DGAP-News: International Legal Alliance: Nörr is Germany's best law firm for M&A



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Nörr Stiefenhofer Lutz has been designated as Germany's best law firm for
M&A by the renowned International Legal Alliance Summit & Awards. The
international law firm received the 'Gold Award' 2009 yesterday together
with Hengeler Mueller at a gala in Paris.
More than 100 financial experts and legal department heads of international
groups make the award annually for  'excellent results of the year and
lasting performance in management and leadership'. The jury is made up of
representatives of companies such as SAP, Metro, Philip Morris, Oracle,
Altran, Axa, Shell, Total, Nestlé, L'Oréal, Disney, GDF Suez and Bearing
Point. They evaluate more than 150 law firms from all importnat industrial
and developing countries on the basis of Mergers & Acquisitions (M&A)
The adjudication was based on transactions of the past two years, the M&A
partners' and M&A teams' profiles on the market and the financial and
personnel developments within the law firm as a whole.  'The decision of
the jury shows that added value achieved by means of legal creativity and
variety count as well as first-class quality', said Dr. Thomas Schulz,
co-head of M&A at Nörr.
This is Nörr's second award this year as Germany's best law firm. The
British magazine Acquisition Finance ACQ named Nörr as 'Large 'Full
Service' Law Firm of the Year - Germany'. ACQ also honoured the seven
Central and Eastern European offices with the award 'Commercial Law Firm of
the Year - Eastern Europe'.

Dr. Michael Neumann
Rechtsanwaelte Steuerberater Wirtschaftspruefer * Partnerschaft
Brienner Str. 28
80333 Muenchen / Germany
Tel. +49-(0) 89-28 628-226
Mobile: +49-(0) 171-125 14 28
E-Mail: michael.neumann@noerr.com

DGAP 19.06.2009 