The newly elected Council members

At the regular meeting of shareholders of the Joint Stock Company “Latvijas
Gāze” on July 3, 2009, two new Council members were elected. The share of “E.ON
Ruhrgas International AG” will now be represented by Joachim Hockertz and Mario
Nullmeier, replacing Eike Benke and Marcus Soehrich. 

At the meeting of the Council of the Joint Stock Company “Latvijas Gāze” on
July 3, 2009, Kirill Seleznev, representing the share of the OJSC “Gazprom”,
was re-elected the Chairman of the Council. Juris Savickis, representing the
share of the LLC “ITERA Latvija”, and Achim Saul, representing the share of
“E.ON Ruhrgas International AG”, were re-elected the Vice-chairmen of the

See newly elected Council members CV in the attachment

Vinsents Makaris
phone + (371) 67 369 144


joachim_hockertz_cv.pdf mario_nullmeier_cv.pdf