Panostaja Oyj ACQUISITION OF OWN SHARES 12.6.2009

Panostaja Oyj ACQUISITION OF OWN SHARES  12.6.2009

Date                            12.6.2009
Bourse trade                    Buy

Share                           PNA1V
Amount                          6675       shares
Average price/ share            1,2745     EUR
Highest price/ share            1,28       EUR
Lowest price/ share             1,27       EUR
Total price                     8507       EUR

Panostaja Oyj now holds a total of 
              PNA1V         1037809 shares
including the shares repurchased on 12.6.2009.

On behalf of Panostaja Oyj

Pohjola Bank Plc

Mikko Aalto			Juha Jalamo