Period

               Revenues Increased 48.9% to $9.95 Billion 

            Operating Income Increased 82.9% to $2.6 Billion

             Net Income Increased 24.9% to $1.1 Billion, 
                    or $2.74 Per ADR/Diluted Share

MOSCOW, June 3, 2009 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Mechel OAO (NYSE:MTL), a leading Russian integrated mining and steel group, today announced financial results for the full year ended December 31, 2008.

 US$ thousand                     FY 2008         FY 2007      Change
 Revenues                        9,950,705      6,683,842       48.9%
 Intersegment sales              1,467,722        936,790       56.7%
 Net operating income            2,556,269      1,397,593       82.9%
 Net operating margin                 25.7%          20.9%        -- 
 Net income                      1,140,544        913,051       24.9%
 EBITDA *                        2,046,811      1,658,662       23.4%
 EBITDA margin                        20.6%          24.8%        -- 
 *   See Attachment A.                                                  
 Consolidated Results for the fourth quarter of 2008    

 US$ thousand                      4Q 2008        3Q 2008      Change
 Revenues                        1,370,024      3,231,434     - 57.6% 
 Intersegment sales                306,585        369,718     - 17.1% 
 Net operating income             (251,266)     1,201,151    - 120.9% 
 Net operating margin               - 18.3%        - 37.2%        --  
 Net income                       (496,930)       535,702    - 192.8% 
 EBITDA                           (817,324)       984,215    - 183.0% 
 EBITDA margin                      - 59.7%          30.5%        --  

Igor Zyuzin, Mechel's Chief Executive Officer, commented on the full year results: "Overall, despite crisis developments in the world economy the fourth quarter, the year of 2008 was a successful one. Once again we managed to achieve record figures in revenue, operating income, and net profit, which allowed us to obtain a certain degree of security before market conditions for Mechel's products changed for the worse. Moreover, even during the most challenging fourth quarter on operating level, not taking into consideration inventory provision, Mechel's subsidiaries generated profit.

"Throughout the year we also continued to develop the company by M&A transactions, strengthening vertical integration and laying solid base for the company's growth in the future. As a result of testing on asset impairment there were no goodwill write-offs, which testifies about Mechel's well balanced and carefully planned approach to M&A transactions.

"Unfortunately like many other companies because of significant and sharp decline in market conditions we de-jure breached a number of covenants on our debt obligations. That is why most of our long-term obligations were reclassified as short term ones, which resulted in a significant increase of this position in our balance sheet. Most lending banks show understanding for this situation and take reasonable approach to it. We have already reached agreements on conditions for restructuring the main part of the debt and expect that the restructuring papers will be signed in July."

Net revenue in 2008 rose by 48.9% to $9.95 billion compared to $6.68 billion in 2007. Operating income rose by 82.9% to $2.6 billion or 25.7% of net revenue, versus operating income of $1.4 billion, or 20.9% of net revenue, in 2007.

For 2008, Mechel reported consolidated net income of $1.14 billion or $2.74 per ADR/ordinary share, an increase of 24.9% over consolidated net income of $913.1 million, or $2.19 per ADR/ordinary share in 2007.

Consolidated EBITDA rose by 23.4% to $2.05 billion in 2008, compared to $1.7 billion in the year ago period. Depreciation, depletion and amortization in 2008 were $463.3 million, an increase of 59.6% over $290.3 in the 2007.

 Mining Segment Results*
 US$ thousand                      FY 2008        FY 2007      Change
 Revenues from external
  customers                      3,333,406      1,372,508      142.9%
 Intersegment sales                698,561        598,461       16.7%
 Operating income                1,800,540        571,469      215.1%
 Net income                      1,200,445        403,525      197.5%
 EBITDA**                        1,897,013        713,627      165.8%
 EBITDA margin***                     47.0%          36.2%        --

 *   Results of 2007 are recalculated to reflect separate reporting
     for the ferroalloys segment.
 **  See Attachment A.
 *** EBITDA margin is calculated as a percentage of consolidated
     revenues of the segment, including intersegment sales.

 Mining Segment Output
 Product             FY 2008, thousand tonnes     FY 2008 vs. FY 2007 
 Coal                         26,393                      24%         
 Coking coal                  15,148                      45%         
 Steam coal                   11,244                       4%          
   Coal concentrate*          13,847                      12%         
   Coking                     11,046                      14%         
   Steam                       2,801                       4%         
 Iron ore concentrate          4,700                     - 5%         
 *   The coal concentrate has been produced from the part of the raw  
     coal output. 

 Mining Segment Results for the fourth quarter of 2008
 US$ thousand                      4Q 2008       Q3 2008      Change  
 Revenues from external                                               
  customers                        504,268      1,119,848     - 55.0% 
 Intersegment sales                134,495        189,045     - 28.9% 
 Operating income                  240,092        643,016     - 62.7% 
 Net income                        178,533        391,210     - 54.4% 
 EBITDA                            212,002        621,500     - 65.9% 
 EBITDA margin*                       33.2%          47.5%        --  
 *   EBITDA margin is calculated as a percentage of consolidated      
     revenues of the segment, including intersegment sales.

 Mining Segment Output for the fourth quarter of 2008  
 Product              4Q 2008, thousand tonnes    4Q 2008 vs. 3Q 2008 
 Coal                          5,691                    - 15%         
 Coking coal                   2,739                    - 31%         
 Steam coal                    2,951                       9%         
   Coal concentrate*           2,634                    - 23%         
   Coking                      1,782                    - 40%         
   Steam                         852                      92%         
 Iron ore concentrate          1,080                     - 6%         
 *   The coal concentrate has been produced from the part of the raw  
     coal output.                                                     

Mining segment revenue from external customers for 2008 totaled $3.3 billion, or 33% of consolidated net revenue, an increase of 142.9% over segment revenue from external customers of $1.4 billion, or 21% of consolidated net revenue, in the 2007.

Operating income in the mining segment in 2008 increased by 215.1% to $1.8 billion, or 44.7% of total segment revenue, compared to operating income of $571.5 million, or 29.0% of total segment revenue, a year ago. EBITDA in the mining segment in 2008 increased by 165.8% to $1.9 billion over segment EBITDA of $713.6 million in 2007. The EBITDA margin for the mining segment was 47.0% for the 2008 full year period, versus 36.2% in 2007. Depreciation, depletion and amortization in mining segment in 2008 amounted to $280.3 million, an increase of 105.3% over $136.5 million a year ago.

Mechel's Senior vice-president Vladimir Polin commented on the mining segment operating results: "Out of four company's divisions the best results were delivered by our mining segment. For the most part it was due to a favorable market conditions for coal and iron ore in the first three quarters of 2008. We took full advantage of the growing prices and increased sales volumes on the back of increased production as well as consolidation of Yakutugol. Relatively smoothly we were operating during the challenging fourth quarter owing to the long term contracts according to which we continued delivering coal to our main customers. Given general downturn in the world economy and falling demand we undertook a number of measures aimed at reducing strip ratio and increasing output of steam coal, which saw a better demand than coking coal.

"We also revised our capex program postponing a number of projects. Presently our main efforts in this respect are focused on continued implementation of Elga project. Most of the financing will be secured using external sources. Currently we are witnessing a stabilization of prices for coal and iron ore. Under such conditions we directed our efforts at exploring new markets. Having increased sales of iron ore concentrate to China we started shipping there our coal as well. Very promising in this regard is our recent acquisition of Bluestone Coal, which opened up for us markets of the United States and Latin America. Despite a rather sharp decline in the mining industry, overall it remains fundamentally very attractive."

 Steel Segment Results*                                
 US$ thousand                      FY 2008      FY 2007        Change 
 Revenues from external                                               
  customers                      5,495,139      4,306,875       27.6% 
 Intersegment sales                278,580        107,617      158.9% 
 Operating income                  770,439        537,261       43.4% 
 Net income                        229,523        375,115     - 38.8% 
 EBITDA**                          629,572        709,461     - 11.3% 
 EBITDA margin***                     10.9%          16.1%        --  
 *   Results of 2007 are recalculated to reflect separate reporting 
     for the ferroalloys segment.                                     
 **  See Attachment A.                                              
 *** EBITDA margin is calculated as a percentage of consolidated    
     revenues of the segment, including intersegment sales.

 Steel Segment Output          
 Product           FY 2008, thousand tonnes     FY 2008 vs. FY 2007   
 Coke                      3,326                     - 14%            
 Pig iron                  3,500                      - 5%            
 Steel                     5,909                      - 3%            
 Rolled products           5,392                      - 2%            
 Hardware                    719                        5%            

 Steel Segment Results for the fourth quarter of 2008
 US$ thousand                     4Q 2008        Q3 2008      Change  
 Revenues from external                                               
  customers                        665,930      1,825,037     - 63.5% 
 Intersegment sales                 79,879         58,377       36.8% 
 Operating income                 (363,336)       534,879    - 167.9% 
 Net income                       (404,094)       165,927    - 343.5% 
 EBITDA                           (508,366)       366,636    - 238.7% 
 EBITDA margin*                     - 68.2%          19.5%        --  
 *   EBITDA margin is calculated as a percentage of consolidated      
     revenues of the segment, including intersegment sales.

 Steel Segment Output for the fourth quarter of 2008 
 Product          4Q 2008, thousand tonnes     4Q 2008 vs. 3Q 2008    
 Coke                        627                    - 27%             
 Pig iron                    719                    - 23%             
 Steel                     1,164                    - 31%             
 Rolled products           1,079                    - 26%             
 Hardware                    115                    - 48%    

Revenue from external customers in Mechel's steel segment increased by 27.6% in 2008 to $5.5 billion, or 55% of consolidated net revenue, from $4.3 billion, or 64% of consolidated net revenue, in 2007.

In 2008 the steel segment generated operating income of $770.4 million, or 13.3% or total segment revenue, an increase of 43.4% over operating income of $537.3 million, or 12.2% of total segment revenue, in the 2007 full year period. EBITDA in the steel segment for 2008 decreased by 11.3% to $629.6 million, compared to EBITDA of $709.5 million in 2007. The EBITDA margin of the steel segment was 10.9% in 2008 compared to 16.1% in 2007. Depreciation, depletion and amortization in steel segment rose by 10.7% to $137.5 million in 2008, compared to $124.2 million in 2007.

Commenting the results of the steel segment Vladimir Polin noted: "The crisis of the world economy resulted in the significant drop in demand for steel products. Thus we had to decrease output and work hard on the cost-cutting. In line with that we have shut down ineffective open hearth furnaces at Izhstal plant, optimized capacity utilization by supplying more billets from Chelyabinsk Metallurgical Plant and increased efficiency of repair and maintenance works, improved usage ratios through all segment.

"Also we have significantly reconsidered our capex program: we continue only the top priority projects, such as the construction of the Universal rolling mill facility at our Chelyabinsk Metallurgical Plant and modernization of the electric-arc smelting at Izhstal. Also we plan to build universal mill using external financing. We should take into consideration that even during significant decrease in demand for steel products, we managed to keep high capacity utilization across the segment. Largely it was possible due to existence of our own steel trading divisions and steel retail and service network of Mechel-Service with its vast network, servicing end users. Against the drop in wholesale orders at other steel plants, Mechel-Service managed to keep our plants filled with orders. This was supported by the HBL holding, which we acquired in September 2008. HBL unites eight service and trading units in Germany.

"Today we see that steel prices have reached the cost levels of most producers, so we do not foresee further price decrease on the rolled steel market. After working hard on cost cutting and sales redirection to better markets, we have put into operation Blast Furnance #4 at CMP, restoring its capacity back to 100%. We keep focusing on further increasing steel segment efficiency, utilizing all benefits of our vertical integration."

 Ferroalloy Segment Results 
 US$ thousand                       FY 2008      FY 2007       Y-on-Y
 Revenues from external customers   434,017       501,143      -13.4%
 Intersegment sales                 150,614       135,513       11.1%
 Operating income                   (50,517)      350,107     -114.4%
 Net income                        (283,235)      222,024     -227.6%
 EBITDA*                           (420,075)      323,760     -229.7%
 EBITDA margin**                     - 71.9          50.9%        --

 *   See Attachment A.
 **  EBITDA margin is calculated as a percentage of consolidated
     revenues of the segment, including intersegment sales.

 Ferroalloy Segment Output

 Product               FY 2008 thousand tonnes    FY 2008 vs. FY 2007
 Nickel                                     16                    -6%
 Ferrosilicon                               84                   127%
 Ferrochrome                                58                    --

 Ferroalloy Segment Results for the fourth quarter of 2008
 US$ thousand                       4Q 2008      Q3 2008       Q-on-Q
 Revenues from external customers    31,804       123,938      -74.3%
 Intersegment sales                  10,025        48,088      -79.2%
 Operating income                  (127,315)       (8,127)        --
 Net income                        (270,103)      (52,100)        --
 EBITDA                            (498,096)      (20,404)        --
 EBITDA margin*                    - 1,190.8       - 11.9         --

 *   EBITDA margin is calculated as a percentage of consolidated
     revenues of the segment, including intersegment sales.

 Ferroalloy Segment Output for the fourth quarter of 2008

 Product              4Q 2008, thousand tonnes    4Q 2008 vs. 3Q 2008
 Nickel                                      2                   -59%
 Ferrosilicon                               17                   -23%
 Ferrochrome                                10                   -57%

Ferroalloy segment revenue form external customers for 2008 decreased by 13.4% to $434.0 million, or 4% of consolidated net revenue, compared with segment revenue from external customers of $501.1 million, or 7% of consolidated net revenue, in 2007.

Operating loss in the ferroalloy segment in 2008 was $50.5 million, a decrease of 114.4% compared to operating income of $350.1 million, or 55% of total segment revenue, a year ago. EBITDA in the ferroalloy segment for 2008 was -$420.1 million, 229.7% lower than segment EBITDA of $323.8 million in 2007. The EBITDA margin for the ferroalloy segment was -71.9%. For ferroalloy segment depreciation, depletion and amortization in 2008 were $22.7 million, an increase of 69.4% over $13.4 million in 2007.

Vladimir Polin noted: "Ferroalloys segment - is the youngest in our company and was formed only in the second quarter of 2008, when we acquired Oriel Resources Ltd. Financial performance of the segment was seriously affected by decline of nickel and chrome prices. Also because of drop in demand for stainless steel and reduction of its output, our plants remained with high inventories of expensive raw materials, bought during price hikes. This negatively affected the final profitability of the segment. Still we managed to use our vertical integration to minimize the production decline on our ferroalloy smelters, thus providing additional demand for our mining segment products. Since the beginning of 2009 we witnessed some growth in nickel prices, allowing us to restore production levels at Southern Urals Nickel Plant, which reached 100% after recent commissioning of the previously idled shaft furnace. As for ferrochrome production, I would like to underline that Tikhvin ferroalloy plant has stopped purchasing chrome ore at third parties and switched to smelting our own feed from Voskhod-Chrome, launched in September 2008 and now is being brought to projected capacity. Supplying Tikhvin plant from Voskhod-Chrome allows us to improve financial performance of the segment. Bratsk Ferroalloy Plant, which produces ferrosilicon, was the best performer in the segment in 2008. Some decline in tonnage output was caused by switching of production from 65% Fe-Si to 75% Fe-Si, since 75% Fe-Si allows more efficient sales. So the overall production of Fe-Si remained 100%."

 Power Segment Results*
 US$ thousand                       FY 2008      FY 2007       Y-on-Y
 Revenues from external  customers  688,143       503,316       36.7%
 Intersegment sales                 339,967        95,199      257.1%
 Operating income                    29,406        12,627      132.9%
 Net income / (loss)                  3,037       (13,597)        --
 EBITDA**                            51,768        26,211       97.5%
 EBITDA margin(8)                       5.0%          4.4%        --

 *   Results of 2007 are recalculated to reflect separate reporting
     for the ferroalloys segment.
 **  See Attachment A.
 *** EBITDA margin is calculated as a percentage of consolidated
     revenues of the segment, including intersegment sales.

 Power Segment Output
                                                              FY 2008
 Product                            Units        FY 2008      FY 2007
 Electric power generation         ths. kWh     4,087,998         21%
 Heat power generation                 Gcal     7,218,242        - 7%

 Power Segment Results for the fourth quarter of 2008
 US$ thousand                       4Q 2008      Q3 2008       Q-on-Q
 Revenues from external  customers  168,022      162,611         3.3%
 Intersegment sales                  82,185       74,208        10.7%
 Operating income                    10,349       (4,068)         --
 Net income / (loss)                  4,270       (8,426)         --
 EBITDA                              13,225        2,626       403.6%
 EBITDA margin*                         5.3%         1.1%         --

 *   EBITDA margin is calculated as a percentage of consolidated
     revenues of the segment, including intersegment sales.

 Power Segment Output for the fourth quarter of 2008
                                                              4Q 2008
 Product                            Units        4Q 2008      3Q 2007
 Electric power generation         ths. kWh       979,639          3%
 Heat power generation                 Gcal     2,060,716         96%

Mechel's power segment revenue from external customers for 2008 totaled $688.1 million, or 7% of consolidated net revenue, an increase of 36.7% over segment revenue from external customers of $503.3 million, or 8% of consolidated net revenue, in the prior year.

Operating income in the power segment in 2008 was $29.4 million, an increase of 132.9% compared to operating income of $12.6 million a year ago. EBITDA in the power segment in 2008 increased 97.5% totaling $51.8 million, compared to EBITDA of $26.2 million in 2007. The EBITDA margin for the power segment increased from 4.4% to 5.0%. Depreciation, depletion and amortization in power segment in 2008 rose 39.9%, compared to previous year, from $16.3 million to $22.8 million.

Recent Highlights

 * In December 2008, Mechel announced that VTB Bank has opened
   one-year credit lines totaling 15 billion rubles for Yakutugol
   OJSHC, Southern Kuzbass Coal Company OAO and CMK OAO,
   subsidiaries of Mechel. The credit facilities are used to fund
   the operations of these subsidiaries.

 * In January 2009, Mechel entered into an agreement with
   Gazprombank OAO to arrange for the financing of a universal
   rolling mill installation project at its Chelyabinsk
   Metallurgical Plant OAO (CMP OAO) subsidiary. Pursuant to the
   agreement, Gazprombank OAO provides fundraising services
   amounting up to US$255 million.

 * In February 2009, Mechel announced that it has signed a long-term
   agreement with Hyundai Steel, Korea, to supply coking coal. The
   agreement was signed within a visit to South Korea of the Russian
   delegation headed by the Russian Federation Vice-Premier Igor
   Sechin, in which Mechel OAO Chief Executive Officer Igor Zyuzin
   also participated. Pursuant to the agreement, the arrangement was
   reached for Mechel to deliver K-9 grade coking coal mined from
   Neryungri open pit to Hyundai Steel for five years beginning on
   April 1, 2010. The planned delivery volume ranges between 100,000
   to 300,000 tonnes of coal annually.

 * In February 2009, Mechel announced that Gazprombank Open
   Joint-Stock Company has opened credit lines totaling $1 billion
   for Mechel's subsidiaries. Credit facilities provided will be
   used mainly for short-term debt repayment. The credit facilities
   provided have a three-year term.

 * In March 2009, Mechel reported that the Executive Body of Closed
   Joint Stock Company "Moscow Interbank Currency Exchange" decided
   to include Mechel OAO ordinary registered book-entry shares on
   the quotation list A1-level.

 * In April 2009, Mechel announced that its Beloretsk Metallurgical
   Plant OAO subsidiary (BMP OAO) launched a new product - steel
   ropes manufactured from plastically drafted strands of 25 mm - 57
   mm diameter. The main advantage of the new product is high
   structural density and tensile strength, durability of wires in
   strands and strands in ropes, low wearing of sheaves and reels
   due to bigger area of contact with a rope's bearing surface. The
   lifetime of steel ropes with plastically drafted strands is 1.5
   times longer as compared to conventional ropes.

 * In April 2009, Mechel announced that blast furnace No. 4 was
   officially commissioned at its Chelyabinsk Metallurgical Plant
   subsidiary (CMP). The furnace was temporarily delayed in November
   2008 due to its third category capital repair. The renewed
   furnace will produce about 3,000 tones of pig iron daily.

 * In May 2009, Mechel announced commissioning of the Shaft Furnace
   No. 8 after repair at its Southern Urals Nickel Plant subsidiary.
   Thus, six shaft furnaces currently operate at the plant. The
   restart of the Furnace No. 8 resulted in the 15% increase in
   utilization of the plant's capacity. Considering total output of
   the six shaft furnaces, Southern Urals Nickel Plant reached the
   level of 80% of average monthly pre-crises output. As the result
   of the maintenance work completion and increase in demand for the
   plant's products, four shaft furnaces have been successively
   restarted from March 2009.

 * In May 2009, Mechel announced that its subsidiaries have closed
   the acquisition of U.S. entities Bluestone Industries, Inc., a
   West Virginia corporation, Dynamic Energy, Inc., a West Virginia
   corporation, JCJ Coal Group, LLC, a Delaware limited liability
   company and some of its West Virginia affiliates (together
   "Bluestone"), privately-held West Virginia-based coal businesses
   engaged in the mining, processing and sale of premium quality
   hard coking coal. The aggregate merger consideration is $436
   million paid in cash (including $36 million interest paid),
   approximately 83.3 million preferred shares, plus the assumption
   of approximately $132 million of net debt.

 * In May 2009, Mechel announced a two month extension of its bridge
   loan taken to finance the acquisition of Oriel Resources Ltd.
   (Great Britain). The Company and creditor banks representatives
   agreed on the basic principles of the bridge loan refinancing for
   a term of up to 3.5 years, and the extension period will be used
   to execute the agreement. At the moment the participating banks
   of the syndicate are in the process of internal procedures
   performing in order to get the final approval of this agreement

Igor Zyuzin concluded: "Overall, 2008 was another year of development and growth for Mechel. We added to the list of Mechel's subsidiaries a number of promising assets. We also managed to increase output along the whole range of our products. General decline in production and crisis developments in the economy that we are dealing with starting from the second half of 2008 show all the benefits of Mechel's vertical integration model. We remain devoted to further development of the company and will continue our efforts aimed at increasing efficiency of its business segments and bringing added value to our shareholders. Industries in which we operate remain very attractive from fundamental standpoint, which has a good potential for the company's growth when economy recovers and market conditions for our products improve."

Financial Position

Capital expenditure on property, plant and equipment and acquisition of mineral licenses for the 2008 full year amounted to $1.2 billion, of which $712 million was invested in the mining segment, $337 million was invested in the steel segment, $101 million was invested in the ferroalloy segment and $21 million was invested in the power segment.

For the 2008 full year, Mechel spent $2.1 billion on acquisitions, including $198 million (excluding monetary resources acquired) on Ductil Steel acquisition; $439 million on advances paid for Bluestone Industries Inc.; $1.44 billion (excluding monetary resources acquired) on Oriel Resourses acquisition; $15 million on HBL Holdings as well as $51 million spent on acquisition of minority interest in other subsidiaries.

As of December 31, 2008 total debt was at $5.4 billion. Cash and cash equivalents amounted to $254.8 million at the end of the year 2008 and net debt amounted to $5.1. billion (net debt is defined as total debt outstanding less cash and cash equivalents).

The management of Mechel will host a conference call today at 10:00 a.m. New York time (3:00 p.m. London time, 6:00 p.m. Moscow time) to review Mechel's financial results and comment on current operations. The call may be accessed via the Internet at, under the Investor Relations section.

Mechel is one of the leading Russian companies. Its business includes four segments: mining, steel, ferroalloy and power. Mechel unites producers of coal, iron ore concentrate, steel, rolled products, ferroalloys, hardware, heat and electric power. Mechel products are marketed domestically and internationally.

Some of the information in this press release may contain projections or other forward-looking statements regarding future events or the future financial performance of Mechel, as defined in the safe harbor provisions of the U.S. Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. We wish to caution you that these statements are only predictions and that actual events or results may differ materially. We do not intend to update these statements. We refer you to the documents Mechel files from time to time with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, including our Form 20-F. These documents contain and identify important factors, including those contained in the section captioned "Risk Factors" and "Cautionary Note Regarding Forward-Looking Statements" in our Form 20-F, that could cause the actual results to differ materially from those contained in our projections or forward-looking statements, including, among others, the achievement of anticipated levels of profitability, growth, cost and synergy of our recent acquisitions, the impact of competitive pricing, the ability to obtain necessary regulatory approvals and licenses, the impact of developments in the Russian economic, political and legal environment, volatility in stock markets or in the price of our shares or ADRs, financial risk management and the impact of general business and global economic conditions.

Attachments to the Announcement of FY 2008 Results

Attachment A

Non-GAAP financial measures. This press release includes financial information prepared in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America, or US GAAP, as well as other financial measures referred to as non-GAAP. The non-GAAP financial measures should be considered in addition to, but not as a substitute for, the information prepared in accordance with US GAAP.

Earnings Before Interest, Depreciation and Amortization (EBITDA) and EBITDA margin. EBITDA represents earnings before interest, depreciation and amortization. EBITDA margin is defined as EBITDA as a percentage of our net revenues. Our EBITDA may not be similar to EBITDA measures of other companies; is not a measurement under accounting principles generally accepted in the United States and should be considered in addition to, but not as a substitute for, the information contained in our consolidated statement of operations. We believe that EBITDA provides useful information to investors because it is an indicator of the strength and performance of our ongoing business operations, including our ability to fund discretionary spending such as capital expenditures, acquisitions and other investments and our ability to incur and service debt. While interest, depreciation and amortization are considered operating costs under generally accepted accounting principles, these expenses primarily represent the non-cash current period allocation of costs associated with long-lived assets acquired or constructed in prior periods. Our EBITDA calculation is commonly used as one of the bases for investors, analysts and credit rating agencies to evaluate and compare the periodic and future operating performance and value of companies within the metals and mining industry. EBITDA can be reconciled to our consolidated statements of operations as follows:

 US$ thousands                                2008          2007
 Net income                                 1,140,544       913,051
 Depreciation, depletion and amortization     463,297       290,315
 Interest expense                             324,083        98,976
 Income taxes                                 118,887       356,320
 Consolidated EBITDA                        2,046,811     1,658,662

EBITDA margin can be reconciled as a percentage to our Revenues as follows:

 US$ thousands                                2008          2007
 Revenue, net                               9,950,705     6,683,842
 EBITDA                                     2,046,811     1,658,662
 EBITDA margin                                  20.6%         24.8%

 Consolidated Balance Sheets
 (in thousands of U.S. dollars, except share amounts)

                                             December 31, December 31,
                                                2008          2007
 Cash and cash equivalents                   $   254,839  $   236,779
 Accounts receivable, net of allowance for
  doubtful accounts of $110,613 in 2008 and
  $26,781 in 2007                                406,749      341,756
 Due from related parties                         22,171        4,988
 Inventories                                   1,365,109    1,006,858
 Deferred income taxes                            22,047       12,331
 Prepayments and other current assets            674,261      633,993
                                             -----------  -----------
 Total current assets                          2,745,176    2,236,705

 Long-term investments in related parties         80,408       92,571
 Other long-term investments                     472,772       58,595
 Intangible assets, net                            6,956        7,408
 Property, plant and equipment, net            4,277,841    3,701,762
 Mineral licenses, net                         3,430,642    2,131,483
 Other non-current assets                         57,844       67,918
 Deferred income taxes                            27,551       16,755
 Goodwill                                        910,444      914,446
                                             -----------  -----------
 Total assets                                $12,009,634  $ 9,227,643
                                             ===========  ===========

 Short-term borrowings and current portion of
  long-term debt (including debt of
  $4,233,751 with loan covenant violations
  in 2008)                                   $ 5,149,415  $ 1,135,104
 Accounts payable and accrued expenses:
   Trade payable to vendors of goods and
    services                                     688,702      222,753
   Advances received                             125,042      147,739
   Accrued expenses and other current
    liabilities                                  143,587      144,083
   Taxes and social charges payable              131,241      123,794
   Unrecognized income tax benefits               27,176       79,211
 Due to related parties                            1,588        3,596
 Asset retirement obligation, current portion      6,387        5,366
 Deferred income taxes                            17,785       33,056
 Deferred revenue                                  1,776       20,949
 Pension obligations, current portion             28,960       63,706
 Dividends payable                                 4,919           --
 Finance lease liabilities, current portion       14,891       11,708
                                             -----------  -----------
 Total current liabilities                     6,341,469    1,991,065

 Long-term debt, net of current portion          219,816    2,321,922
 Asset retirement obligations, net of current
  portion                                         65,217       65,928
 Pension obligations, net of current portion     158,070      266,660
 Deferred income taxes                           841,214      701,318
 Finance lease liabilities, net of current
  portion                                         54,161       73,377
 Commitments and contingencies
 Other long-term liabilities                       8,026        1,917

 Minority interests                              290,849      300,523

 Common shares (10 Russian rubles par value;
  497,969,086 shares authorized, 416,270,745
  shares issued and outstanding as of
  December 31, 2008 and December 31, 2007)       133,507      133,507
 Additional paid-in capital                      415,070      415,070
 Accumulated other comprehensive income          158,937      305,467
 Retained earnings                             3,323,298    2,650,889
                                             -----------  -----------
 Total shareholders' equity                    4,030,812    3,504,933
                                             -----------  -----------
 Total liabilities and shareholders' equity  $12,009,634  $ 9,227,643
                                             ===========  ===========

 Consolidated Income Statements                                       
 (in thousands of U.S. dollars, except share                          
 and per share amounts)                                               
                                             Year ended December 31,  
                                               2008           2007    
                                         -------------- --------------
 Revenue, net (including related party                                
  amounts of $68,328 and $110,056                                    
  during 2008 and 2007, respectively)    $   9,950,705  $   6,683,842 
 Cost of goods sold (including                                        
  related party amounts of $12,213 and                                
  $157,427 during 2008 and 2007,                                      
  respectively)                             (5,260,108)    (4,166,864)
 Gross profit                                4,690,597      2,516,978 
  Selling, distribution and operating                                 
  Selling and distribution expenses         (1,348,989)      (621,811)
  Taxes other than income tax                 (116,590)       (83,994)
  Accretion expense                             (6,078)        (3,101)
  Loss on write-off of property,                                      
   plant and equipment                          (4,323)            -- 
  Allowance for doubtful accounts             (103,632)        (1,411)
  General, administrative and other                                   
   operating expenses                         (554,716)      (409,068)
  Total selling, distribution and                                     
   operating expenses                       (2,134,328)    (1,119,385)
  Operating income                           2,556,269      1,397,593 
 Other income and (expense):                                          
  Income from equity investments                   717              8 
  Interest income                               11,614         12,278 
  Interest expense                            (324,083)       (98,976)
  Other (expenses) income, net                 (18,821)        19,844 
  Foreign exchange (loss) gain                (877,428)        54,700 
 Total other income and (expense), net      (1,208,001)       (12,146)
 Income before income tax, minority                                   
  interest, discontinued operations and                               
  extraordinary gain                         1,348,268      1,385,447 
  Income tax expense                          (118,887)      (356,320)
  Minority interest in income of                                      
   subsidiaries                                (88,837)      (116,234)
 Income from continuing operations           1,140,544        912,893 
 Income from discontinued operations,                                 
  net of tax                                        --            158 
 Net income                              $   1,140,544  $     913,051 
 Currency translation adjustment              (227,618)       136,673 
 Change in pension benefit obligation           87,659        (14,365)
 Adjustment of available-for-sale                                     
  securities                                    (6,571)        (5,059)
 Comprehensive income                    $     994,014  $   1,030,300 
 Basic and diluted earnings per share:                                
 Earnings per share from continuing                                   
  operations                             $         274  $        2.19 
 Income per share effect of discontinued                              
  operations                                      0.00           0.00 
 Net income per share                    $         274  $        2.19 
 Weighted average number of shares                                    
  outstanding                              416,270,745    416,270,745

 Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows
 (in thousands of U.S. dollars)

                                            Year ended December 31,
                                              2008          2007

 Cash Flows from Operating Activities
 Net income                               $ 1,140,544    $   913,051
 Adjustments to reconcile net income to
  net cash provided by operating
   Depreciation                               360,587        250,333
   Depletion and amortization                 102,710         39,982
   Foreign exchange loss(gain)                877,428        (54,700)
   Deferred income taxes                     (403,816)       (18,320)
   Allowance for doubtful accounts            103,632          1,411
   Inventory write-down                       278,176          1,227
   Accretion expense                            6,078          3,101
   Loss on write-off of property, plant
    and equipment                               4,323             --
   Minority interest                           88,837        116,234
   Change in undistributed earnings of
    equity investments                           (717)            (8)
   Non-cash interest on long-term tax
    and pension liabilities                    18,426          6,942
   Loss on sale of property, plant and
    equipment                                  15,641         10,581
   (Gain) loss on sale of investments          (4,568)        13,426
   Gain on discharged asset retirement
    obligations                                    --        (14,430)
   Income from discontinued operations             --           (158)
   Gain on accounts payable with expired
    legal term                                 (2,370)       (12,158)
   Gain on forgiveness of fines and
    penalties                                      --         (8,311)
   Amortization of loan origination fee
    and costs on bonds issue                   28,102             --
   Pension service cost and amortization
    of prior year service cost                  9,745          2,681
   Pension benefit plan curtailment gain      (23,421)            --
   Provision for short-term investment             --          4,124
                                          -----------    -----------
 Net change before changes in working
  capital                                   2,599,337      1,255,008
                                          -----------    -----------
 Changes in working capital items, net
  of effects from acquisition of new
   Trading securities                              --        257,185
   Accounts receivable                       (140,545)      (118,101)
   Inventories                               (658,930)      (254,342)
   Trade payable to vendors of goods
    and services                              594,639        (19,909)
   Advances received                           (6,230)       (56,697)
   Accrued taxes and other liabilities         (8,353)       (67,155)
   Settlements with related parties            (9,308)        (3,237)
   Current assets and liabilities of
    discontinued operations                        --           (234)
   Deferred revenue and cost of
    inventory in transit, net                 (16,591)        14,700
   Other current assets                       (79,196)       (49,686)
   Prepayments to non-state pension funds       4,254        (38,981)
   Unrecognized income tax benefits           (49,136)       (13,582)
                                          -----------    -----------
   Net cash provided by operating
    activities                              2,229,941        904,969

 Cash Flows from Investing Activities
  Acquisition of Oriel, less cash
   acquired                                (1,439,600)            --
  Acquisition of Ductil Steel S.A.,
   less cash acquired                        (197,621)            --
  Advances paid for Bluestone Industries
   Inc                                       (438,623)            --
  Acquisition of HBL, less cash acquired      (14,593)            --
  Acquisition of Yakutugol, less cash
   acquired                                        --     (1,580,004)
  Acquisition of Elgaugol, less cash
   acquired                                        --       (345,861)
  Acquisition of SKPP, less cash acquired          --       (280,853)
  Acquisition of BFP, less cash acquired           --       (186,665)
  Acquisition of KPSC, less cash acquired          --        (78,304)
  Acquisition of other subsidiaries,
   less cash acquired                              --        (17,454)
  Acquisition of minority interest
   in subsidiaries                            (51,346)        (2,378)
  Investment in TPP Rousse                         --        (73,539)
  Investments in other marketable
   securities                                      --         (3,289)
  Proceeds from disposal of non-
   marketable equity securities                 7,457             --
  Other long-term investments                      --        (27,743)
  Repayments of short-term loans issued           930         18,709
  Proceeds from disposals of property,
   plant and equipment                          3,644            456
  Purchases of mineral licenses                (4,344)        (3,517)
  Purchases of property, plant and
   equipment                               (1,166,987)      (830,024)
                                          -----------    -----------
 Net cash used in investing activities     (3,301,083)    (3,410,466)
                                          -----------    -----------

 Cash Flows from Financing Activities
  Proceeds from short-term borrowings       5,593,547      4,047,426
  Repayment of short-term borrowings       (3,856,110)    (3,156,412)
  Dividends paid                             (467,916)      (317,893)
  Proceeds from long-term debt                 99,377      2,004,780
  Repayment of long-term debt                 (21,388)        (6,586)
  Repayment of obligations under finance
   lease                                      (48,541)       (21,434)
                                          -----------    -----------
  Net cash provided by (used in)
   financing activities                     1,298,969      2,549,881
                                          -----------    -----------
  Effect of exchange rate changes on
   cash and cash equivalents                 (209,767)        19,781
                                          -----------    -----------

  Net increase (decrease) in cash and
   cash equivalents                            18,060         64,165

  Cash and cash equivalents at beginning
   of year                                    236,779        172,614
                                          -----------    -----------
  Cash and cash equivalents at end of
   year                                   $   254,839    $   236,779
                                          ===========    ===========


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