no 58/09 Adjustment of margins for financial electricity base and peak contracts and carbon contracts

Lysaker, 9 June 2009

Nord Pool Clearing hereby notifies the clearing members that the risk intervals, affecting the daily margin call, will be adjusted due to changes in volatility. The adjustments are in accordance with the clearing rules for Nord Pool Clearing. 

The risk intervals will have a downward adjustment for all Nordic and German financial electricity base contracts and carbon contracts. 

The risk intervals for Nordic peak and Dutch contracts will also be updated. The new risk intervals will have impact on the calculation of daily margin calls, for which collateral must be posted by 11.00 CET on Thursday 11 June 2009.
For further information, please contact Nord Pool Clearing: 

Trond Svensgaard, head of risk management, phone +47 6710 8412/+47 9012 3679

Kristian Kloster, risk management, phone +47 6710 8415/+47 9593 1881

Kjetil Bundli, risk management, phone +47 6710 8441/+47 9900 3690