Debtor distribution data

Pursuant to s 27a(1) of the Danish Securities Trading Act, Nykredit Realkredit
A/S hereby publishes debtor distribution data for callable mortgage bond series
as at 17 July 2009 in the attached file. 

Furthermore, the data will be distributed in the usual way through NASDAQ OMX
Copenhagen A/S. Data on Nykredit and Totalkredit bonds is also available by
ISIN code in Excel format on 

Questions may be addressed to Nels Petersen, Head of Corporate Communications,
tel +45 44 55 14 70, or Kim Brodersen, Investor Relations Manager, tel +45 44
55 24 21. 

Yours sincerely
Nykredit Realkredit A/S


nykdebt072009.txt 46-07 fondsbrsmeddelelse debitormassen nyk uk.pdf