Equities: EpiCept Corporation transferred back from the observation segment (127/09)

The shares in EpiCept Corporation were on June 2nd 2008 transferred to the observation segment due to the fact that there was an adverse uncertainty regarding the Company’s financial situation. The company published on June 19th, 2009 a press release with information about a new issue of shares that gave the company proceeds of USD 8.9 million. The company also stated that the proceeds of this offering combined with its existing cash will be sufficient to fund the company´s operations into the second quarter of 2010. 
With reference to what is stated above the NASDAQ OMX Stockholm AB has decided that the shares in EpiCept Corporation (ISIN code US2942642057 and order book ID 32838) shall be transferred back to their ordinary position.

The shares will be transferred with effect from Monday, June 29th 2009.

