Catena signs eight-year rental agreement with Skoda dealer in Copenhagen

Catena signs eight-year rental agreement with Skoda dealer in Copenhagen

Catena has signed an eight-year lease with Bjørn Canings Eftf A/S, a Skoda
dealer in the Copenhagen region. The lease involves a 4,600-square-meter
automotive facility located in Brøndby that was previously leased by Bilia. The
tenant is responsible for the remodeling of the facilities to the new operations
and will move in immediately. 

The property comprised the largest vacancy in Catena's real estate portfolio.
This lease increases the occupancy rate from 95.1% to 96.7%.

“It is pleasing to now have leased our largest property in the Copenhagen
region. The remodeling costs are relatively limited since the operation is
similar to that of the previous tenant,” says Peter Hallgren, President of

For information, please contact Peter Hallgren, President and Chief Executive
tel +46-31-760 09 32 

Catena shall own, effectively manage and actively develop commercial real estate
in prime locations that offers the potential to generate steadily growing cash
flow and favorable value growth. Catena's overriding objective is to provide
shareholders with a favorable, long-term total return by being one of the
leading players involved in commercial real estate in a number of strategic

For more information about Catena, visit

