Youth Rally to Promote Student Voices in NYC Department of Education School Policies and Advocate for Educational Justice

NEW YORK, June 3, 2009 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Over one hundred lively NYC high school students and their supporters will rally at City Hall Park tomorrow, June 4th, from 12 to 3 p.m. to advocate for student leadership and input in key decisions made by the Department of Education (DOE). The students, members of Global Kids -- the premiere non-profit organization in New York City that teaches underserved high school students about international issues and civic engagement -- will represent campaigns that they have been working on throughout the school year.

Student campaigns include:

 * Support The Dream Act, federal legislation that will give
   undocumented students who have graduated from a U.S. high school
   the chance to go on to college and embark upon a path towards
 * Better Management of the "Phase Out" of Large High Schools, many
   of which are currently being phased out and replaced by smaller
   schools, as well as more support services for the students in
   these schools.
 * Pass the Dignity For All Students Act (DASA), a law that has
   been passed by the New York State Assembly (but has yet to be
   passed in the NY State Senate), with key provisions that mandate
   anti-harassment training for school staff, reporting, and
   tracking bias and harassment.
 * Student Voice and Input Needs to be Heard in Every High School
   and by the DOE. There are insufficient mechanisms in place to
   ensure that young people are consulted in key decisions that
   concern their education.
 * Better Support for Junior High Schools. Continuing the work of
   the DOE's Middle School Task Force, more services and support
   needs to be provided to junior high schools and their students,
   as these years are crucial to determining whether or not students
   will ultimately graduate from high school.

The rally will take place on Thursday, June 4, from 12 to 3 p.m. at City Hall Park across from City Hall at 249 Broadway/ New York, NY 10007. It will feature youth speakers, educators, live music and theater. Schools are closed to students on this day, the Chancellor's Conference Day, when teachers will be participating in professional development activities.

The rally comes at a critical time when State lawmakers are debating the issue of school governance. The Global Kids youth leaders and their allies have important messages in this debate, as they have researched and developed campaigns throughout the school year, showcasing the importance of student voice and decision-making in schools. The Global Kids youth leaders assert that as experts on their own lives and schools, they should be part of the solution to fixing the problems in NYC schools.

Global Kids, Inc. (www, Founded in 1989 and an independent nonprofit since 1993, Global Kids educates and inspires urban youth to become successful students and global and community leaders. Global Kids reaches more than 16,000 youth annually -- the vast majority of whom come from underserved communities -- through leadership programs at 14 New York City public high schools, and its Citywide program. Over ninety percent of the high school seniors who participate in Global Kids' leadership program graduate from high school.

The Global Kids, Inc. logo is available at


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