Investigation into Saab closed

Investigation into Saab closed

The Swedish Chief Prosecutor Christer van der Kwast has decided to close the
preliminary investigation into Saab concerning alleged illegal methods in
connection with the sale of Gripen.

“The decision is fully in line with what we have claimed all along”, says
Cecilia Schön Jansson, Communications Director at Saab. “No illegal methods have
been forthcoming from Saab, and this is strengthened by the fact that the Chief
Prosecutor now decided to close the investigation.”

Saab says that the laws and regulations in connection with the sale of Gripen
have been followed by the company. Business ethics is a matter of great
relevance to Saab. For example Saab's employees have been trained in Saabs Code
of Conduct.

“We now can put this behind us, and we want to convey this message to all our
customers, employees and shareholders, says Cecilia Schön Jansson.

Saab serves the global market with world-leading products, services and
solutions ranging from military defence to civil security. Saab has operations
and employees on all continents and constantly develops, adopts and improves new
technology to meet customers' changing needs.

For further information, please contact:
Saab Press Centre, +46 (0)734 180 018

The information is that which Saab AB is required to declare by the Securities
Business Act and/or the Financial instruments Trading Act. The information was
submitted for publication on June 16 at 14.45.

