The UCITS fund Nordea Invest - merger

|                                      |               Copenhagen, 1 July 2009 |

The UCITS fund Nordea Invest - merger                                           

On general meetings in the UCITS fund Nordea Invest the merger between the      
sub-fund Nordea Invest Lav Kuponrente and the sub-fund Nordea Invest Mellemlange
Obligationer Privat. The last mentioned sub-fund is the continuing sub-fund.    

The merger will be implemented on NASDAQ OMX Copenhagen from and including 7    
July 2009.                                                                      

Thus, the last day of trading shares in the sub-fund Nordea Invest Lav          
Kuponrente on NASDAQ OMX Copenhagen is 6 July 2009.                             

Please see the fund's announcements.                                            

Discontinuing fund:                                                             
| ISIN:                     | DK0015192041                                     |
| Name                      | Nordea Invest Lav Kuponrente                     |
| Order Book Code           | NDILKUP                                          |
| Order Book ID             | 3.833                                            |

Continuing ISIN                                                                 
| ISIN:                     | DK0010102474                                     |
| Name                      | Nordea Invest Mellemlange Obligationer Privat    |
| Orderbook code            | NDIMP                                            |
| Order Book ID             | 38.965                                           |

For further information please contact Asta Jepsen, Surveillance, tel. (+45) 33 
93 33 66


nordea - fusion juli 2009 uk.doc