Interim report for the period from September 1, 2008 - May 31, 2009

Third quarter, March 1, 2009 - May 31, 2009

- Net sales totaled SEK 695.9 M (776.9), down 10.4%. Sales in
proprietary comparable stores declined 2.3%.
- An operating loss of SEK 36.1 M (profit: 23.8) was reported. The
loss after net financial items amounted to SEK 54.9 M (profit: 6.0).
- The loss after tax amounted to SEK 64.2 M (profit: 5.8),
corresponding to a loss of SEK 0.56 (profit: 0.09) per share.
- Cash flow from operating activities amounted to SEK 17.8 M (61.7).

The interim-report period September 1, 2008 - May 31, 2009

- Net sales totaled SEK 2,393.9 M (2,554.7), down 6.3%. Sales in
proprietary comparable stores declined 4.6%.
- An operating loss of SEK 584.8 M (profit: 52.2) was reported,
including a goodwill impairment loss of SEK 500 M in the second
quarter. Accordingly, the operating loss excluding goodwill
impairment for the period amounted to SEK 84.8 M. The loss after net
financial items amounted to SEK 630.7 M (profit: 12.5).
- The loss after tax amounted to SEK 619.8 M (profit: 15.6),
corresponding to a loss of SEK 5.43 (earnings: 0.27) per share.
- Cash flow from operating activities was a negative SEK 109.1 M
(negative: 39.2).

Events after the end of the period

- The Competition Authority has decided to initiate a special
investigation to determine definitively whether to approve Åhléns'
acquisition of RNB's operations at NK in Stockholm and NK in
Gothenburg. The special investigation is expected to be concluded by
September 1, 2009 at the latest.
- Work on discontinuing the operations at Illum continues. RNB will
have exited from three of the five units by July 31, 2009 at the


Interim report Sep 08 - May 09.pdf