The Pains of Growing Up May Have Been the Most Fun We Ever Had -- New Memoir is An Amusing and Imaginative Reminiscence of the Author's Youth

ROCK ISLAND, Ill., June 3, 2009 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Good writers have different styles of telling their stories. Some leave us with a better understanding of the human condition through their works. Others write great stories that we enjoy and learn from, transforming everyday mundane things into something interesting and exciting. Author F. P. Kopp displays his unique writing style as he shares an imaginative reminiscence of his youth in Everything is True, Except the Parts I Made Up.

In the backyard of a young boy, approximately 6,833 battles were fought as five-year old kids raise their guns in defiance at the imaginary hordes of evil. Such is just one of many memorable experiences that Kopp had growing up. The TV was new then and their environment was influenced by the war stories and westerns on TV and in the movies. Follow the author's creative reminiscences and revisions of his Muscatine youth. Explore neighborhood stores and other wild, dangerous places as he and his friends take you to their enchanted escapades. Get to know Ann, the girl he didn't date, and many more adventures and often hilarious misadventures of youth!

A master storyteller, Kopp adapts a breezy writing style, finding humor in experiences which may have not have been enjoyable at that time. He chronicles his life and that of others around him, viewing the positives and the funny, helping you realize that the pains of growing up may have been the most fun you ever had. The amusing stories in Everything is True, Except the Parts I Made Up are as true as Kopp can remember them, with a little imagination. Though these times were fun, but also often hurtful, his humor softens the blow, allowing you to recall the joy, the fun, and excitement of those days.

Everything is True, Except the Parts I Made Up will be featured in the 2009 Illinois Library Association Book Exhibit at Peoria, Illinois, from October 6-9, 2009.

About the Author

Fred (F. P.) Kopp is a lawyer and author living in Rock Island, Illinois. Fred was born and raised in Muscatine, Iowa, where he attended several now defunct schools. After he left Muscatine for college, his image, name, and deeds were erased from all obelisks, temples, and public monuments in that city. It's just another glaring example of how those in power re-write history. His book, about growing up in Muscatine, is an attempt to rectify that injustice.

    Everything is True, Except the Parts I Made Up * by F. P. Kopp
          Reminiscences and Revisions of My Muscatine Youth
                  Publication Date: March 11, 2009
        Trade Paperback; $19.99; 271 pages; 978-1-4415-0787-7
        Cloth Hardback; $29.99; 271 pages; 978-1-4415-0788-4

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