Shareholder meeting on 6 August 2009

A Shareholdermeeting in Icelandair Group will be held on Thursday 6 August 2009
at the 
Hilton Reykajvík Nordica. 

1.	Proposal relating to amendment to the Articles of Association of the
company. The following Article would be added to the Articles of Association as
Article 5. a.: 
The Board of Directors of the company is authorized to increase the share
capital in the following manner: 
(i)	The share capital of the company may be increased by up to ISK - fifteen billion Icelandic Kronas - by means of subscription to
new shares. 
(ii)	This authorization is valid until July 1st 2010.
(iii)	The nominal value of shares that the shareholders can subscribe to is one
ISK. The subscription rate can be decided by means of invitation to tender for
new shares. 
(iv)	Shareholders shall not have priority rights to subscribe to new shares.
(v)	Shareholders may pay, partially or in full, for the shares that they
subscribe to, by means of set-off of indebtedness, as may be further decided by
the Board of Directors. A specialized report due to payment by means of set-off
of indebtedness shall not be prepared. Instead the Board of Directors shall
prepare a statement regarding the value of the payment, in accordance with
Article 6 c of Act no. 2/1995 respecting Public Limited Companies. 
(vi)	The new shares shall grant rights within the Company as of the date of
registration of the increase of share capital. The Board of Directors shall lay
down further rules relating to respite for subscription and payments for

2.	Election of Board of Directors

3.	Any other lawfully submitted business

All announcements of candidacy for the Board of Directors or the
reserve board shall be delivered in writing to the Company's head quarters at
Reykjavíkurflugvöllur five days before the meeting. The
announcement shall indicate, as well as the name of the candidate, the
candidates' social security number and address, information on main occupation,
other board participation, education, experience and share ownership in the
Company. The announcement shall also contain information on connections of
interest with the Companys' main business associates and the Companys'
competitors, as well as information on connections to other shareholders in the
company which hold a share of 10% or more. 

If a shareholder wishes to have matters submitted to the meetings agenda, he
must send a written request to the company‘s main office seven days before the