Buck the Economic Downturn; Click On Kashless.org

SEATTLE, July 20, 2009 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Go Kashless in a tough economy. Kashless.org, a free online marketplace that launches nationwide this summer gives consumers a way to get those everyday essentials you need for free. It is a 21st Century way to shop -- without ever having to open your wallet.

The company calls it Recommerce. Kashless.org helps consumers give and get reusable and recyclable items locally and across the country, improving their carbon footprint and saving cash at the same time. It's like a local eBay, except people give things to each other for free.

"It is time for an Internet site to promote reuse and recycling instead of simply more consumption," says founder Martin Tobias, a serial entrepreneur and venture capitalist. "In these tough times, Kashless.org is the answer for individuals and organizations low on cash and concerned about the environment."

Kashless.org is also a viable avenue for those who want to clear out the clutter in their lives and help the environment in the process.

"We distribute good stuff that would inevitably end up in landfills," says Tobias, the thrifty entrepreneur who furnished the company's entire office -- down to Post-it notes -- through Kashless.org.

So whether you're looking for furniture, bedding, clothing, office supplies, construction materials or even electronics, Kashless.org provides the platform for finding the items you want or need to dispose of.

And members get to help keep the planet a little bit greener.

Kashless.org is the free, online way to recycling products and services between people. Headquartered in Seattle, Washington, Kashless.org was founded by Martin Tobias in 2008, with funding from RRE Ventures, NYC.

The Kashless, Inc. logo is available at http://www.globenewswire.com/newsroom/prs/?pkgid=6407


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