Decisions of the annual general meeting

The annual general meeting of 2009 of AS Baltika was held at 10:00 a.m. on      
Thursday, 18 June 2009 in the premises of Baltika at 24 Veerenni in Tallinn,    
Estonia. A total of 10,551,453 votes that represented 56.59% of the share       
capital of AS Baltika were present and the annual general meeting was competent 
to pass resolutions.                                                            

The agenda of the annual general meeting was as follows:                        

1. Approval of the 2008 annual report and profit distribution                   
2. Election and remuneration of the auditor                                     
3. Election and remuneration of the members of the supervisory council          
4. Amendment of the Articles of Association                                     
5. Increase of the share capital                                                
6. Issue of convertible bonds                                                   
7. Presentation of the Baltika Group's outlook for 2009                         

Decisions of the annual general meeting:                                        

1. Approval of the 2008 annual report and profit distribution                   
- To approve the 2008 annual report of AS Baltika as presented and transfer the 
net loss for the year ended at 31 December 2008 in the amount of 18,947 thousand
kroons (1,211 thousand euros) to the retained earnings.                         

The number of votes in favour of the resolution was 10,524,223 representing     
99.74% of the registered participants.                                          

2. Election and remuneration of the auditor                                     
- To elect AS PricewaterhouseCoopers as the auditing company for the financial  
year 2009 and remunerate the auditor pursuant to the agreement concluded.       

The number of votes in favour of the resolution was 10,523,908 representing     
99.74% of the registered participants.                                          

3. Election and remuneration of the members of the supervisory council          
- To elect for the next three years a supervisory council consisting of five    
members as follows: Tiina Mõis, Reet Saks, Allan Remmelkoor, Andres Erm and     
Lauri Kustaa Äimä.                                                              

Lauri Kustaa Äimä is a new member of the supervisory council. Mr Äimä is a      
managing director of Kaima Capital Oy. Until February 2009 Mr Äimä was the      
director and head of Eastern European investments at Danske Capital.            

Mr Äimä's board memberships are the following: member of supervisory council of 
AS Tallink Group, member of the board of Oy Tallink Silja Ab, member of         
supervisory council of AS Salva Kindlustus, member of supervisory council of AS 
Premia Foods, member of supervisory council of AS PKL, member of the board of   
UAB Litagra, vice chairman of the board of BAN, member of the board of DCF Fund 
II SICAV-SIF, chairman of the board of Amber Trust Management SA, chairman of   
the board of Amber Trust II Management SA, member of the board of Bostads AB    

Lauri Kustaa Äimä does not own Baltika shares.                                  

- To continue remuneration of the members of the supervisory council in         
accordance with the present terms.                                              

The number of votes in favour of the resolution was 10,523,923 representing     
99.74% of the registered participants.                                          

4. Amendment of the Articles of Association                                     
- To amend the Articles of Association of AS Baltika as follows:                

To amend article 2 of the Articles of Association of the company as follows:    
2. FIELD OF ACTIVITY                                                            
The field of activity of the company is to design, develop, produce and arrange 
the sales of the fashion brands of clothing.                                    

To amend article 3.2.5. of the Articles of Association of the company as        
3.2.5. The Supervisory Council of the Company shall have the right within three 
years after the date the amendments to the Articles of Association made by the  
general meeting of shareholders on 18 June 2009 became effective, to increase   
the Share Capital to an amount prescribed in the Articles of Association, but   
not more than one half of the Share Capital, which existed at the time the      
Supervisory Council received the right to increase the Share Capital by making  
contributions, deciding on payment for shares by monetary or non-monetary       

To amend article 3.3.3. of the Articles of Association of the company as        
3.3.3. The Management Board shall, within fifteen (15) days after the adoption  
of the resolution on decrease of the Share Capital, send a written notice       
concerning the new amount of the Share Capital to the known creditors of the    
Company who have claims against the Company which predate the adoption of the   
resolution on decrease of the Share Capital. The Management Board shall publish 
a notice in an official publication Ametlikud Teadaanded. The notice shall      
indicate that creditors are invited to submit their claims within two (2) months
after the publication of the notice.                                            

To amend article 4 of the Articles of Association of the company as follows:    
4.1.1. The Share Capital of the Company shall be divided into shares            
(hereinafter referred to as a “Share” or “Shares”). A nominal value of each     
share is ten (10) kroons.                                                       
4.1.2. The Company shall have the following classes of Shares:                  
(a) registered shares with voting rights (hereinafter “Ordinary shares”) and    
(b) preferred shares with limited voting rights (hereinafter “Preferred         
4.1.3. The Ordinary share shall grant its owner the right to participate in the 
general meeting of shareholders of the Company, in the distribution of profit   
and, upon dissolution of the Company, in the distribution of the remaining      
assets, as well as other rights prescribed by law or the Articles of            
Association. The Ordinary share shall grant its owner one vote at the general   
meeting of shareholders of the Company.                                         
4.1.4. The Preferred share shall grant its owner the right to participate in the
general meeting of shareholders of the Company and the right to vote when the   
decision is made upon dissolution of the Company under the clause 5.2.9.(9),    
also the preferential right upon distribution of profit and, upon dissolution of
the Company, of the remaining assets. Ten (10) percent (%) from the nominal     
value of the Preferred share shall be paid to an owner of the Preferred share   
within two years from the issuance of the Preferred shares and thereafter the   
Preferred share shall have voting rights on all issues decided at the general   
meeting of shareholders and the dividends are paid in the same amount as to the 
owners of the Ordinary shares.                                                  

To amend the first sentence in article 5.3.2. of the Articles of Association of 
the company as follows:                                                         
5.3.2. The Council shall have three (3) to seven (7) members.                   

To amend article 5.3.5.(4) of the Articles of Association of the company as     
(4) deliver to the General Meeting a proposal in respect of each item on the    

To amend article 5.5.1. of the Articles of Association of the company as        
5.5.1. The member of the Board shall be prohibited to participate in voting if  
approval of the conclusion of a transaction between the member of the Board and 
the Company is being decided, also if the conclusion of a transaction between   
the Company and a legal entity, in which a member of the Board or a person      
connected with him or her has a material participation, is being decided.       

To amend article 5.5.2. of the Articles of Association of the company as        
5.5.2. Persons connected with the members of the Board shall be determined      
pursuant to the NASDAQ OMX Tallinn rules. A controlled company or a material    
participation shall be determined pursuant to the NASDAQ OMX Tallinn rules.     

To delete article 5.5.3. from the Articles of Association of the company.       

To amend article 8.5. of the Articles of Association of the company as follows: 
8.5. The payment of dividends shall be decided by the General Meeting. The      
dividends payment resolution shall set out the amount of the profit to be       
distributed as dividends, the amount of dividends and the time, place and       
procedure of their payment. The Board has the right to make advance payments to 
the shareholders with the consent of the Council after the end of a financial   
year and before approval of the annual report on account of the presumed profit 
in the amount of up to one half of the amount subject to distribution among the 

- To approve the new text of the Articles of Association with the amendments as 
described above.                                                                

The number of votes in favour of the resolution was 10,284,411 representing     
97.47% of the registered participants.                                          

5. Increase of the share capital                                               
- To increase the share capital of AS Baltika by issuing up to four million new 
shares with a nominal value of 10 kroons (0.64 euros) per share to institutional
investors. The share capital of AS Baltika shall be increased by up to 40       
million kroons (2.56 million euros) and the new size of the share capital shall 
be up to 226,448,500 kroons (14,472,697 euros).                                 

The issued preferred shares shall grant its owner the preferential right to     
receive dividends in the amount of 10% annually within two years from the       
issuance of the preferred shares and thereafter shall have voting rights and    
rights to receive dividends as stated in the Articles of Association.           

Subscription for shares will take place during the period from 6 July until 10  
July 2009. The shares will be paid for in cash to the bank account of AS Baltika
at Swedbank by July 10 2009.                                                    

To grant the management board the right to cancel the shares not subscribed for 
in case the institutional investors do not subscribe for all the new shares. The
shareholders waive the right to subscribe for the shares issued under the       
current resolution.                                                             

The number of votes in favour of the resolution was 10,490,826 representing     
99.43% of the registered participants.                                          

6. Issue of convertible bonds                                                   
- To issue 1,850,000 convertible bonds (G bonds) of AS Baltika with a par value 
of 0.10 kroons (0.0064 euros) each in order to motivate the Baltika Group's     
management under present complicated economic environment and as the two        
previous bond issues, series E and F bonds, failed. The entire issue of bonds   
shall be offered for subscription to management of Baltika's group of companies 
as part of the motivation program for executive management. The shareholders    
waive the right to participate in the subscription for convertible bonds.       

The bonds will be issued with a total sales price of 185,000 kroons (11,824     
euros). The bonds shall be subscribed for during the period from 22 June 2009   
until 30 June 2009. Each bond entitles its holder to subscribe for one share of 
the company with a nominal value of 10 kroons (0.64 euros).                     

The share subscription period shall be from 1 July 2012 until 31 December 2012. 
The share subscription price is 12 kroons (0.77 euros). The price paid for the  
bond shall be calculated as part of the payment for the share subscription      

The management board of AS Baltika shall pass the decision on the increase of   
the share capital in the amount of par value of subscribed for and fully paid   
shares within two months from the expiry of the date of the share subscription  
period. As a result of the subscriptions the share capital of AS Baltika may be 
increased by a maximum of 1,850,000 new shares, i.e. by a maximum of 18,500,000 
kroons (1,182,365 euros).                                                       

The number of votes in favour of the resolution was 10,027,419 representing     
95.03% of the registered participants.                                          

Ülle Järv                                                                       
CFO, Member of the Management Board                                             
+372 630 2741