Finding Hope for Better Days... -- New Book Tells a Poignant Tale Filled With Many Insights On Life, Friendship, and Love

LAGUNA HILLS, Calif., June 10, 2009 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Where do you find your joy? If you could know how your life would turn out ten years before it happened, would you still do everything the same? Would you change the way you lived your life? Or would you still make the same choices? Follow five friends as they struggle to overcome the trials that test their bond. Witness a poignant story of life, love, and friendship unfold in Better Days, a novel authored by Preston J. Kerr.

The Amazing Five: Brady McEwing, Sean Cunningham, Amanda McCoy, Nelson Matthews and Jordan Miller, are longtime friends who have been together since grade school. They were always doing something together, especially when something important was happening. Now, they have reached an important milestone. For the first time, the five would be separated from each other as they follow different paths and begin a new chapter in their lives -- college.

Amanda's dream is to be the next Katie Couric and is going to Northwestern to study journalism. Nelson, the jock, wants to be the next Walter Payton and is off to University of Colorado with a football scholarship. Jordan is going to UC Davis to major in business so she can open up a chain of small businesses in the community that will help people. Sean, the valedictorian, hopes to become a lawyer and work in the public defender's office with his scholarship at Harvard. Brady is the average one. But he is loyal and the rock on whom his friends counted on. He is going to NYU to study creative writing and psychology.

The next years will see the five friends through many tribulations as they go about their separate lives. Though they make time to meet up and catch up on each other's lives, some have begun to harbor secrets from the others. Brady and Jordan become a couple but they break up due to insecurities. Nelson is having trouble keeping up with his game and is dependent on painkillers. Brady's father dies and he struggles with the burden of being the strong one, the one who is there when his friends need a shoulder to lean on. But who will be there for him?

What happens when a dark secret is uncovered and when a devastating accident occurs? Can Brady ever open up to his friends? Will certain events draw the five closer or farther apart? Will they find hope for Better Days? Discover the answers and gain important insights on life as the events in this poignant tale unravel...

About the Author

Preston Kerr is a thirty-three year-old California High School History teacher. He is also a high school basketball coach of fifteen years coaching at all levels from Varsity Boys to Junior High girls. He has been a Christian for twenty-eight years. This is his first novel and hopes that it will inspire and challenge people to see what is missing in their lives and see that God has a place for everyone. "My hope is that people will stop placing their joy in the actions of themselves, their friends, their jobs or their desires for their own lives and place their joy in the one thing that will never disappoint and never fail you... Jesus Christ."

                   Better Days * by Preston J. Kerr
                   Publication Date: April 17, 2009
         Trade Paperback; $19.99; 289 pages; 978-1-4415-1659-6
         Cloth Hardback; $29.99; 289 pages; 978-1-4415-1660-2

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