Let the Tender Arms of Love Touch You -- New Book is An Official Entry At This Year's American Library Association Annual Exhibit

BROOKLYN, N.Y., July 1, 2009 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- In life, love comes in unexpected ways and places. Oftentimes, love just surprises everyone. But one thing remains: love always brings two people together, no matter what the circumstances and events that try to keep them apart. Experience the magic and joy of being wrapped in the Tender Arms of Love as author Susan Moore weaves this enthralling romance.

Witness how love playfully enters the lives of Patrick and Madge as you accompany the hands of fate in this book. Meet Madge McLellan, who has been captivated by the sexy, muscular Patrick Musselman. But it seems that he has no interest in her. The only acknowledgement she gets from him is a passing hello on Sundays at church. Patrick is completely oblivious to his effect on women. He feels that his one encounter he had with a woman was enough, and ever since kept his distance from them.

Madge's father, George, had experienced an unrequited love with Patrick's sister, Ruth, who was in love with Tom. When Ruth learns that she has cancer and has little time left, both George and Ruth concoct a plot that will eventually bring the smitten Madge and the unaware Patrick together. Will their matchmaking work? Find out as you experience a union of two hearts that would prove to be a love that covers all things, endures all things, and surpasses all understanding.

Tender Arms of Love will be featured at the American Library Association book exhibit, which will be held in Chicago, IL, from July 11 to 14, 2009. To order a copy of this fulfilling read, please visit www.Xlibris.com or call (888) 795-4274 today.

About the Author

Susan A. Moore grew up on the Island of Barbados amid lush fields of sugar cane and waving casuarina trees. Cooled by the gentle breezes of the Northeast Trade Winds, many days found her deep in a book borrowed from the Barbados Public Library. Her love of reading is inherited from her mother, who at ninety-one is still an avid reader -- without eyeglasses! Her mother would read and rock with laughter. Soon, Susan too was rocking with laughter as she read. This early love of reading is responsible for Tender Arms of Love and an undying love affair with books.

                Tender Arms of Love * by Susan A. Moore
                    Publication Date: June 17, 2008
         Trade Paperback; $19.54; 335 pages; 978-1-4257-8324-2
         Cloth Hardback; $29.69; 335 pages; 978-1-4257-8327-3

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