Deadline Games, delisting of Deadline Games A/S

|                                            |        Copenhagen, 12 June 2009 |

Marketplace Announcement                                                        
First North 09/2009                                                             

Delisting of Deadline Games A/S                                                 
Deadline Games A/s will be delisted from First North as per 15 June 2009 due to 

The trading of the shares will still be suspended up to and including today, 12 
June 2009. Thus, 12 June 2009 will be the last day of trading of the company's  
shares on First North.                                                          

| Short name:                   | Deadline Games                               |
| ISIN:                         | DK0060021962                                 |
| Number of shares:             | 1,420,216 shares each bearing a face value   |
|                               | of DKK 1                                     |
| Orderbook code:               | DGAMES                                       |
| Orderbook ID:                 | 32.540                                       |


deadline games - sletning juni 2009 - uk.pdf