M-real proceeds in speciality paper business

Press release 11.06.2009

The loss-making standard coated fine paper production was discontinued at the
Gohrsmühle mill at the end of April 2009. M-real Zanders mills Gohrsmühle and
Reflex are concentrating their operations on speciality papers. At the
Gohrsmühle mill the production of uncoated fine paper reels and folios sheets
is also increased. 

The existing M-real Zanders speciality papers are further developed and new
speciality products are in the pipeline. In the longer run the share of
speciality paper production at M-real Zanders mills is planned to further
increase. Also new uncoated fine paper products have successfully been
launched. These new products complement M-real's uncoated fine paper product

“I am very happy that the projects in M-real Zanders mills are developing well.
M-real is a leading European speciality paper producer and has the best known
brands in the market, e.g. CHROMOLUX. M-real is strongly developing the
European speciality paper business through M-real Zanders”, states Mikko
Helander, CEO of M-real Corporation. 

Further information:

Juha Laine, Vice President, IR and Communications, tel. +358 10 465 4335