Lemminkäinen starts a new housing development in Seinäjoki

Lemminkäinen Corporation		Press release	 24.6.2009, 09.00


Lemminkäinen Group's Oy Konte Ab is building a 15-unit apartment house in
Seinäjoki as a developer contracting project. The apartment building (As Oy
Seinäjoen Hermanni) will complete the construction of the park-like Tala
residential area. Construction work will begin immediately. 

”Seinäjoki is the centre of growth in the Ostrobothnia region of Western
Finland. Among other things, the decision to locate the Agency for Rural
Affairs in Seinäjoki will bring 200 new residents to the city,” says Tom Ekman,
the Managing Director of Konte. 

”Despite the economic downturn, there is still a strong belief in the region's
growth. There's certainly no shortage of buyers for high-quality homes in good
locations. Selling times have lengthened, but most of the apartments in the
Hermanni building have already been reserved,” says Sakari Kuusio, Konte's
Regional Director. 

Konte has previously built two apartment buildings (As Oy Seinäjoen Tala and As
Oy Uppala) as well as a row house site (As Oy Seinäjoen Lilli) in the beautiful
surroundings of Seinäjoki's Wegelius Park. Residents will soon be able to enjoy
the restored café and restaurant of Uppala manor house, which will open to the
public in the summer. 

Corporate Communications

Additional information: 
Tom Ekman 
Managing Director 
Oy Konte Ab
Tel. +358 2071 58330 or +358 40 771 2514

Lemminkäinen Group operates in all areas of the construction sector. The
Group's business sectors are building construction, infrastructure
construction, technical building services, and building products. Net sales in
2008 were approx. EUR 2.5 billion, of which international operations accounted
for over a quarter. The Group employs about 9,800 people. Lemminkäinen
Corporation's share is quoted on NASDAQ OMX Helsinki Ltd. www.lemminkainen.com 

Oy Konte Ab is a subsidiary of Lemminkäinen Group's Lemminkäinen Talo Oy. Konte
was established in 1954 and operates in all areas of building construction. The
company operates primarily in the regions of Ostrobothnia and Satakunta in
Western Finland, but also has a subsidiary, Rekab Entreprenad AB, in Sweden. In
2008 Konte generated net sales of approx. EUR 130 million and employed over 500
people. www.konte.fi