F-Secure Corporation - Interim Report January 1 - June 30, 2009

F-SECURE CORPORATION		Quarterly report
				July 28, 2009 at 9.00	

F-Secure Corporation - Interim Report January 1 - June 30, 2009 

Good growth and solid profitability continued, Software as a Service business
performed well, acquisition of Steek SA in July 

Highlights in Q2 

- Total revenues grew by 16% reaching record revenues of 31.7 million 
(Q208: 27.2m) 
- Revenues from the operator (ISPs, mobile operators and cable operators)
business grew by 27% from Q208, reaching revenues of 14.8 million (11.6m) 
- EBIT was 7.2 million; representing 23% of revenues (4.7m)
- Earnings per share was EUR 0.04 (EUR 0.03)
- Cash flow was 5.1 million positive when excluding a paid dividend of 10.9m in
April (3.8m positive when excluding a paid dividend of 10.9m) 
- In July, F-Secure announced the acquisition of Steek SA, a leading European
software provider for online storage and data management solutions to operators 

(This report is unaudited. Unless otherwise stated the comparisons refer to the
corresponding period a year ago. The currency is euro.) 

Key figures                    2009        2008        2008
Eur million                     4-6         4-6        1-12
Revenues                       31.7        27.2       113.0
Operating profit                7.2         4.7        24.3
 % of revenues                 23 %        17 %        22 %
Profit before taxes             7.6         5.3        26.4
Earnings per share (EUR)       0.04        0.03        0.13
At the end of period:
Deferred revenue               36.3       33.9         37.2
ROI, %                          54%        34%          52%
ROE, %                          38%        24%          36%
Equity ratio, %                 71%        82%          71%
Debt-to-equity ratio, %       -144%       -128%         148%
Personnel, June 30             752         668          718
CEO Kimmo Alkio: “We are pleased to deliver solid growth and profitability also
for the second quarter of 2009. Our Software as a Service (SaaS) business
through operators continued to perform well. By acquiring Steek SA, a leading
European software provider for online storage and data management solutions, we
are strengthening our position as the leading SaaS partner for operators. We
expect this acquisition to further improve our ability to offer new advanced
and innovative Value Added Services to consumers through operators and to drive
for higher revenue growth”. 

F-Secure business during the first half of 2009

For the first six months of 2009 the total revenues were 62.3 million (1H08:
53.8m), growth of 16%. Revenue growth continued solid in the operator business
(including revenues from ISP's, cable and mobile operator business), up 29%,
and in the business through the traditional channels, up by 7%. EBIT was 13.2
million (10 m), representing 21% of revenues; 32% growth from 1H08. Earnings
per share were EUR 0.07 (EUR 0.05). Cash flow from operations was 2.7 million
negative (1m negative) after a paid dividend of 10.9m in April and 8.2m
positive (9.9m) when excluding a paid dividend. The Group deferred revenues
decreased to 36.3 million at the end of June (37.8m at the end of March 2009). 

The Group total costs were 44.6 million (40.2m), representing 11% growth. The
Group also capitalized some of its R&D expenses according to accounting rules,
totaling 0.5m for the first six months of 2009. 
The financial results for the second quarter of 2009 were in line with the
guidance given in April (revenues 30-32 million, cost level below 23 million);
revenues for the second quarter were 31.7m showing growth of 16%. The costs
were 22.4m showing an increase of 9%, and the EBIT was 7.2m; 23% of revenues. 

The geographical breakdown of the revenues split as follows: Finland and
Scandinavia 35% (39%), Rest of Europe 45% (43%), North America 9% (9%) and Rest
of the World 11% (9%). Anti-virus and intrusion prevention products represented
close to 100% of the total revenues. 

Operator channel in Q2

The Group's operator (ISPs, mobile operators and cable operators) business
continued to perform well. In the second quarter of 2009, the revenues through
the operator business partners totaled 14.8 million (2Q08:11.6m), representing
47% of the Group total revenues (43%). Revenue growth was 27% from the previous

The Group's position in the operator business remained strong. The company
currently has around 200 partners in more than 40 countries with an addressable
market of over 55 million broadband consumer customers. The Group has not lost
any of its existing partnerships, however, the number of partners may vary
subject to merger activity in the operator market. Some new partnerships during
April-June were signed mainly in Asia. The main growth driver is to increase
the take-up rates within the customers of the existing operator partners. 

In addition to the Security as a Service sales, the Group is looking for other
augmenting value added services to consumer customers through operators. The
expansion of online back-up services, which complement F-Secure's existing
portfolio of data security services, continued. However, reaching volumes with
new products takes time, as with the traditional security services. One step
forward in line with the strategy was the acquisition of Steek, which will
improve the Group's position in partnering with major operators globally. The
acquisition is also expected to strengthen the Group's portfolio of more
attractive Value Added Services to be offered to consumers through operators. 

The total number of the Group's operator partners is significantly larger than
that of any other security service vendor. At the end of 2008 the Group's
operator partners held approximately 39% (37%) market share of total broadband
consumer connections in Europe, approximately 10% (10%) in North America and
approximately 13% (9%) in APAC excluding China (Source: estimates by Dataxis
and F-Secure). 

Other channels in Q2

The traditional sales channels as a whole continued to perform well and
delivered steady growth as anticipated. Also the renewal rates in the business
through the traditional sales channels have remained at a good level. Although,
the impact of economic uncertainty was seen as shortened renewal periods; the
number of 2 and 3 year renewals decreased somewhat. This impact can be seen in
decrease of deferred revenues. 

During Q2, the revenues through these traditional channels were 16.9 million
(15.6m), growth of 8% from the corresponding period in 2008. This represented
53% of the Group's total revenues (57%). 

Mobile security in Q2

Close co-operation with major handset manufacturers, including Nokia, and
operators such as Vodafone Group, TeliaSonera Group, T-Mobile International,
Swisscom and Elisa continued well during Q2. Currently, there are mobile
operator partnerships with more than 20 operators worldwide. 

F-Secure Mobile Security includes anti-virus and firewall capabilities as well
as a new anti-theft feature with remote lock, remote wipe and theft control

The revenues from the Mobile Security business are included in the above
mentioned channels and were about 3% of total Q2 revenues. 

Products & Services 

In June, F-Secure Mobile Security and its new advanced anti-theft feature was
made available for Windows Mobile phone users. The anti-theft feature includes
remote lock, remote wipe and theft control functionalities. 

In May, F-Secure launched Online Backup to consumer customers through the
F-Secure eStore and retailers in Europe and North America. Online bakcup has
been available through selected Internet Service Provider partners since autumn
2008. In May, F-Secure Safe, a new value added offering that combines both
internet security and online backup as a new service, was launched in Germany. 

In April, F-Secure launched a new version of its Protection Service for
Business (PSB), which is a comprehensive Security as a Service solution
specially designed for the needs of small and medium-sized companies. PSB 4.0
includes “in-the-cloud” technology to protect desktops and laptops. It also
provides comprehensive protection for servers, including rootkit detection.
This release also introduces high quality e-mail protection and spam control. 

In February, F-Secure launched its F-Secure Mobile Security 5, which enables
smartphone users to experience the full potential of their devices without fear
of mobile threats. F-Secure Mobile Security includes combined real-time
antivirus functionality with a firewall, antitheft and antispyware for S60 5th
and 3rd Edition smartphones. 

Market situation

There were no significant changes in the competitive landscape or in the
pricing levels during the second quarter. However, there have been signs of
increasing price competition in some countries. The Group's competitive
position in the operator channel has remained strong. 

Personnel and organization

The Group's personnel totaled 752 at the end of June (Q208: 668, Q109: 728).
The Group's number of personnel increased slightly during Q2, mainly in sales
and marketing. 

The Executive Team as of July consists of the following persons: Kimmo Alkio
(President and CEO), Ari Alakiuttu (Vice President, Human Resources),
Christophe Camborde (Vice President, Storage and Digital Content BU; joined
from Steek SA), Samu Konttinen (Vice President, Sales and Geographical
Operations), Pirkka Palomäki, (Chief Technology Officer), Antti Reijonen (Vice
President, Consumer Business and Marketing) and Taneli Virtanen (Chief
Financial Officer). 

Financing and capital structure

The Group's financial position continued strong. The Group's equity ratio at
the end of June was 71% (82%). Gearing ratio was 144% negative (128% negative). 
Cash flow for the first six months of 2009 was 2.7m negative after a paid
dividend of 10.9m in April (1m negative after a paid dividend of 10.9m). The
financial income for the first six months was 0.8 million (0.9m). 

The market value of the liquid assets of the Group on June 30, 2009 was 58.7
million (83.3m). 

The changes in exchange rates of USD and JPY had some positive impact and
changes in GBP and SEK had some negative impact on revenues and results for the
first half of 2009. 

Capital expenditure

The Group's capital expenditure for the first half was 2.4 million (1.7m),
consisting mainly of IT hardware and software as well as capitalization of some
research and development expenses. 

Capital management 

The objective of the Group's capital management is to aim at an efficient
capital structure that ensures the functioning of business operations and
promotes the increase of shareholder value. 

In January, the Company continued the repurchase its own shares through public
trading on NASDAQ OMX Helsinki in accordance with its rules and at market
price. The total number of shares purchased was 1,000,000. The number of own
shares at the end of June was 990,932, as the Group decided to transfer own
shares to the members of the Board as part of their remuneration decided by the
Annual General Meeting in March. 

Shares, shareholders' equity and option programs

In January, a total of 3,333 F-Secure shares were subscribed for with the A3
warrants, a total of 171,340 F-Secure shares were subscribed for with the A1/A2
warrants, a total of 162,650 F-Secure shares were subscribed for with the
B1/B2/B3 warrants and a total of 355,923 F-Secure shares were subscribed for
with the C1/C2/C3 warrants attached to the F-Secure 2002 Warrant Plan. In
aggregate, the number of shares was increased by 693,246. The Group received as
a subscription price a total amount of EUR 661,219.02, which was recorded in
the fund for the company's distributable equity. 

The total number of shares is currently 156,770,407. The corresponding number
of shares diluted would be 161,270,407 including all stock option programs. The
company's shareholders' equity is EUR 1.551.311,18. 

The entire F-Secure 2002 warrant plan expired on December 31, 2008. The
F-Secure 2005A stock option program is listed on the Nasdaq OMX Helsinki. 

Corporate Governance

The Group complies with the Corporate Governance recommendations for public
listed companies published in October 2008 by the Securities Market
Association, a body established by the Confederation of Finnish Industries EK,
the Central Chamber of Commerce, and NASDAQ OMX Helsinki Ltd., as explained on
the Group's web pages. 

Risks and uncertainties 

Despite the current economic conditions, the Group has not seen material
changes to the risks and uncertainties during the reporting period. The current
situation at the global economy has not had a major impact on F-Secure's
businesses. Although, the impact of economic uncertainty was seen in the
traditional license business as shortened renewal periods; the number of 2 and
3 year renewals decreased somewhat. This impact can be seen in decrease of
deferred revenues. As the uncertainty in the economic environment has
continued, the Group continues to closely monitor developments in the economic
and financial markets. 

The Group's risks and uncertainties are related to, among other things, the
competitiveness of the Group's product portfolio, competitive dynamics in the
industry, impact of changes in technology, timely and successful
commercialization of complex technologies as new products and solutions, the
ability to protect own intellectual property (IPR) in the Group's solutions as
well as the use of third party technologies on reasonable commercial terms,
subcontracting relationships, regional development in new growth markets,
sustainability of partner relationships, service quality level requirements and
the overall development of value added security solutions in the Service
Provider and mobile operator market. 

As stated in the previous interim releases, F-Secure Inc. the U.S. subsidiary
of F-Secure Corporation has been named as a defendant in a patent infringement
lawsuit filed in a state court in the U.S in December 2008. 

F-Secure investigates the claims and will defend itself accordingly. The Group
does not expect any material impact on its financials from this lawsuit. 

Events after the reporting period

The acquisition of Steek SA

On July 10, 2009 the Group announced the acquisition of Steek SA, a leading
European software provider for online storage and data management solutions to
operators. Steek SA is recognized for its services that enable consumers to
store, share and manage personal digital content with PCs and mobile phones. 

The acquisition is in accordance with F-Secure's strategy to broaden Value
Added Service (VAS) offerings to consumers. This further strengthens F-Secure's
position as the leading Software as a Service (SaaS) partner for operators
globally. Both the acquired solutions and operator partnerships are highly
complementary to F-Secure's existing business. The combined operations are
expected to extend F-Secure's growth opportunities within the rapidly
developing fixed and mobile broadband services market. 

During the second half of 2009 (after the consolidation) the acquisition is
estimated to improve the Group's operator revenues by 2-3 million and be
slightly EPS dilutive. In the longer term, the management estimates that the
acquisition will improve the Group's operator revenues significantly and it is
estimated to be EPS accretive already during 2010. 

Under the terms of the agreement, the cash and debt free purchase price is EUR
27.5m. In addition, F-Secure may pay in 2010 an additional purchase price of a
maximum of EUR 2.5m based on the performance of the acquired business. The
transaction price will be paid in cash and financed with the company's liquid
assets. The acquisition has been signed and closed. The acquired company will
be consolidated to the Group's accounts from the beginning of July. 	 

Steek SA was founded in 2002 in Bordeaux, France and employs currently 50
people.  CEO Christophe Camborde has been nominated to F-Secure's Executive
Team and continues to lead the Steek operations as Vice President, Storage and
Digital Content BU. 

Long-term objectives

The Security software market as a total is attractive globally. The market is
over $10 billion industry (Source: Gartner, 2008). Longer term security market
growth is expected to be around 10% annually between 2007 and 2012 (Source:

The market opportunities for Internet Security and other related services is
driven by the expansion of the Internet, with its increasing number of security
threats against users and the growing number of Internet broadband connections
for both PC's and mobile phones. The global Internet penetration is around 24%;
in Asia it is below 20%, in Europe below 50%, and in North America over 70%
(Source: Internet World Stats, U.S. Census Bureau). The growing number of smart
phones which have internet browser increases the number of mobile internet
users (number of smart phones 2009: 200m and 2012 more than 500m; Source:

The Security as a Service (SaaS) business has been a strong growth driver for
the Group since the year 2000. Based on the company's pioneering role in
offering Software as a Service, the Group continues to expand its offering to
augment the traditional security services. The Software as a Service business
model continues to gain further market share in the software industry at large
(Source: IDC Nov. 2008). Based on experience of the SaaS business model, the
Group anticipates that both the customer benefits (e.g. lower total cost of
ownership) and attractive partner business benefits (e.g. lifetime revenue
share) will accelerate the adoption of the SaaS business model compared to
traditional Software acquisition as a product. Currently the Group offers both
Security as a Service and Online Backup as a Service. The acquisition of Steek
SA, a leading European software provider for online storage and data management
solutions to operators, enables the Group to develop more comprehensive and
innovative Value Added Services to consumers to be sold through its large
operator network. 

The Group's first priority is to drive strong growth. The core growth driver is
the Security as a Service (SaaS) sales through the operators. In the operator
channel the Group has a strong foothold globally with over 200 operator
partners. The Group's potential customer base, i.e. partners' market share of
residential broadband at the end of 2008, was significant in Europe (39% of all
European broadband subscribers) and good in Asia (13%) and in North America
(10%) (Source: Dataxis and F-Secure).
The Group is focusing on increasing the penetration within the current operator
base and continues to selectively seek partner expansion globally. In addition,
the Group is developing its operations in other channels, such as electronic
sales, to offer value-added services to consumers and other segments. 

The Group's close co-operation with major mobile phone vendors and mobile phone
operators provides good opportunities to benefit from the growth of the mobile
Internet. Over time, the Group anticipates synergies across the value added
Services being developed and offered both for PC's and mobile phones. 

The Group's target is to be the leader in providing security and related value
added services to consumers through Service Providers. The Group pursues
investments in new value added services for both PC and mobile users to augment
the existing security services. The Group continues to drive innovation also in
traditional IT security, enabling the secure use of internet. 

During the next three years, the Group aims to continue to exceed the average
market growth rates in revenues and seeks the EBIT level to be around 25%. 

Short-term outlook

Markets for Security as a Service are expected to continue to grow. During the
year 2009 the Group seeks to continue to exceed average market growth. For 2009
the security market growth is anticipated to be around 8% (source: IDC). For
the rest of 2009 the management estimates the core businesses to continue to
perform as in previous quarters. 

F-Secure revenues for the third quarter of 2009 are estimated to be between 31
million and 33 million. The costs are estimated not to exceed 23 million,
excluding amortization from Steek acquisition. Steek will be consolidated in
the Group's accounts from the beginning of July onwards. 

The revenue estimate is based on the sales pipeline at the time of publishing,
existing subscriptions and support contracts as well as current exchange rates. 

News conference today at 11 am

A news conference for press and analysts will be arranged today, July 28, at 11
am Finnish time at Group headquarters, address: Tammasaarenkatu 7 (Ruoholahti),
Helsinki. A conference call for international investors and analysts will be
arranged at 15.00 Finnish time (14.00 CET, 1.00 pm UK time). Instructions on
how to attend are available on the investor pages of the Group's web site at

The interim reports for the third quarter of 2009 will be published on October
22. A Stock Exchange bulletin will be sent at 9 am Finnish time to the Nasdaq
OMX Helsinki, a press and analyst conference will be arranged at 11 am Finnish
time in Helsinki, and an international conference call will be arranged in the
afternoon. Full details will be provided later on the Group's website. 

F-Secure Corporation

Additional information:

F-Secure Corporation 
Kimmo Alkio, President and CEO      
tel. +358 9 2520 0700
Taneli Virtanen, CFO     
tel. +358 9 2520 5655
Mervi Pohjoisaho, IR     
tel. +358 40 535 8989

This interim report is prepared in accordance with IAS 34 standard Interim
Financial Reporting and with accounting principles stated in the annual report

As of January 1, 2009 the group has applied IFRS 8 Operating segments standard
and IAS 1 Presentation of Financial Statements standard. 

Key figures (unaudited):
Euro million
INCOME STATEMENT             2009  2008  2009  2008  Chge   2008
                              4-6   4-6   1-6   1-6    %    1-12
Revenues                     31.7  27.2  62.3  53.8   16   113.0
Cost of revenues              2.5   2.4   5.1   4.5   13    10.3
Gross margin                 29.2  24.7  57.2  49.3   16   102.7 
Other operating income        0.4   0.6   0.7   0.9  -20     2.6
Sales and marketing          13.9  12.4  27.4  23.9   15    48.6
Research and development      6.7   6.5  13.5  12.8    6    25.5
Administration                1.7   1.7   3.7   3.5    6     6.8
Operating result              7.2   4.7  13.2  10.0   32    24.3
Financial net                 0.4   0.6   0.8   0.9          2.0
Result before taxes           7.6   5.3  14.1  10.9         26.4
Income taxes                 -2.1  -1.4  -3.7  -2.8         -6.9
Result for the period         5.5   4.0  10.4   8.1         19.6

Other comprehensive income:    
Exchange diff. on translating 
foreign operations            0.0   0.0   0.0  -0.1         -0.3
Available-for-sale fin.assets 0.3   0.1   0.5   0.2         -0.2
Income tax rel. to components  
of other comprehensive income-0.1   0.0  -0.1   0.0          0.0
Total comprehensive
Income (owners)               5.7   4.1  10.8   8.1         19.1

Earnings per share, e        0.04  0.03  0.07  0.05         0.13
EPS, diluted, e              0.03  0.02  0.06  0.05         0.12

ASSETS                      30/06/2009   30/06/2008    31/12/2008
Intangible assets                  3.9          3.8         3.5
Tangible assets                    3.9          3.5         3.5
Other financial assets             1.1          0.7         1.1
Non-current assets total           8.9          8.0         8.1
Inventories                        0.1          0.1         0.1
Other receivables                 26.0         22.1        25.5 
financial assets                  14.7         73.1        47.1
Cash and bank accounts            44.2         10.3        14.1
Current asset total               84.9        105.6        86.8
Total                             93.8        113.6        94.9

AND LIABILITIES             30/06/2009   30/06/2008     31/12/2008
Equity                            40.8         65.2          41.1
Other non-current                  0.1          0.1           0.0   
Provisions                         0.0          0.0           0.0
Deferred revenues                  6.7          6.4           7.5
Non-current liabilities total      6.8          6.5           7.5
Other current                     16.6         14.3          16.5
Deferred revenues                 29.6         27.5          29.7
Current liabilities total         46.1         41.9          46.2
Total                             93.8        113.6          94.9

Cash flow statement         30/06/2009   30/06/2008      31/12/2008
Cash flow from operations         11.2         12.4           26.3
Cash flow from investments        -2.4         -2.5           -3.2
Cash flow from financing               
activities  1)                   -11.5        -10.8          -46.2
Change in cash                    -2.7         -1.0          -23.1
Cash and bank at 1 Jan            60.9         84.0           84.3
Change in net fair value of 
Available-for-sale                 0.5          0.2           -0.2
Cash and bank at 30 Jun           58.7         83.3           61.0

Note 1) Cash flow from financing
The company bought own shares by 549.964 euro. Dividend for year 2008 0.07 euro
per share totaling 10.903.928,49 euro was paid on 7th April 2009. In 2008, paid
dividend totaled 10,859,178.26 euro and capital repayment 35,719,370.76 euroa. 

Statement of changes in shareholders' equity
	              share unstricted                 assets
             share  premium equity- treasury ret.     avail.  Trans. Total 
Equity on:   capital  fund  reserve  shares earnings f.sale   diff. 
31.12.2008     1.6    0.2    2.1    -1.5     39.1     -0.1    -0.4     41.1

for the year                                  10.4     0.4     0.0     10.7
Dividend                                     -10.9                    -10.9  
Acquisition of 
Treasury shares              0.0    -0.5                               -0.5 
Cost of        
share based payments                           0.4                      0.4  
Equity on
30.06.2009     1.6    0.2    2.1    -2.0      39.0     0.3    -0.4     40.8 

Key ratios                       2009    2008    2008
                                  6 m     6 m    12 m
Operating result,
 % of revenues                   21.3    18.6    21.5  
ROI, %                           54.1    34.2    51.5
ROE, %                           38.4    24.3    36.0 
Equity ratio, %                  71.0    81.8    71.3
Debt-to-equity ratio, %        -143.8  -127.7  -148.5
Earnings per share (EUR)         0.07    0.05    0.13   
Earnings per share diluted       0.06    0.05    0.12
Shareholders' equity
per share, e                     0.26    0.42    0.26
P/E ratio                        18.5    26.0    14.9
Capitalized expenditures (Me)     2.4     1.7     3.1  
Contingent liabilities (Me)       8.3     7.9     7.8 
Personnel, average                733     612     652
Personnel, Jun 30                 752     668     718

Segment information

The Group has only one segment; data security. 

Quarterly development
                      1/08 2/08 3/08 4/08 1/09 2/09     
Revenues              26.6 27.2 28.6 30.6 30.6 31.7
Cost of revenues       2.1  2.4  2.6  3.1  2.6  2.5
Gross margin          24.5 24.7 26.0 27.4 28.0 29.2
Other operating income 0.3  0.6  0.4  1.3  0.3  0.4
Sales and marketing   11.5 12.4 11.8 13.0 13.5 13.9
Research and  
development            6.3  6.5  6.1  6.7  6.8  6.7
Administration         1.8  1.7  1.4  1.9  2.0  1.7
Operating result       5.3  4.7  7.1  7.2  6.1  7.2
Financial net          0.3  0.6  0.4  0.7  0.5  0.4
Result before taxes    5.6  5.3  7.5  8.0  6.5  7.6

Geographical information
                  4-6/2009     4-6/2008     1-6/2009    1-6/2008
                   Revenue     Revenue      Revenue     Revenue
Nordic countries      11.5       10.6         22.0        21.1
Rest of Europe        14.2       11.8         27.9        23.2
North America          2.7        2.4          5.7         4.7
Rest of the world      3.3        2.4          6.7         4.8  
Total                 31.7       27.2         62.3        53.8

                    6/2009     6/2008     
                    Assets     Assets       
Nordic countries      82.3      105.7         
Rest of Europe         1.5        1.3         
North America          3.7        2.8          
Rest of the world      5.5        3.2            
Total                 93.0      113.0

