What Would You Do If You Were Stuck as A Frog in a Pot? -- New Book Tells the Fascinating True Account of a Woman Who Survived All Sorts of Abuse and Walked Away From a Destructive Relationship

EAST BRUNSWICK, N.J., June 29, 2009 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Physical abuse is not the only abuse there is. Emotional and verbal abuse can be worse as they are subtle, slow and ongoing. They may not leave any visible marks but the psychological scars run silent and deep. Some never even heal. Author Tara M. Mele shares the tumultuous journey of A Frog in a Pot who realized it would be happier in a pond or lake.

How much "control" should we allow people to have over our lives? It seems like such an easy question to answer, right? But what if this control is so subtle that you don't even know it's happening until it's too late. When you finally realize it, the damage has already been done. The subtlety of verbal and emotional abuse can be compared to putting a frog in a pot of cold water and turning on the stove. The frog is comfortable at first in the cold water, but by the time he realizes it's boiling or there is danger, it's too late; he's already in trouble or dead.

In A Frog in a Pot, the author shares how her path in life has been etched out for her and the road she chose which road to take. She reveals how she struggled for years in an abusive relationship, one that saw her in and out of the hospital. People often ask her why she stayed so long and her excuses were always: "Because I loved him" or "I tried to make it work." Honestly though, it was because Mele felt she didn't have a choice. People think it's easy to walk away from abuse. But those who have never walked a mile in her shoes would never understand the helplessness or the hopelessness that comes along with the experience.

After many years of turmoil and abuse, Mele finally found the courage and strength to walk away. But it wasn't easy. She's learning to live again after being stuck as A Frog in a Pot. She's no longer a frog but a woman who lives by her own choices. Follow the fascinating story of her life as she reveals the steps she took to survive and free herself completely from abuse.

A Frog in a Pot will be featured in this year's New York Library Association Regional Book Exhibit at Niagara Falls, New York on October 15-16, 2009. For more information on this book, log on to www.Xlibris.com.

                       A Frog in a Pot * by Tara M. Mele
                       Publication Date: January 12, 2009
            Trade Paperback; $19.99; 281 pages; 978-1-4363-9536-6
            Cloth Hardback; $29.99; 281 pages; 978-1-4363-9537-3

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