Explore the Art of Singing -- Discover and Understand the Psychology of Singing as You Perfect This Great Artistry

OTTUMWA, Iowa, July 7, 2009 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- With a Song in My Psyche was featured in the annual Los Angeles Times Festival of Books, held on April 25 & 26, 2009, on the UCLA campus. Pearl Shinn Wormhoudt was one of the featured authors who participated in the Festival of Books. She had a successful book signing on both days.

There is more to singing than what meets the eye. Learning the song isn't enough. There is a need to explore the depths of yourself to achieve your greater potential. Author Pearl Shinn Wormhoudt expounds further on this matter through her fascinating book, With a Song in My Psyche.

With a Song in My Psyche studies the psychology of singing and teaching singing. It describes the musical brain, the singer's mind/body interaction, the crucial early musical development, the adolescent singer, gender factors, psychology of performance, and the psychological basis for attaining greater artistry. It explores a number of psychologically motivated factors that lead either to poor singing or to excellent healthy singing: personality, temperament, managing the singer's life-style, building a character, perfectionism, performance anxiety, motivation, memorizing, breathing, stage movement, body messages, body image, timing, musical and poetic meanings, self-image, confidence, concentration, consistency, creativity.

Through the insights of this informative book, budding singers and singing teachers can develop their full potential as artists and as mentors to aspiring talents. Get a copy of With a Song in My Psyche now and master the art of singing! For more information, log on to www.Xlibris.com.

About the Author

Pearl Shinn Wormhoudt, Professor Emerita William Penn University, and Honorary Life Member National Association of Teachers of Singing, has spent her life in the arts, as a singer, teacher of singers, teacher of teachers of singers. In New York, she studied voice with Paola Novikova, teacher of international singers. Studies and some teaching in sculpture, ceramics, design, drama, dance, and a Columbia University M.A., gave her a broad feeling for the psychology of performance and creativity. She has been teaching voice, and studying its psychology, for over forty years. The author can be reached at psw102@hotmail.com.

          With a Song in My Psyche * by Pearl Shinn Wormhoudt
           On the Psychology of Singing and Teaching Singing
                   Publication Date: April 30, 2002
         Trade Paperback; $19.99; 202 pages; 978-1-4010-4094-9
         Cloth Hardback; $29.99; 202 pages; 978-1-4010-4095-6

To purchase copies of the book for resale, please fax Xlibris at (610) 915-0294 or call (888) 795-4274 x. 7876.

For more information, contact Xlibris at (888) 795-4274 or on the web at www.Xlibris.com.


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