KONECRANES PLC INTERIM REPORT July 29, 2009 at 10:00 a.m. Finnish time          


Figures in brackets, unless otherwise stated, refer to the same period a year   

SECOND QUARTER HIGHLIGHTS                                                       
- Order intake EUR 309.6 million (579.3), -46.6 percent: Service -26.8 percent, 
Standard Lifting -42.2 percent and Heavy Lifting -65.8 percent.                 
- Service Contract Base value increased to 124 MEUR from 115 MEUR a year ago.   
- End June order book EUR 680.6 million (1,027.7), -33.8 percent, and -14.1     
percent compared with end March, 2009.                                          
- Sales EUR 431.6 million (492.4), -12.4 percent: Service -6.1 percent, Standard
Lifting -17.5 percent and Heavy Lifting -11.7 percent.                          
- Operating profit EUR 30.8 million before and EUR 28.8 million (58.3) after EUR
2 million restructuring costs, 7.1 percent and 6.7 percent (11.8) of sales      
- Earnings per share (diluted) EUR 0.33 (0.64).                                 
- Return on capital employed 42.7 percent (48.3), rolling 12 months             
- Net cash flow from operating activities EUR 34.4 million (14.1).              

JANUARY-JUNE HIGHLIGHTS                                                         
- Order intake EUR 679.3 million (1,141.6), -40.5 percent: Service -23.3        
percent, Standard Lifting -41.3 percent and Heavy Lifting -50.9 percent.        
- Sales EUR 873.7 million (931.6), -6.2 percent: Service -2.1 percent, Standard 
Lifting -7.0 percent and Heavy Lifting -7.7 percent.                            
- Operating profit including EUR 2 million restructuring costs EUR 65.6 million 
(103.3), 7.5 percent of sales (11.1).                                           

FUTURE PROSPECTS                                                                
Uncertainty in the market is expected to continue making reliable long term     
forecasting difficult. Based on currently available information, order intake is
estimated to stabilize especially in Service and Standard Lifting. Heavy Lifting
order intake is expected to continue to fluctuate. The full year 2009 sales are 
estimated to be 17-20 percent less than in full year 2008.                      

The second half-year operating margin is expected to be lower than that of the  
first-half of 2009. This is due to lower volumes and certain price erosion      
especially in the new equipment business areas. The full year operating margin  
is estimated to be 6.5 - 7.5 percent of sales excluding restructuring costs.    

Actions to adjust the Group's cost base to the current demand continue. Our     
target is to achieve a cost structure that would lower the total annual volume  
adjusted operating cost in 2010 by approximately EUR 100 million compared with  
year 2008. This cost reduction program includes both procurement development    
actions and personnel reductions, but the savings target does not include       
potential general material cost deflation.                                      

By the end of June 2009, the Group headcount, including all temporary and rented
work force and excluding increase from ZAO Zaparozhje Kran, has been reduced by 
850 from year-end 2008 and it is estimated to decrease by a further 750 during  
the latter part of 2009. The current estimate of restructuring costs to be      
booked during the second half of 2009 is EUR 15-20 million.                     

| KEY FIGURES | Second quarter          | First half year            |         |
|             |  4-6/ |   4-6/ | Change |   1-6/ |    1-6/ |   R12M  |    2008 |
|             | 2009  |  2008  |     %  |  2009  |   2008  |         |         |
| Orders      | 309.6 |  579.3 |  -46.6 |  679.3 | 1 141.6 | 1 604.8 | 2 067.1 |
| received,   |       |        |        |        |         |         |         |
| MEUR        |       |        |        |        |         |         |         |
| Order book  | 680.6 | 1 027. |  -33.8 |  680.6 | 1 027.7 |         |   836.3 |
| at end of   |       |      7 |        |        |         |         |         |
| period,     |       |        |        |        |         |         |         |
| MEUR        |       |        |        |        |         |         |         |
| Sales       | 431.6 |  492.4 |  -12.4 |  873.7 |   931.6 | 2 044.6 | 2 102.5 |
| total, MEUR |       |        |        |        |         |         |         |
| Operating   |  28.8 |   58.3 |  -50.7 |   65.6 |   103.3 |   211.0 |   248.7 |
| profit,     |       |        |        |        |         |         |         |
| MEUR        |       |        |        |        |         |         |         |
| Operating   | 6.7 % | 11.8 % |        |  7.5 % |  11.1 % |  10.3 % |  11.8 % |
| margin, %   |       |        |        |        |         |         |         |
| Profit      |  27.4 |   52.6 |  -47.8 |   62.8 |    98.9 |   200.1 |   236.2 |
| before      |       |        |        |        |         |         |         |
| taxes, MEUR |       |        |        |        |         |         |         |
| Net profit  |  19.6 |   37.9 |  -48.2 |   44.9 |    71.2 |   140.3 |   166.6 |
| for the     |       |        |        |        |         |         |         |
| period,     |       |        |        |        |         |         |         |
| MEUR        |       |        |        |        |         |         |         |
| Earnings    |  0.34 |   0.65 |  -48.0 |   0.77 |    1.21 |    2.38 |    2.83 |
| per share,  |       |        |        |        |         |         |         |
| basic, EUR  |       |        |        |        |         |         |         |
| Earnings    |  0.33 |   0.64 |  -47.7 |   0.76 |    1.20 |    2.38 |    2.82 |
| per share,  |       |        |        |        |         |         |         |
| diluted,    |       |        |        |        |         |         |         |
| EUR         |       |        |        |        |         |         |         |
| Gearing, %  |       |        |        |  9.1 % |  24.4 % |         |   2.8 % |
| Return on   |       |        |        |        |         |  42.7 % |  56.3 % |
| capital     |       |        |        |        |         |         |         |
| employed %, |       |        |        |        |         |         |         |
| Rolling 12  |       |        |        |        |         |         |         |
| Months      |       |        |        |        |         |         |         |
| (R12M)      |       |        |        |        |         |         |         |
| Average     |       |        |        |  9 820 |   8 868 |         |   9 222 |
| number of   |       |        |        |        |         |         |         |
| personnel   |       |        |        |        |         |         |         |
| during the  |       |        |        |        |         |         |         |
| period      |       |        |        |        |         |         |         |

President and CEO Pekka Lundmark:                                               

“The challenging market environment that the material handling industry has been
facing since the latter half of last year, continued through the second quarter 
of 2009. Even though there are some differences between various regions in the  
world, and between different product segments, one could roughly estimate that  
close to half of the global equipment market has disappeared when compared to   
the peak year 2008. The services market is also affected by low capacity        
utilization within our main customer segments, but to a much lesser extent than 
the equipment market. This is an exceptionally tough situation for all the      
players, and will most likely lead to certain structural reshaping of our       

Our response consists of three parts. First, we adjust our capacity and cost    
structure to the lower demand. We are not relying on fast recovery in demand.   
Instead, we intend to have, by the end of the year, a cost base that enables us 
to deliver a reasonable financial result also should the current low demand     
continue throughout 2010. Second, we continue to invest in R&D and information  
systems to further widen the scope of our product and service offering, and to  
improve our productivity. And third, we continue to expand to new geographical  
territories where we are not yet strongly enough present, while at the same time
staying open for acquisition opportunities.                                     

Our strong balance sheet is a key asset that will allow us to continue to invest
also during the recession. We believe that this strategy will help us to achieve
a further enhanced competitiveness for the time when the market recovers.”      

KONECRANES' JANUARY - JUNE 2009 INTERIM REPORT                                  

MARKET REVIEW                                                                   

In the first half of the year, the economic situation has been weak portraying a
sharp downturn in both the global demand and world trade. On the positive side, 
industrial confidence in the euro area, although remaining at a very low level, 
increased during the second quarter. In the US, the consumer confidence was     
rising sequentially from February until it retreated in June.                   

Despite these positive signs, capacity utilization rates and industrial         
production, which are the most important leading indicators for material        
handling, remained at a very low level during the period in the US, the euro    
area and all the EU27 countries.                                                

In Konecranes' major customer sectors, investment activity in ports and         
shipyards has remained very weak. The general weakness in global demand has also
affected general manufacturing and process industries, where investment activity
especially in steel and mining industries has been very low. Activity in power  
generation, such as wind energy, nuclear power and waste-to-energy, remained    
more stable.                                                                    

The impact of the stimulus packages announced for various infrastructure        
investments has been visible especially in China, where investment activity has 
been notably livelier than in other regions.                                    

In the current difficult market environment, customers are increasingly looking 
for ways to cut cost and improve efficiency which has become visible in their   
interest towards outsourcing maintenance. The low industrial capacity           
utilization rates are, however, negatively affecting the demand for maintenance 
services in the short term.                                                     

Overall, the competitive environment has become tighter towards the end of the  
period, and this has been visible especially in intensifying price pressure.    

Input costs, especially for raw materials like steel and for transportation,    
continued in general to decrease during the first half of the year.             

Note: Unless otherwise stated, the figures in brackets in the sections below    
refer to the same period in the previous year.                                  

ORDERS RECEIVED                                                                 

January-June orders received totaled EUR 679.3 million (1,141.6), representing a
decline of 40.5 percent compared with a year before. Orders received declined in
Service by 23.3 percent, in Standard Lifting by 41.3 percent and in Heavy       
Lifting by 50.9 percent. Orders received decreased clearly in all the regions.  

In January-June, orders from emerging markets accounted for more than one third 
of total orders. In 2008 the share of emerging markets of all orders was        
slightly more than 30 percent on an annual level.                               

Second-quarter order intake declined by 46.6 percent from a year ago and totaled
EUR 309.6 million (579.3). Order intake decreased in Service by 26.8, in        
Standard Lifting by 42.2 and in Heavy Lifting by 65.8 percent as general        
activity in the market was very low.                                            

Regionally, the second quarter order intake decreased most in EMEA and          
especially in Heavy Lifting. In Americas the slow demand affected all the       
business areas. In APAC the order intake was boosted by some sizeable process   
crane orders.                                                                   

ORDER BOOK                                                                      

The value of the order book at end June totaled EUR 680.6 million. The order    
book decreased by 33.8 percent from a year ago and 14.1 percent from end March. 
Service accounted for EUR 93.9 million (14 percent), Standard Lifting for EUR   
244.6 million (35 percent) and Heavy Lifting for EUR 357.9 million (51 percent) 
of the total end June order book. The total order book corresponds to some 4-5  
months of sales.                                                                

The level of order cancellations in the first half of the year remained low. A  
few postponements have taken place and negotiations are going on regarding      
postponements or even cancellations of some important orders with certain       
Eastern European customers. The effect of cancellations and postponements on the
year 2009 financial result is currently not expected to be material.            


Group sales in January-June decreased by 6.2 percent from a year ago and totaled
EUR 873.7 million (931.6). Sales in Service decreased by 2.1 percent, in        
Standard Lifting by 7.0 percent and in Heavy Lifting by 7.7 percent.            

Second-quarter sales declined by 12.4 percent from a year ago and totaled EUR   
431.6 million (492.4). Sales decreased in Service by 6.1, in Standard Lifting by
17.5 and in Heavy Lifting by 11.7.                                              

At end June, calculated for a rolling 12 months, the regional breakdown was as  
follows: EMEA 57 (57), Americas 28 (30) and APAC 15 (13) percent.               

Net sales by region, MEUR                                                       

|            |       4-6/2009 |   4-6/2008    |       Change |   Change % at   |
|            |                |               |     percent  |   comparable    |
|            |                |               |              | currency rates  |
| EMEA       |          236.3 |         285.9 |        -17.3 |      -13.1      |
| AME        |          121.2 |         125.1 |         -3.1 |      -16.7      |
| APAC       |           74.0 |          81.5 |         -9.2 |      -12.8      |
| Total      |          431.6 |         492.4 |        -12.4 |      -14.1      |

|          |    1-6/2009 |   1-6/2008 |    Change |         R12M |        2008 |
|          |             |            |  percent  |              |             |
| EMEA     |       482.7 |      529.2 |      -8.8 |      1 161.1 |     1 207.5 |
| AME      |       254.0 |      269.4 |      -5.7 |        576.2 |       591.7 |
| APAC     |       137.0 |      133.0 |       3.0 |        307.2 |       303.3 |
| Total    |       873.7 |      931.6 |      -6.2 |      2 044.6 |     2 102.5 |

CURRENCY RATE EFFECT                                                            

In a year-on-year comparison, the currency rate effect in January-June was      
negligible in order intake and slightly positive in sales. The reported order   
intake declined by 40.5 percent whereas the corresponding figure at comparable  
currency rates was 40.6 percent. Reported sales declined by 6.2 percent and by  
7.7 percent at comparable currency rates. Differences between business areas    
were negligible.                                                                

Of the regions, the currency rate impact on sales in EMEA was negative with the 
reported decrease being 8.8 percent compared with a decrease at comparable      
currency rates of 5.1 percent. The impact was largest and most favorable in the 
Americas region, where reported sales declined 5.7 percent and 15.2 percent at  
comparable currency rates. The corresponding figures in APAC were +3.0 percent  
and -0.7 percent.                                                               

In January-June the currency rates did not have any significant impact on the   
Group's operating margin compared with the same period a year earlier.          

FINANCIAL RESULT                                                                

The consolidated operating profit in January-June totaled EUR 65.6 million      
(103.3). Operating profit decreased in total by EUR 37.7 million. Operating     
profit includes approximately 2 MEUR restructuring costs booked to the second   
quarter. The consolidated operating margin declined to 7.5 percent (11.1). The  
operating margin in Service declined to 10.9 percent (13.2) and in Standard     
Lifting to 10.3 percent (16.6). In Heavy Lifting, the operating margin rose to  
7.9 percent (7.3).                                                              

The consolidated operating profit in the second quarter totaled EUR 28.8 million
(58.3) including restructuring costs. The consolidated operating margin in the  
second quarter declined to 6.7 percent (11.8). The operating margin in Service  
declined to 10.8 percent (13.0) and in Standard Lifting decreased to 8.6 percent
(17.1). In Heavy Lifting, the operating margin was 8.0 percent (8.7).           

During the second quarter, the net of lower sales prices and development in     
input costs had a negative effect on the Group operating margin.                

The share of the result of associated companies and joint ventures was EUR      
-1.4 million (0.4).                                                             

Net financial expenses totaled EUR 1.4 million (4.8). Net interest expenses     
accounted for EUR 1.3 million (2.7) of this. The remainder was mainly           
attributable to exchange rate differences related to USD/EUR hedges.            

The January-June profit before taxes was EUR 62.8 million (98.9).               

Income taxes in January-June were EUR -17.9 million (-27.7). The Group's        
effective tax rate was 28.5 percent (28.0).                                     

Net profit for January-June was EUR 44.9 million (71.2).                        

Diluted earnings per share for January-June were EUR 0.76 (1.20).               

On a rolling twelve-month basis, return on capital employed was 42.7 percent    
(48.3) and return on equity 40.8 percent (51.0).                                

Balance Sheet                                                                   
The consolidated balance sheet, which at end June stood at EUR 1,113.4 million, 
was EUR 0.8 million less than at 30 June 2008 and EUR 92.0 million less than at 
year-end 2008. Total equity at the end of the report period was EUR 385.4       
million (302.0). Total equity attributable to equity holders of the parent      
company at 30 June was EUR 382.6 million (300.5) or EUR 6.51 per share (5.11).  

From end March 2009, net working capital decreased by EUR 6.2 million to EUR    
260.8 million at end June. The decrease in receivables and inventories was able 
to compensate for the decrease in advance payments and accounts payable.        

Cash Flow and Financing                                                         
Net cash from operating activities in January-June was EUR 67.0 million (22.1), 
representing EUR 1.13 per diluted share (0.37). Cash flow before financing      
activities was EUR 53.3 million (4.0). Cash flow before financing activities in 
the second quarter was EUR 25.7 million (-0.4).                                 

Interest-bearing net debt decreased slightly to EUR 35.5 million from EUR 37.8  
million at end March. The consolidation of ZAO Zaparozhje Kran in Ukraine at    
June 30, 2009 increased the interest-bearing net debt of the Group by           
approximately EUR 17.8 million. The solidity was 41.1 percent (33.7) and gearing
9.1 percent (24.4).                                                             

The Group's liquidity remained healthy. At the end of the second quarter, cash  
and cash equivalents amounted to EUR 96.9 million. None the Group's EUR 200     
million committed back-up financing facility was in use at the end of the       

CAPITAL EXPENDITURE                                                             

January-June capital expenditure excluding acquisitions amounted to EUR 9.6     
million (9.7). This amount consisted mainly of replacement or capacity expansion
investments in machines, equipment and information technology.                  


Capital expenditure on acquisitions was EUR 2.9 million (14.2).                 
During January-June, Konecranes made four acquisitions, for which the net assets
were recorded at EUR 1.7 million. Goodwill of 1.2 MEUR was booked from the      
acquisitions. During the second quarter 2009 Konecranes sold its small Austrian 
subsidiary STAHL CraneSystems Ges.m.b.H.                                        


The total number of the Group's personnel at year-end 2008, including all       
temporary and rented work force, was approximately 10,500. Since that, the      
number has been reduced by more than 300 during the first quarter and by 550    
during the second quarter. Taking into account the total decrease of 850 persons
and the increase of 386 persons via ZAO Zaparozhje Kran, the total headcount    
number including temporary and rented work force was approximately 10,000 at end

In January-June, the Group employed an average of 9,820 people (8,868). At 30   
June, the headcount was 9,691 (9,354). At end June, the number of personnel by  
Business Area were as follows: Service 5,106 employees (5,132), Standard Lifting
2,554 employees (2,638), Heavy Lifting 1,743 employees (1,330) and Group staff  
288 (254). The Group had 5,778 employees (5,373) working in EMEA, 2,410 (2,553) 
in the Americas and 1,503 (1,428) in the APAC region. The associated company ZAO
Zaparozhje Kran in Ukraine, which was consolidated at June 30, 2009 increased   
the Group's personnel in the Heavy Lifting Business Area in EMEA by 386 persons.
ZAO Zaparozhje Kran has decreased its number of personnel by 250 since the      
beginning of 2009.                                                              

BUSINESS AREAS                                                                  


|         |  4-6/ | 4-6/  | Chang |   R12M |   1-6/ |   1-6/ | Change |   2008 |
|         |  2009 | 2008  |     e |        |   2009 |   2008 |     %  |        |
|         |       |       |    %  |        |        |        |        |        |
| Orders  | 126.4 | 172.6 | -26.8 |  581.4 |  252.0 |  328.8 |  -23.3 |  658.2 |
| receive |       |       |       |        |        |        |        |        |
| d, MEUR |       |       |       |        |        |        |        |        |
| Order   |  93.9 | 140.2 | -33.0 |        |   93.9 |  140.2 |  -33.0 |  117.3 |
| book,   |       |       |       |        |        |        |        |        |
| MEUR    |       |       |       |        |        |        |        |        |
| Sales,  | 169.5 | 180.5 |  -6.1 |  746.9 |  339.2 |  346.5 |   -2.1 |  754.3 |
| MEUR    |       |       |       |        |        |        |        |        |
| Operati |  18.2 |  23.5 | -22.4 |   97.5 |   37.0 |   45.7 |  -19.0 |  106.2 |
| ng      |       |       |       |        |        |        |        |        |
| profit, |       |       |       |        |        |        |        |        |
| MEUR    |       |       |       |        |        |        |        |        |
| Operati |  10.8 |  13.0 |       | 13.1 % | 10.9 % | 13.2 % |        | 14.1 % |
| ng      |     % |     % |       |        |        |        |        |        |
| margin, |       |       |       |        |        |        |        |        |
| %       |       |       |       |        |        |        |        |        |
| Personn | 5 106 | 5 132 |  -0.5 |        |  5 106 |  5 132 |   -0.5 |  5 372 |
| el      |       |       |       |        |        |        |        |        |

January-June orders received totaled EUR 252.0 million (328.8), showing a       
decline of 23.3 percent. Sales decreased by 2.1 percent to EUR 339.2 million    
(346.5). Operating profit was EUR 37.0 million (45.7) and the operating margin  
10.9 percent (13.2). The January-June operating profit includes about EUR 0.6   
million restructuring costs.                                                    

The second quarter order intake decreased by 26.8 percent and totaled EUR 126.4 
million (172.6). The order intake decreased in all the regions and the low      
industrial activity was visible in all service business sectors. Compared with  
the first quarter of 2009, the overall order intake was flat. Second-quarter    
sales totaled EUR 169.5 million (180.5), which was 6.1 percent less than a year 
ago. Second-quarter operating profit was EUR 18.2 million (23.5), and the       
operating margin 10.8 percent (13.0). Profitability has been affected negatively
by lower volumes and the change in product mix, with lower sales of parts and   
higher labor content.                                                           

The annual value of the contract base increased clearly to EUR 124 million from 
EUR 115 million a year before, but declined somewhat from EUR 128 at end March. 
About half of the decrease comes from the currency rate effect and the other    
half is due to some lost contracts. Another factor is that, even though the     
number of contract customers continued to increase, some customers are          
downsizing the scope of their contracts, in consequence of their decreased      
capacity utilization. The total number of equipment included in the maintenance 
contract base rose to 373,547 at end June, from 329,964 a year before and from  
366,024 at end March, 2009.                                                     

The number of service technicians at end June was 3,360.                        

Standard Lifting                                                                

|          | 4-6/ | 4-6/  | Chang |   R12M |   1-6/ |   1-6/ | Change |   2008 |
|          | 2009 | 2008  |  e %  |        |   2009 |   2008 |      % |        |
| Orders   | 141. | 244.8 | -42.2 |  666.0 |  273.9 |  467.0 |  -41.3 |  859.0 |
| received |    4 |       |       |        |        |        |        |        |
| , MEUR   |      |       |       |        |        |        |        |        |
| Order    | 244. | 387.8 | -36.9 |        |  244.6 |  387.8 |  -36.9 |  327.9 |
| book,    |    6 |       |       |        |        |        |        |        |
| MEUR     |      |       |       |        |        |        |        |        |
| Sales,   | 168. | 203.9 | -17.5 |  809.4 |  346.3 |  372.3 |   -7.0 |  835.4 |
| MEUR     |    2 |       |       |        |        |        |        |        |
| Operatin | 14.5 |  34.9 | -58.3 |  114.2 |   35.8 |   61.7 |  -41.9 |  140.0 |
| g        |      |       |       |        |        |        |        |        |
| profit,  |      |       |       |        |        |        |        |        |
| MEUR     |      |       |       |        |        |        |        |        |
| Operatin |  8.6 |  17.1 |       | 14.1 % | 10.3 % | 16.6 % |        | 16.8 % |
| g        |    % |     % |       |        |        |        |        |        |
| margin,  |      |       |       |        |        |        |        |        |
| %        |      |       |       |        |        |        |        |        |
| Personne |    2 | 2 638 |  -3.2 |        |  2 554 |  2 638 |   -3.2 |  2 808 |
| l        |  554 |       |       |        |        |        |        |        |

January-June orders received totaled EUR 273.9 million (467.0), showing a       
decline of 41.3 percent. Sales decreased by 7.0 percent to EUR 346.3 million    
(372.3). Operating profit was EUR 35.8 million (61.7) and the operating margin  
10.3 percent (16.6). The January-June operating profit includes about EUR 0.7   
million restructuring costs.                                                    

The second quarter order intake fell by 42.2 percent and totaled EUR 141.4      
million (244.8). Orders were depressed by the overall weakness of industrial    
activity in all the regions. Compared with the first quarter of 2009 the order  
intake increased by 6.6 percent, mainly as a result of a few sizeable orders.   
The development was most favorable in APAC. Second-quarter sales totaled EUR    
168.2 million (203.9) and were 17.5 percent less than a year ago. Second-quarter
operating profit was EUR 14.5 million (34.9), and the operating margin 8.6      
percent (17.1). Profitability was negatively affected by intensifying price     
competition, decreased component production volumes, and by a less favorable    
product mix. The ongoing cost adjustment measures were not able to fully offset 
the effect of these factors.                                                    

The order book decreased by 36.9 percent from a year before to EUR 244.6 million

Heavy Lifting                                                                   

|          | 4-6/ |  4-6/ | Chang |   R12M |   1-6/ |   1-6/ | Change |   2008 |
|          | 2009 |  2008 |  e %  |        |   2009 |   2008 |     %  |        |
| Orders   | 67.8 | 198.4 | -65.8 |  477.1 |  201.5 |  410.5 |  -50.9 |  686.0 |
| received |      |       |       |        |        |        |        |        |
| , MEUR   |      |       |       |        |        |        |        |        |
| Order    | 357. | 528.0 | -32.2 |        |  357.9 |  528.0 |  -32.2 |  420.2 |
| book,    |    9 |       |       |        |        |        |        |        |
| MEUR     |      |       |       |        |        |        |        |        |
| Sales,   | 127. | 144.8 | -11.7 |  638.0 |  257.6 |  279.0 |   -7.7 |  659.4 |
| MEUR     |    9 |       |       |        |        |        |        |        |
| Operatin | 10.2 |  12.6 | -18.8 |   53.5 |   20.2 |   20.3 |   -0.5 |   53.6 |
| g        |      |       |       |        |        |        |        |        |
| profit,  |      |       |       |        |        |        |        |        |
| MEUR     |      |       |       |        |        |        |        |        |
| Operatin |  8.0 | 8.7 % |       |  8.4 % |  7.9 % |  7.3 % |        |  8.1 % |
| g        |    % |       |       |        |        |        |        |        |
| margin,  |      |       |       |        |        |        |        |        |
| %        |      |       |       |        |        |        |        |        |
| Personne |    1 | 1 330 |  31.1 |        |  1 743 |  1 330 |   31.1 |  1 439 |
| l        |  743 |       |       |        |        |        |        |        |

January-June orders received totaled EUR 201.5 million (410.5), showing a       
decline of 50.9 percent. Sales decreased by 7.7 percent to EUR 257.6 million    
(279.0). Operating profit was EUR 20.2 million (20.3) and the operating margin  
7.9 percent (7.3). The January-June operating profit includes about EUR 0.6     
million restructuring costs.                                                    

The second quarter order intake decreased by 65.8 percent and totaled EUR 67.8  
million (198.4). Both the port and the process crane sectors were substantially 
down in total, although the process crane sector continued to show good activity
in APAC. The order intake was clearly on a lower level than in the first quarter
of 2009, and this was partly due to some sizeable projects that were booked in  
the first quarter. Second-quarter sales totaled EUR 127.9 million (144.8) and   
were 11.7 percent less than a year ago but almost on the same level as in the   
first quarter 2009. Second-quarter operating profit was EUR 10.2 million (12.6),
and the operating margin 8.0 percent (8.7).                                     

The order book decreased by 32.2 percent from a year before to EUR 357.9 million

Group Overheads                                                                 
Unallocated Group overhead costs in the reporting period were EUR -28.5 million 
(-21.7), representing 3.3 percent of sales (2.3). The increase is mainly due to 
investments in procurement, information systems and R&D.                        

SHARE CAPITAL AND SHARES                                                        

The company's registered share capital at June 30, 2009 totaled EUR 30.1        
million. At 30 June, 2009, the number of shares including treasury shares       
totaled 61,831,720. At June 30, 2009, Konecranes held a total of 2,542,600      
treasury shares, corresponding to 4.1 percent of the total number of shares and 
at that date having a market value of EUR 42.6 million.                         

SHARES REGISTERED UNDER STOCK OPTION RIGHTS                                     

Pursuant to Konecranes' stock option plans, 219,400 new shares were registered  
in the Finnish Trade Register in January-June, of which 92,400 during the second
quarter. As a result of these subscriptions, the total number of Konecranes     
shares (including treasury shares) increased to 61,831,720 shares.              

The stock options issued under Konecranes Plc's ongoing stock option schemes at 
end June entitle holders to subscribe a total of 2,846,100 shares, which would  
increase the total number of Konecranes shares (including treasury              
shares) to 64,677,820. The option programs include approximately 150 key        

All shares carry one vote per share and equal rights to dividends.              

The terms and conditions of the stock option programs are available on          
Konecranes' website at                                      

MARKET CAPITALIZATION AND TRADING VOLUME                                        

The closing price for Konecranes Plc's shares on June 30, 2009 was EUR 16.75.   
The volume-weighted average share price in January-June was EUR 14.42, the      
highest price being EUR 18.44 in May and the lowest EUR 10.61 in January. In    
January-June, the trading volume totaled 62 million Konecranes Plc shares,      
corresponding to a turnover of approximately EUR 905 million. The average daily 
trading volume was 511,663 shares, representing an average daily turnover of EUR
7.4 million.                                                                    

On June 30, 2009, the total market capitalization of Konecranes Plc's shares was
EUR 1,035.7 million including treasury shares held by the company and EUR 993.1 
million excluding the treasury shares.                                          

IMPORTANT EVENTS DURING THE PERIOD                                              

In May, the Konecranes Group's executive management established a company named 
KCR Management Oy, whose entire share capital the management owns.  As part of  
the arrangement, the Board of Directors of Konecranes Plc has resolved to grant 
KCR Management Oy an interest-bearing loan of a maximum of approximately MEUR   
7.1 to finance the acquisition of the Company's shares.  The Board of Directors 
sees this as a way to increase management commitment to long term shareholder   
value. Shares owned by KCR Management Oy totaled 517,696 at the end of the      
period. Konecranes has consolidated KCR Management into the Group's balance     
sheet, which has decreased its equity by EUR 7.1 million.                       

The Group announced in May that it is strengthening its sales management        
structure with the establishment of a Market Operations function. Harry Ollila  
was appointed in charge of the new function. Market Operations is responsible   
for sales management and sales support, global account management, and the      
development of solution marketing. Konecranes' regional organizations will      
report to Harry Ollila. The new organization will take effect as from September 
1, 2009. External reporting of the geographical regions will remain unchanged.  

In connection with this, on September 1, 2009, Konecranes will switch to a      
two-tiered management structure consisting of the Group Executive Board and the 
Extended Management Team. The members of the Group Executive Board are: Pekka   
Lundmark, President and CEO, and Chairman of the Group Executive Board; Hannu   
Rusanen, Service; Mikko Uhari, Equipment; Harry Ollila, Market Operations; Teo  
Ottola, Chief Financial Officer; Pekka Lettijeff, Procurement; and Ari          
Kiviniitty, Technology.                                                         

The Extended Management Team will in addition to the members of the Group       
Executive Board include the Presidents of the regional organizations; Director, 
General Counsel; Director, Talent Management and Director, Marketing and        

As a result of Konecranes increasing its influence in the Ukrainian associated  
company ZAO Zaparozhje Kran, it was consolidated at June 30 into Konecranes'    
balance sheet. Konecranes currently has a 43.5 percent holding in the company.  
The arrangement increased the interest-bearing net debt of the Group by         
approximately EUR 17.8 million and decreased equity by EUR 4.6 million. In      
January-June, ZAO Zaparozhje Kran had a negative result. The company currently  
employs 386 persons, which is 250 less than in the beginning of 2009.           

SHORT-TERM RISKS                                                                

The Group's principal short-term risks and uncertainties derive from a prolonged
downturn in the world economy or other unforeseen events. A decrease in demand  
for Konecranes' products and services may have a continuing negative effect on  
the Group's sales volume and pricing power, and thus result in decreasing       
profits and a possible impairment of goodwill and other assets. Konecranes is   
closely following the development in such issues that could potentially cause   
disruptions to its operations or to the well-being of its employees and is      
preparing to take action if needed.                                             

The shortage of credit may cause difficulties to Konecranes' customers,         
suppliers, and financial and other counterparties. The risk may be realized as  
credit losses, inventory obsolescence, a shortage of supplies or defaulting     
liabilities. So the Group has paid special attention to securing customer       
payments and requiring strict terms for possible postponements by customers.    
Increased attention is also being paid to the financial status of key           
subcontractors and vendors. As of now, no such major risks have materialized.   

Continuing financial crises may also lead to challenges in securing liquidity.  
Although Konecranes has not faced difficulties in financing its business        
operations, the Group aims to keep more cash in the balance sheet than normally.
Konecranes is supported by its solid financial position and strong balance sheet
in securing its liquidity.                                                      

Challenges in financing may lead customers to postpone projects or even to      
cancel existing orders. Currently the financial stringency has mainly been      
visible in prolonged decision making times. As of now, no major cancellations   
have occurred and advance payments represent about one fourth of the order book.
However, if longer postponements and potential cancellations of some important  
projects actually occur, this may deteriorate the quality of the order book and 
cause losses. Konecranes is paying increased attention to order book quality and
the status of orders is being continuously monitored.                           

Currency rate fluctuations may significantly affect the company's performance.  
The USD/EUR exchange rate has the largest impact on financial performance       
through a combination of the translational effect and transactional exposure.   

FUTURE PROSPECTS                                                                
Uncertainty in the market is expected to continue making reliable long term     
forecasting difficult. Based on currently available information, order intake is
estimated to stabilize especially in Service and Standard Lifting. Heavy Lifting
order intake is expected to continue to fluctuate. The full year 2009 sales are 
estimated to be 17-20 percent less than in full year 2008.                      

The second half-year operating margin is expected to be lower than that of the  
first-half of 2009. This is due to lower volumes and certain price erosion      
especially in the new equipment business areas. The full year operating margin  
is estimated to be 6.5 - 7.5 percent of sales excluding restructuring costs.    

Actions to adjust the Group's cost base to the current demand continue. Our     
target is to achieve a cost structure that would lower the total annual volume  
adjusted operating cost in 2010 by approximately EUR 100 million compared with  
year 2008. This cost reduction program includes both procurement development    
actions and personnel reductions, but the savings target does not include       
potential general material cost deflation.                                      

By the end of June 2009, the Group headcount, including all temporary and rented
work force and excluding increase from ZAO Zaparozhje Kran, has been reduced by 
850 from year-end 2008 and it is estimated to decrease by a further 750 during  
the latter part of 2009. The current estimate of restructuring costs to be      
booked during the second half of 2009 is EUR 15-20 million.                     

Helsinki, July 29, 2009                                                         
Konecranes Plc                                                                  
Board of Directors                                                              

It should be noted that certain statements in this report, which are not        
historical facts, including, without limitation, those regarding                
- expectations for general economic development and market situation,           
- expectations for general developments in the industry,                        
- expectations regarding customer industry profitability and investment         
- expectations for company growth, development and profitability,               
- expectations regarding market demand for the company's products and services, 
- expectations regarding the successful completion of acquisitions on a timely  
basis and our ability to achieve the set targets and synergies,                 
- expectations regarding competitive conditions,                                
- expectations regarding cost savings,                                          
- and statements preceded by "believes," "expects," "anticipates," "foresees" or
similar expressions,                                                            
are forward-looking statements. These statements are based on current           
expectations, decisions and plans and currently known facts. Therefore, they    
involve risks and uncertainties, which may cause actual results to materially   
differ from the results currently expected by the company.  Such factors        
include, but are not limited to,                                                
- general economic conditions, including fluctuations in exchange rates and     
interest levels,                                                                
- the competitive situation, especially significant products or services        
developed by our competitors,                                                   
- industry conditions,                                                          
- the company's own operating factors, including the success of production,     
product development, project management, quality, and timely delivery of our    
products and services and their continuous development,                         
- the success of pending and future acquisitions and restructurings.            

Summary Financial Statements and Notes                                          

ACCOUNTING PRINCIPLES                                                           

The presented financial information is prepared in accordance with International
Accounting Standard (IAS) 34, Interim Financial Reporting, as adopted by the EU.
As of January 1, 2009 Konecranes applied two new or amended standards: IFRS 8,  
Operating Segments and IAS 1, Presentation of Financial Statements - Revised.   
IFRS 8 replaces the IAS 14, Segment Reporting standard. In accordance with IFRS 
8, the identification of operating segments is based on management reporting.   
The new standard did not change the present Segment reporting, because the      
Business Segments specified according to internal reporting are nowadays the    
Group's primary form of managerial reporting. IAS 1 change impacted primarily to
the presentation of the statement of income and the statement of changes in     
equity. Otherwise Konecranes applies the same accounting policies as were       
applied in the year 2008 annual financial statements.                           

The figures presented in the tables above have been rounded to one decimal,     
which should be taken into account when reading the sum figures.                

The interim report has not been subject to audit.                               

Consolidated statement of income                                                

| EUR million       |   4-6/ |   4-6/ |   1-6/ |    1-6/ | Change  |     1-12/ |
|                   |   2009 |   2008 |   2009 |    2008 |         |      2008 |
| Sales             |  431.6 |  492.4 |  873.7 |   931.6 |    -6.2 |   2 102.5 |
| Other operating   |    0.8 |    1.3 |    1.5 |     1.9 |         |       6.3 |
| income            |        |        |        |         |         |           |
| Depreciation and  |   -6.5 |   -6.5 |  -13.3 |   -12.6 |         |     -26.6 |
| impairments       |        |        |        |         |         |           |
| Other operating   | -397.0 | -428.9 | -796.2 |  -817.6 |         |  -1 833.5 |
| expenses          |        |        |        |         |         |           |
| Operating profit  |   28.8 |   58.3 |   65.6 |   103.3 |   -36.5 |     248.7 |
| Share of          |   -1.4 |    0.2 |   -1.4 |     0.4 |         |      -3.9 |
| associates' and   |        |        |        |         |         |           |
| joint ventures'   |        |        |        |         |         |           |
| result            |        |        |        |         |         |           |
| Financial income  |    0.0 |   -5.9 |   -1.4 |    -4.8 |         |      -8.6 |
| and expenses      |        |        |        |         |         |           |
| Profit before     |   27.4 |   52.6 |   62.8 |    98.9 |   -36.5 |     236.2 |
| taxes             |        |        |        |         |         |           |
| Taxes             |   -7.8 |  -14.7 |  -17.9 |   -27.7 |         |     -69.6 |
| NET PROFIT FOR    |   19.6 |   37.9 |   44.9 |    71.2 |   -36.9 |     166.6 |
| THE PERIOD        |        |        |        |         |         |           |
| Net profit for    |        |        |        |         |         |           |
| the period        |        |        |        |         |         |           |
| attributable to:  |        |        |        |         |         |           |
|  Shareholders of  |   19.8 |   37.8 |   45.2 |    71.1 |         |     166.4 |
|    the parent     |        |        |        |         |         |           |
|    company        |        |        |        |         |         |           |
| Minority interest |   -0.2 |    0.1 |   -0.3 |     0.1 |         |       0.1 |
| Earnings per      |   0.34 |   0.65 |   0.77 |    1.21 |   -37.0 |      2.83 |
| share, basic      |        |        |        |         |         |           |
| (EUR)             |        |        |        |         |         |           |
| Earnings per      |   0.33 |   0.64 |   0.76 |    1.20 |   -36.6 |      2.82 |
| share, diluted    |        |        |        |         |         |           |
| (EUR)             |        |        |        |         |         |           |

Consolidated statement of comprehensive income                                  

| EUR million       |   4-6/ |   4-6/ |   1-6/ |   1-6/ |  Change  |     1-12/ |
|                   |   2009 |   2008 |   2009 |   2008 |          |      2008 |
| Net profit for    |   19.6 |   37.9 |   44.9 |   71.2 |    -36.9 |     166.6 |
| the period        |        |        |        |        |          |           |
| Other             |        |        |        |        |          |           |
| comprehensive     |        |        |        |        |          |           |
| income for the    |        |        |        |        |          |           |
| period, net of    |        |        |        |        |          |           |
| tax               |        |        |        |        |          |           |
|   Exchange        |   -4.9 |    1.3 |    0.2 |   -6.8 |          |      -4.5 |
|   differences on  |        |        |        |        |          |           |
|   translating     |        |        |        |        |          |           |
| foreign           |        |        |        |        |          |           |
| operations        |        |        |        |        |          |           |
|  Cash flow hedges |    2.4 |   -1.1 |    2.2 |    0.5 |          |      -3.3 |
|   Income tax      |   -0.6 |    0.3 |   -0.6 |   -0.1 |          |       0.8 |
|   relating to     |        |        |        |        |          |           |
|   components of   |        |        |        |        |          |           |
|   other           |        |        |        |        |          |           |
|   comprehensive   |        |        |        |        |          |           |
|   income          |        |        |        |        |          |           |
| Other             |   -3.1 |    0.5 |    1.8 |   -6.4 |          |      -6.9 |
| comprehensive     |        |        |        |        |          |           |
| income for the    |        |        |        |        |          |           |
| period, net of    |        |        |        |        |          |           |
| tax               |        |        |        |        |          |           |
| TOTAL             |   16.5 |   38.4 |   46.7 |   64.7 |    -27.9 |     159.6 |
| COMPREHENSIVE     |        |        |        |        |          |           |
| INCOME FOR THE    |        |        |        |        |          |           |
| PERIOD            |        |        |        |        |          |           |
| Total             |        |        |        |        |          |           |
| comprehensive     |        |        |        |        |          |           |
| income            |        |        |        |        |          |           |
| attributable to:  |        |        |        |        |          |           |
|  Shareholders of  |   16.7 |   38.3 |   47.1 |   64.7 |          |     159.5 |
|    the parent     |        |        |        |        |          |           |
|    company        |        |        |        |        |          |           |
| Minority interest |   -0.2 |    0.0 |   -0.4 |    0.0 |          |       0.1 |

Consolidated balance sheet                                                      

| EUR million                       |            |              |              |
| ASSETS                            |  30.6.2009 |    30.6.2008 |   31.12.2008 |
| Non-current assets                |            |              |              |
| Goodwill                          |       59.5 |         59.1 |         57.8 |
| Intangible assets                 |       61.1 |         63.8 |         62.5 |
| Property, plant and equipment     |       75.5 |         63.4 |         69.5 |
| Advance payments and construction |       10.1 |          5.4 |          5.4 |
| in progress                       |            |              |              |
| Investments accounted for using   |        8.2 |          3.6 |          7.4 |
| the equity method                 |            |              |              |
| Available-for-sale investments    |        2.0 |          2.2 |          1.9 |
| Long-term loans receivable        |        2.5 |          1.6 |          1.8 |
| Deferred tax assets               |       33.7 |         25.9 |         31.9 |
| Total non-current assets          |      252.7 |        224.8 |        238.3 |
| Current assets                    |            |              |              |
| Inventories                       |            |              |              |
|    Raw material and semi-         |      156.2 |        126.5 |        147.0 |
|    manufactured goods             |            |              |              |
|    Work in progress               |      154.8 |        173.1 |        168.4 |
|    Advance payments               |       11.6 |         23.9 |         17.8 |
| Total inventories                 |      322.6 |        323.5 |        333.2 |
| Accounts receivable               |      298.5 |        340.9 |        398.3 |
| Loans receivable                  |        3.9 |          0.5 |          0.4 |
| Other receivables                 |       25.5 |         26.8 |         40.8 |
| Deferred assets                   |      113.4 |        120.4 |         93.6 |
| Cash and cash equivalents         |       96.9 |         77.3 |        100.9 |
| Total current assets              |      860.7 |        889.4 |        967.1 |
| TOTAL ASSETS                      |    1 113.4 |      1 114.2 |      1 205.4 |

| EQUITY AND LIABILITIES            |  30.6.2009 |    30.6.2008 |   31.12.2008 |
| Equity attributable to equity     |            |              |              |
| holders of the parent company     |            |              |              |
| Share capital                     |       30.1 |         30.1 |         30.1 |
| Share premium account             |       39.3 |         39.3 |         39.3 |
| Share issue                       |        0.0 |          0.0 |          0.1 |
| Fair value reserves               |        2.5 |          3.7 |          0.9 |
| Translation difference            |      -17.1 |        -19.7 |        -17.4 |
| Paid in capital                   |        8.7 |          5.7 |          7.3 |
| Retained earnings                 |      273.9 |        170.3 |        172.1 |
| Net profit for the period         |       45.2 |         71.1 |        166.4 |
| Total equity attributable to      |      382.6 |        300.5 |        398.8 |
| equity holders of the parent      |            |              |              |
| company                           |            |              |              |
| Minority interest                 |        2.8 |          1.5 |          1.9 |
| Total equity                      |      385.4 |        302.0 |        400.7 |
| Liabilities                       |            |              |              |
| Non-current liabilities           |            |              |              |
| Interest-bearing liabilities      |       34.3 |         58.6 |        102.8 |
| Other long-term liabilities       |       56.4 |         57.0 |         56.3 |
| Deferred tax liabilities          |       18.6 |         18.6 |         18.4 |
| Total non-current liabilities     |      109.3 |        134.1 |        177.6 |
| Provisions                        |       42.9 |         38.8 |         46.8 |
| Current liabilities               |            |              |              |
| Interest-bearing liabilities      |      104.4 |         94.4 |         11.6 |
| Advance payments received         |      175.2 |        219.3 |        201.1 |
| Progress billings                 |       21.1 |          7.4 |          4.0 |
| Accounts payable                  |       73.3 |        107.3 |        135.2 |
| Other short-term liabilities      |       17.6 |         25.0 |         23.6 |
| (non-interest bearing)            |            |              |              |
| Accruals                          |      184.2 |        185.8 |        204.9 |
| Total current liabilities         |      575.9 |        639.3 |        580.3 |
| Total liabilities                 |      728.0 |        812.2 |        804.7 |
| TOTAL EQUITY AND LIABILITIES      |    1 113.4 |      1 114.2 |      1 205.4 |

Consolidated statement of changes in equity                                     

|                       |         |         |  Equity attributable to equity   |
|                       |         |         |  holders of the parent company   |
| EUR million           |  Share  |  Share  | Share  | Cash flow | Trans-latio |
|                       | capital | premium |  issue |     hedge |          n  |
|                       |         | account |        |           |  difference |
| Balance at            |    30.1 |    39.3 |    0.1 |       0.9 |       -17.4 |
| 1 January, 2009       |         |         |        |           |             |
| Option exercised      |         |         |        |           |             |
| Share issue           |         |         |   -0.1 |           |             |
| Dividends paid to     |         |         |        |           |             |
| equity holders        |         |         |        |           |             |
| Dividends paid to     |         |         |        |           |             |
| minority interest     |         |         |        |           |             |
| Share based payments  |         |         |        |           |             |
| recognized against    |         |         |        |           |             |
| equity                |         |         |        |           |             |
| Purchase of treasury  |         |         |        |           |             |
| shares                |         |         |        |           |             |
| Employee benefit      |         |         |        |           |             |
| scheme for executive  |         |         |        |           |             |
| management*           |         |         |        |           |             |
| Change of control in  |         |         |        |           |             |
| associated company**  |         |         |        |           |             |
| Total comprehensive   |         |         |        |       1.6 |         0.3 |
| income                |         |         |        |           |             |
| Balance at 30 June,   |    30.1 |    39.3 |    0.0 |       2.5 |       -17.1 |
| 2009                  |         |         |        |           |             |
| Balance at            |    30.1 |    39.3 |    0.0 |       3.3 |       -12.9 |
| 1 January, 2008       |         |         |        |           |             |
| Option exercised      |         |         |        |           |             |
| Share issue           |         |         |        |           |             |
| Dividends paid to     |         |         |        |           |             |
| equity holders        |         |         |        |           |             |
| Dividends paid to     |         |         |        |           |             |
| minority interest     |         |         |        |           |             |
| Share based payments  |         |         |        |           |             |
| recognized against    |         |         |        |           |             |
| equity                |         |         |        |           |             |
| Purchase of treasury  |         |         |        |           |             |
| shares                |         |         |        |           |             |
| Business combinations |         |         |        |           |             |
| Total comprehensive   |         |         |        |       0.4 |        -6.8 |
| income                |         |         |        |           |             |
| Balance at 30 June,   |    30.1 |    39.3 |    0.0 |       3.7 |       -19.7 |
| 2008                  |         |         |        |           |             |
|                       |         |  Equity attributable to equity holders of  |
|                       |         |             the parent company             |
| EUR million           | Paid in | Retaine |  Total | Mino-rity |       Total |
|                       | capital |       d |        |  interest |      equity |
|                       |         | earning |        |           |             |
|                       |         |       s |        |           |             |
| Balance at            |     7.3 |   338.5 |  398.8 |       1.9 |       400.7 |
| 1 January, 2009       |         |         |        |           |             |
| Option exercised      |     1.4 |         |    1.4 |           |         1.4 |
| Share issue           |         |         |   -0.1 |           |        -0.1 |
| Dividends paid to     |         |   -53.3 |  -53.3 |           |       -53.3 |
| equity holders        |         |         |        |           |             |
| Dividends paid to     |         |         |    0.0 |           |         0.0 |
| minority interest     |         |         |        |           |             |
| Share based payments  |         |     1.6 |    1.6 |           |         1.6 |
| recognized against    |         |         |        |           |             |
| equity                |         |         |        |           |             |
| Purchase of treasury  |         |         |    0.0 |           |         0.0 |
| shares                |         |         |        |           |             |
| Employee benefit      |         |    -8.4 |   -8.4 |       1.3 |        -7.1 |
| scheme for executive  |         |         |        |           |             |
| management*           |         |         |        |           |             |
| Change of control in  |         |    -4.6 |   -4.6 |           |        -4.6 |
| associated company**  |         |         |        |           |             |
| Total comprehensive   |         |    45.2 |   47.1 |      -0.4 |        46.7 |
| income                |         |         |        |           |             |
| Balance at 30 June,   |     8.7 |   319.1 |  382.6 |       2.8 |       385.4 |
| 2009                  |         |         |        |           |             |
| Balance at            |     4.7 |   216.2 |  280.7 |       0.1 |       280.8 |
| 1 January, 2008       |         |         |        |           |             |
| Option exercised      |     2.6 |         |    2.6 |           |         2.6 |
| Share issue           |         |         |    0.0 |           |         0.0 |
| Dividends paid to     |         |   -46.8 |  -46.8 |           |       -46.8 |
| equity holders        |         |         |        |           |             |
| Dividends paid to     |         |         |    0.0 |           |         0.0 |
| minority interest     |         |         |        |           |             |
| Share based payments  |         |     0.9 |    0.9 |           |         0.9 |
| recognized against    |         |         |        |           |             |
| equity                |         |         |        |           |             |
| Purchase of treasury  |    -1.6 |         |   -1.6 |           |        -1.6 |
| shares                |         |         |        |           |             |
| Business combinations |         |         |    0.0 |       1.4 |         1.4 |
| Total comprehensive   |         |    71.1 |   64.7 |       0.0 |        64.7 |
| income                |         |         |        |           |             |
| Balance at 30 June,   |     5.7 |   241.4 |  300.5 |       1.5 |       302.0 |
| 2008                  |         |         |        |           |             |

*  Incentive arrangement for Konecranes Group executive management (KCR         
Management Oy)                                                                  
** Increase of Konecranes' influence in the management of associated company ZAO
Zaporozhje Kran in Ukraine.                                                     

Consolidated cash flow statement                                                

| EUR million                       |    1-6/2009 |    1-6/2008 |    1-12/2008 |
| Cash flow from operating          |             |             |              |
| activities                        |             |             |              |
| Net income                        |        44.9 |        71.2 |        166.6 |
| Adjustments to net income         |             |             |              |
|    Taxes                          |        17.9 |        27.7 |         69.6 |
|    Financial income and expenses  |         1.4 |         5.1 |          8.9 |
|   Share of associates' and joint  |         1.4 |        -0.4 |          3.9 |
|    ventures' result               |             |             |              |
|    Dividend income                |         0.0 |        -0.3 |         -0.3 |
|    Depreciation and impairments   |        13.3 |        12.6 |         26.6 |
|    Profits and losses on sale of  |         0.4 |         0.0 |         -0.6 |
|    fixed assets                   |             |             |              |
|    Other adjustments              |         0.0 |         0.1 |          0.4 |
| Operating income before change in |        79.3 |       116.0 |        275.1 |
| net working capital               |             |             |              |
| Change in interest-free           |       112.1 |       -42.7 |        -92.1 |
| short-term receivables            |             |             |              |
| Change in inventories             |        15.0 |       -69.4 |        -77.3 |
| Change in interest-free           |       -94.0 |        53.2 |         77.9 |
| short-term liabilities            |             |             |              |
| Change in net working capital     |        33.1 |       -58.9 |        -91.5 |
| Cash flow from operations before  |       112.4 |        57.1 |        183.7 |
| financing items and taxes         |             |             |              |
| Interest received                 |         0.5 |         1.0 |          2.8 |
| Interest paid                     |        -2.9 |        -3.1 |         -8.3 |
| Other financial income and        |         1.2 |        -1.5 |         -0.6 |
| expenses                          |             |             |              |
| Income taxes paid                 |       -44.2 |       -31.4 |        -70.5 |
| Financing items and taxes         |       -45.4 |       -35.0 |        -76.6 |
| Net cash from operating           |        67.0 |        22.1 |        107.1 |
| activities                        |             |             |              |
| Cash flow from investing          |             |             |              |
| activities                        |             |             |              |
| Acquisition of Group companies,   |        -2.8 |        -8.1 |        -12.3 |
| net of cash                       |             |             |              |
| Divestment of Group companies,    |         0.6 |         0.0 |          0.4 |
| net of cash                       |             |             |              |
| Acquisition of shares in          |         0.0 |         0.0 |         -3.0 |
| associated companies              |             |             |              |
| Investments in other shares       |        -0.1 |        -0.2 |         -0.5 |
| Capital expenditures              |       -11.8 |       -10.5 |        -22.8 |
| Proceeds from sale of fixed       |         0.5 |         0.4 |          1.0 |
| assets                            |             |             |              |
| Dividends received                |         0.0 |         0.3 |          0.3 |
| Net cash used in investing        |       -13.6 |       -18.1 |        -36.9 |
| activities                        |             |             |              |
| Cash flow before financing        |        53.3 |         4.0 |         70.2 |
| activities                        |             |             |              |
| Cash flow from financing          |             |             |              |
| activities                        |             |             |              |
| Proceeds from options exercised   |         1.3 |         2.6 |          4.3 |
| and share issues                  |             |             |              |
| Purchase of treasury shares       |         0.0 |        -2.5 |         -2.5 |
| Related Party net investment to   |        -7.1 |         0.0 |          0.0 |
| Konecranes Plc shares             |             |             |              |
| Proceeds from long-term           |       102.4 |        38.5 |        105.7 |
| borrowings                        |             |             |              |
| Repayments of long-term           |      -177.3 |       -27.2 |        -52.9 |
| borrowings                        |             |             |              |
| Proceeds from (+), payments of    |        80.9 |        54.0 |        -29.7 |
| (-) short-term borrowings         |             |             |              |
| Change in long-term receivables   |        -0.6 |         0.2 |         -0.2 |
| Change in short-term receivables  |        -3.5 |        -0.3 |         -0.2 |
| Dividends paid to equity holders  |       -53.3 |       -46.8 |        -46.8 |
| of the parent                     |             |             |              |
| Dividends paid to minority        |         0.0 |         0.0 |         -0.1 |
| interest                          |             |             |              |
| Net cash used in financing        |       -57.2 |        18.4 |        -22.4 |
| activities                        |             |             |              |
| Translation differences in cash   |        -0.1 |        -1.0 |         -2.8 |
| Change of cash and cash           |        -4.0 |        21.4 |         45.0 |
| equivalents                       |             |             |              |
| Cash and cash equivalents at      |       100.9 |        56.0 |         56.0 |
| beginning of period               |             |             |              |
| Cash and cash equivalents at end  |        96.9 |        77.3 |        100.9 |
| of period                         |             |             |              |
| Change of cash and cash           |        -4.0 |        21.4 |         45.0 |
| equivalents                       |             |             |              |

The effect of changes in exchange rates has been eliminated by converting the   
beginning balance at the rates current on the last day of the reporting period. 

Segment information                                                             
1. BUSINESS SEGMENTS                                                            

| EUR million            |        |       |        |        |         |        |
| Orders received by     |   1-6/ |  % of |   1-6/ |   % of |   1-12/ |   % of |
| Business Area          |   2009 | total |   2008 |  total |    2008 |  total |
| Service 1)             |  252.0 |    35 |  328.8 |     27 |   658.2 |     30 |
| Standard Lifting       |  273.9 |    38 |  467.0 |     39 |   859.0 |     39 |
| Heavy Lifting          |  201.5 |    28 |  410.5 |     34 |   686.0 |     31 |
| ./. Internal           |  -48.2 |       |  -64.7 |        |  -136.1 |        |
| Total                  |  679.3 |   100 |      1 |    100 | 2 067.1 |    100 |
|                        |        |       |  141.6 |        |         |        |
| 1) Excl. Service       |        |       |        |        |         |        |
| Contract Base          |        |       |        |        |         |        |
|                        |  30.6. |  % of |  30.6. |   % of |  31.12. |   % of |
|                        |   2009 | total |   2008 |  total |    2008 |  total |
| Order book total  2)   |        |       |        |        |         |        |
| Service                |   93.9 |    14 |  140.2 |     13 |   117.3 |     14 |
| Standard Lifting       |  244.6 |    35 |  387.8 |     37 |   327.9 |     38 |
| Heavy Lifting          |  357.9 |    51 |  528.0 |     50 |   420.2 |     49 |
| ./. Internal           |  -15.8 |       |  -28.3 |        |   -29.1 |        |
| Total                  |  680.6 |   100 |      1 |    100 |   836.3 |    100 |
|                        |        |       |  027.7 |        |         |        |
| 2) Percentage of       |        |       |        |        |         |        |
| completion deducted    |        |       |        |        |         |        |
| Sales by Business Area |   1-6/ |  % of |   1-6/ |   % of |   1-12/ |   % of |
|                        |   2009 | total |   2008 |  total |    2008 |  total |
| Service                |  339.2 |    36 |  346.5 |     35 |   754.3 |     34 |
| Standard Lifting       |  346.3 |    37 |  372.3 |     37 |   835.4 |     37 |
| Heavy Lifting          |  257.6 |    27 |  279.0 |     28 |   659.4 |     29 |
| ./. Internal           |  -69.4 |       |  -66.2 |        |  -146.6 |        |
| Total                  |  873.7 |   100 |  931.6 |    100 | 2 102.5 |    100 |
| Operating profit       |   1-6/ |  EBIT |   1-6/ | EBIT % |   1-12/ | EBIT % |
| (EBIT) by Business     |   2009 |     % |   2008 |        |    2008 |        |
| Area                   |        |       |        |        |         |        |
|                        |   MEUR |       |   MEUR |        |    MEUR |        |
| Service                |   37.0 |  10.9 |   45.7 |   13.2 |   106.2 |   14.1 |
| Standard Lifting       |   35.8 |  10.3 |   61.7 |   16.6 |   140.0 |   16.8 |
| Heavy Lifting          |   20.2 |   7.9 |   20.3 |    7.3 |    53.6 |    8.1 |
| Group costs            |  -28.5 |       |  -21.7 |        |   -47.2 |        |
| Consolidation items    |    1.0 |       |   -2.7 |        |    -3.9 |        |
| Total                  |   65.6 |   7.5 |  103.3 |   11.1 |   248.7 |   11.8 |
| Personnel by Business  |  30.6. |  % of |  30.6. |   % of |  31.12. |   % of |
| Area                   |   2009 | total |   2008 |  total |    2008 |  total |
| (at the end of the     |        |       |        |        |         |        |
| period)                |        |       |        |        |         |        |
| Service                |  5 106 |    53 |  5 132 |     55 |   5 372 |     54 |
| Standard Lifting       |  2 554 |    26 |  2 638 |     28 |   2 808 |     28 |
| Heavy Lifting          |  1 743 |    18 |  1 330 |     14 |   1 439 |     15 |
| Group staff            |    288 |     3 |    254 |      3 |     285 |      3 |
| Total                  |  9 691 |   100 |  9 354 |    100 |   9 904 |    100 |

2. GEOGRAPHICAL SEGMENTS                                                        

| EUR million            |        |       |       |        |          |        |
| Sales by market        |   1-6/ |  % of |  1-6/ |   % of |    1-12/ |   % of |
|                        |   2009 | total |  2008 |  total |     2008 |  total |
| Europe-Middle          |  482.7 |    55 | 529.2 |     57 |  1 207.5 |     57 |
| East-Africa (EMEA)     |        |       |       |        |          |        |
| Americas (AME)         |  254.0 |    29 | 269.4 |     29 |    591.7 |     28 |
| Asia-Pacific (APAC)    |  137.0 |    16 | 133.0 |     14 |    303.3 |     14 |
| Total                  |  873.7 |   100 | 931.6 |    100 |  2 102.5 |    100 |
| Personnel by region    |   1-6/ |  % of |  1-6/ |   % of |    1-12/ |   % of |
|                        |   2009 | total |  2008 |  total |     2008 |  total |
| Europe-Middle          |  5 778 |    60 | 5 373 |     57 |    5 658 |     57 |
| East-Africa (EMEA)     |        |       |       |        |          |        |
| Americas (AME)         |  2 410 |    25 | 2 553 |     27 |    2 619 |     26 |
| Asia-Pacific (APAC)    |  1 503 |    16 | 1 428 |     15 |    1 627 |     16 |
| Total                  |  9 691 |   100 | 9 354 |    100 |    9 904 |    100 |


| KEY FIGURES              |  30.6.2009 |   30.6.2008 |  Change % | 31.12.2008 |
| Earnings per share,      |       0.77 |        1.21 |     -37.0 |       2.83 |
| basic (EUR)              |            |             |           |            |
| Earnings per share,      |       0.76 |        1.20 |     -36.6 |       2.82 |
| diluted (EUR)            |            |             |           |            |
| Return on capital        |       42.7 |        48.3 |     -11.6 |       56.3 |
| employed %, Rolling 12   |            |             |           |            |
| Months (R12M)            |            |             |           |            |
| Return on equity %,      |       40.8 |        51.0 |     -20.0 |       48.9 |
| Rolling 12 Months (R12M) |            |             |           |            |
| Equity per share (EUR)   |       6.51 |        5.11 |      27.4 |       6.75 |
| Current ratio            |        1.4 |         1.3 |       7.7 |        1.5 |
| Gearing %                |        9.1 |        24.4 |     -62.7 |        2.8 |
| Solidity %               |       41.1 |        33.7 |      22.0 |       39.9 |
| EBITDA, EUR million      |       78.9 |       115.9 |     -31.9 |      275.3 |
| Investments total (excl. |        9.6 |         9.7 |      -1.0 |       22.3 |
| acquisitions), EUR       |            |             |           |            |
| million                  |            |             |           |            |
| Interest-bearing net     |       35.5 |        73.6 |     -51.8 |       11.3 |
| debt, EUR million        |            |             |           |            |
| Net working capital, EUR |      260.8 |       235.2 |      10.9 |      263.8 |
| million                  |            |             |           |            |
| Average number of        |      9 820 |       8 868 |      10.7 |      9 222 |
| personnel during the     |            |             |           |            |
| period                   |            |             |           |            |
| Average number of shares | 59 064 201 |  58 558 884 |       0.9 | 58 725 782 |
| outstanding, basic       |            |             |           |            |
| Average number of shares | 59 134 828 |  59 050 886 |       0.1 | 58 986 740 |
| outstanding, diluted     |            |             |           |            |
| Number of shares         | 58 771 424 |  58 828 820 |      -0.1 | 59 069 720 |
| outstanding, at end of   |            |             |           |            |
| the period               |            |             |           |            |

| The period end exchange  |  30.6.2009 |  30.6.2008 |  Change % |  31.12.2008 |
| rates*:                  |            |            |           |             |
| USD - US dollar          |      1.410 |      1.575 |      11.7 |       1.392 |
| CAD - Canadian dollar    |      1.617 |      1.585 |      -2.0 |       1.700 |
| GBP - Pound sterling     |      0.854 |      0.792 |      -7.3 |       0.953 |
| CNY - Chinese yuan       |      9.633 |     10.807 |      12.2 |       9.496 |
| SGD - Singapore dollar   |      2.049 |      2.145 |       4.7 |       2.004 |
| SEK - Swedish krona      |     10.960 |      9.426 |     -14.0 |      10.870 |
| NOK - Norwegian krone    |      9.040 |      7.979 |     -11.7 |       9.750 |
| AUD - Australian dollar  |      1.746 |      1.638 |      -6.2 |       2.027 |

| The period average       |  30.6.2009 |  30.6.2008 |   Change % | 31.12.2008 |
| exchange rates*:         |            |            |            |            |
| USD - US dollar          |      1.331 |      1.530 |       15.0 |      1.471 |
| CAD - Canadian dollar    |      1.606 |      1.539 |       -4.1 |      1.559 |
| GBP - Pound sterling     |      0.895 |      0.775 |      -13.4 |      0.796 |
| CNY - Chinese yuan       |      9.093 |     10.799 |       18.8 |     10.225 |
| SGD - Singapore dollar   |      1.987 |      2.123 |        6.8 |      2.076 |
| SEK - Swedish krona      |     10.865 |      9.374 |      -13.7 |      9.610 |
| NOK - Norwegian krone    |      8.890 |      7.948 |      -10.6 |      8.218 |
| AUD - Australian dollar  |      1.883 |      1.655 |      -12.1 |      1.741 |

*Konecranes applies weekly calendar in its financial reporting. The presented   
exchange rates are determined by rates on the last Friday of the period.        

CONTINGENT LIABILITIES AND PLEDGED ASSETS                                       

| EUR million                       |  30.6.2009 |    30.6.2008 |   31.12.2008 |
| For own commercial obligations    |            |              |              |
|    Pledged assets                 |        0.0 |          0.1 |          0.2 |
|    Guarantees                     |      212.4 |        237.3 |        159.0 |
| For associated companies          |            |              |              |
|    Guarantees                     |        0.0 |         10.0 |         13.0 |
| Leasing liabilities               |            |              |              |
|    Next year                      |       30.4 |         24.1 |         29.7 |
|    Later on                       |       73.1 |         64.1 |         66.0 |
| Other                             |        0.2 |          0.2 |          0.2 |
| Total                             |      315.9 |        335.7 |        268.2 |

Leasing contracts follow the normal practices in corresponding countries.       

Contingent liabilities relating to litigations                                  
Various legal actions, claims and other proceedings are pending against the     
Group in various countries. These actions, claims and other proceedings are     
typical for this industry and consistent with a global business offering that   
encompasses a wide range of products and services. These matters involve        
contractual disputes, warranty claims, product liability (including design      
defects, manufacturing defects, failure to warn and asbestos legacy),           
employment, vehicles and other matters involving claims of general liability.   
While the final outcome of these matters cannot be predicted with certainty     
Konecranes is of the opinion, based on the information available to date and    
considering the grounds presented for such claims, available insurance coverage 
and the reserves made, that the outcome of such actions, claims and other       
proceedings, if unfavorable, would not have a material, adverse impact on the   
financial condition of the Group.                                               


| EUR million          |  30.6. | 30.6. |   30.6. |  30.6. |   31.12. | 31.12. |
|                      |   2009 |  2009 |    2008 |   2008 |     2008 |   2008 |
|                      | Nomina |  Fair | Nominal |   Fair |  Nominal |   Fair |
|                      |      l | value |   value |  value |    value |  value |
|                      |  value |       |         |        |          |        |
| Foreign exchange     |  196.2 |   4.3 |   153.1 |    5.3 |    165.9 |    5.7 |
| forward contracts    |        |       |         |        |          |        |
| Electricity          |    1.7 |  -0.3 |     1.2 |    0.7 |      1.8 |   -0.4 |
| derivatives          |        |       |         |        |          |        |
| Total                |  197.9 |   4.0 |   154.3 |    6.0 |    167.7 |    5.3 |

Derivatives are used for hedging currency and interest rate risks, as well as   
the risk of electricity price fluctuations. The Company applies hedge accounting
on the derivatives used to hedge cash flows in Heavy Lifting projects.          


During the first half of year 2009 Konecranes made only some minor acquisitions,
which mostly relate to machine tool service (MTS) business in Scandinavia.      

The preliminary fair values of the identifiable assets and liabilities of the   
acquired businesses at the date of acquisitions are summarized below.           

| EUR million                            |           30.6.2009 |     30.6.2009 |
|                                        |       Recognized on |     Carrying  |
|                                        |         acquisition |         value |
| Intangible assets                      |                 1.7 |           0.0 |
| Tangible assets                        |                 0.1 |           0.1 |
| Deferred tax assets                    |                 0.0 |           0.0 |
| Inventories                            |                 0.0 |           0.0 |
| Account receivables and other assets   |                 0.3 |           0.3 |
| Cash and bank                          |                 0.0 |           0.0 |
| Total assets                           |                 2.1 |           0.5 |
| Deferred tax liabilities               |                 0.1 |           0.0 |
| Account payables                       |                 0.0 |           0.0 |
| Other liabilities                      |                 0.3 |           0.3 |
| Minority interest                      |                 0.0 |           0.0 |
| Total liabilities                      |                 0.4 |           0.3 |
| Net assets                             |                 1.7 |           0.2 |
| Acquisition costs                      |                 2.9 |               |
| Goodwill                               |                 1.2 |               |
| Cash outflow on acquisition            |                     |               |
| Acquisition costs                      |                 2.9 |               |
| Cash flow of earlier interests in      |                 0.0 |               |
| acquired businesses                    |                     |               |
| Liabilities assumed                    |                -0.7 |               |
| Acquisition costs paid in cash         |                 2.2 |               |
| Cash and cash equivalents of acquired  |                 0.0 |               |
| companies                              |                     |               |
| Net cash flow arising on acquisition   |                 2.2 |               |

During the second quarter 2009 Konecranes sold its small Austrian subsidiary    
STAHL CraneSystems Ges.m.b.H.                                                   

Quarterly figures                                                               

CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF INCOME, QUARTERLY                                     

| EUR million          |    Q2/ |    Q1/ |    Q4/ |    Q3/ |     Q2/ |     Q1/ |
|                      |   2009 |   2009 |   2008 |   2008 |    2008 |    2008 |
| Sales                |  431.6 |  442.1 |  650.4 |  520.4 |   492.4 |   439.2 |
| Other operating      |    0.8 |    0.7 |    4.0 |    0.5 |     1.3 |     0.6 |
| income               |        |        |        |        |         |         |
| Depreciation and     |   -6.5 |   -6.8 |   -7.3 |   -6.7 |    -6.5 |    -6.2 |
| impairments          |        |        |        |        |         |         |
| Other operating      | -397.0 | -399.2 | -570.7 | -445.3 |  -428.9 |  -388.7 |
| expenses             |        |        |        |        |         |         |
| Operating profit     |   28.8 |   36.8 |   76.5 |   69.0 |    58.3 |    45.0 |
| Share of associates' |   -1.4 |    0.0 |   -3.5 |   -0.8 |     0.2 |     0.2 |
| and joint ventures'  |        |        |        |        |         |         |
| result               |        |        |        |        |         |         |
| Financial income and |    0.0 |   -1.5 |    0.8 |   -4.6 |    -5.9 |     1.1 |
| expenses             |        |        |        |        |         |         |
| Profit before taxes  |   27.4 |   35.4 |   73.8 |   63.5 |    52.6 |    46.3 |
| Taxes                |   -7.8 |  -10.1 |  -23.8 |  -18.1 |   -14.7 |   -13.0 |
| Net profit for the   |   19.6 |   25.3 |   50.0 |   45.4 |    37.9 |    33.3 |
| period               |        |        |        |        |         |         |

CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET                                                      

| EUR million      | Q2/200 | Q1/200 | Q4/2008 | Q3/2008 |  Q2/2008 |  Q1/2008 |
|                  |      9 |      9 |         |         |          |          |
| ASSETS           |        |        |         |         |          |          |
| Goodwill         |   59.5 |   58.4 |    57.8 |    59.8 |     59.1 |     56.4 |
| Intangible       |   61.1 |   61.3 |    62.5 |    63.5 |     63.8 |     60.8 |
| assets           |        |        |         |         |          |          |
| Property, plant  |   75.5 |   72.7 |    69.5 |    66.3 |     63.4 |     60.6 |
| and equipment    |        |        |         |         |          |          |
| Other            |   56.5 |   48.8 |    48.5 |    42.9 |     38.6 |     36.6 |
| Total            |  252.7 |  241.2 |   238.3 |   232.4 |    224.8 |    214.4 |
| non-current      |        |        |         |         |          |          |
| assets           |        |        |         |         |          |          |
| Inventories      |  322.6 |  356.7 |   333.2 |   359.6 |    323.5 |    274.6 |
| Receivables and  |  441.3 |  468.3 |   533.0 |   512.7 |    488.6 |    458.7 |
| other current    |        |        |         |         |          |          |
| assets           |        |        |         |         |          |          |
| Cash and cash    |   96.9 |  116.0 |   100.9 |    75.1 |     77.3 |     59.7 |
| equivalents      |        |        |         |         |          |          |
| Total current    |  860.7 |  941.0 |   967.1 |   947.4 |    889.4 |    793.0 |
| assets           |        |        |         |         |          |          |
| Total assets     |      1 |      1 | 1 205.4 | 1 179.8 |  1 114.2 |  1 007.4 |
|                  |  113.4 |  182.2 |         |         |          |          |

| EQUITY AND       |        |        |         |         |          |          |
| LIABILITIES      |        |        |         |         |          |          |
| Total equity     |  385.4 |  379.7 |   400.7 |   354.6 |    302.0 |    261.6 |
| Non-current      |  109.3 |  180.4 |   177.6 |   109.5 |    134.1 |    123.9 |
| liabilities      |        |        |         |         |          |          |
| Provisions       |   42.9 |   46.9 |    46.8 |    41.8 |     38.8 |     35.9 |
| Advance payments |  175.2 |  197.1 |   201.1 |   245.8 |    219.3 |    192.9 |
| received         |        |        |         |         |          |          |
| Other current    |  400.6 |  378.2 |   379.3 |   428.1 |    420.0 |    393.1 |
| liabilities      |        |        |         |         |          |          |
| Total            |  728.0 |  802.6 |   804.7 |   825.2 |    812.2 |    745.8 |
| liabilities      |        |        |         |         |          |          |
| Total equity and |      1 |      1 | 1 205.4 | 1 179.8 |  1 114.2 |  1 007.4 |
| liabilities      |  113.4 |  182.2 |         |         |          |          |

CONSOLIDATED CASH FLOW STATEMENT - QUARTERLY                                    

| EUR million      | Q2/200 | Q1/200 | Q4/2008 | Q3/2008 |  Q2/2008 |  Q1/2008 |
|                  |      9 |      9 |         |         |          |          |
| Cash flow before |   35.4 |   43.9 |    83.2 |    76.0 |     64.9 |     51.1 |
| change in net    |        |        |         |         |          |          |
| working capital  |        |        |         |         |          |          |
| Change in net    |   23.6 |    9.5 |   -30.5 |    -2.0 |    -29.9 |    -29.0 |
| working capital  |        |        |         |         |          |          |
| Financing items  |  -24.6 |  -20.8 |   -19.1 |   -22.5 |    -20.9 |    -14.1 |
| and taxes        |        |        |         |         |          |          |
| Net cash from    |   34.4 |   32.6 |    33.5 |    51.4 |     14.1 |      8.0 |
| operating        |        |        |         |         |          |          |
| activities       |        |        |         |         |          |          |
| Cash flow from   |   -8.7 |   -5.0 |    -9.2 |    -9.7 |    -14.5 |     -3.6 |
| investing        |        |        |         |         |          |          |
| activities       |        |        |         |         |          |          |
| Cash flow before |   25.7 |   27.6 |    24.3 |    41.8 |     -0.4 |      4.4 |
| financing        |        |        |         |         |          |          |
| activities       |        |        |         |         |          |          |
| Proceeds from    |    0.6 |    0.7 |     1.3 |     0.4 |      2.2 |      0.4 |
| options          |        |        |         |         |          |          |
| exercised and    |        |        |         |         |          |          |
| share issues     |        |        |         |         |          |          |
| Purchase of      |    0.0 |    0.0 |     0.0 |     0.0 |      0.0 |     -2.5 |
| treasury shares  |        |        |         |         |          |          |
| Related Party    |   -7.1 |    0.0 |     0.0 |     0.0 |      0.0 |      0.0 |
| net investment   |        |        |         |         |          |          |
| to Konecranes    |        |        |         |         |          |          |
| shares           |        |        |         |         |          |          |
| Change of        |  -36.9 |   38.8 |     2.9 |   -45.3 |     15.1 |     50.0 |
| interest-bearing |        |        |         |         |          |          |
| debt             |        |        |         |         |          |          |
| Dividends paid   |    0.0 |  -53.3 |     0.0 |     0.0 |      0.0 |    -46.8 |
| to equity        |        |        |         |         |          |          |
| holders of the   |        |        |         |         |          |          |
| parent           |        |        |         |         |          |          |
| Dividends paid   |    0.0 |    0.0 |     0.0 |    -0.1 |      0.0 |      0.0 |
| to minority      |        |        |         |         |          |          |
| interest         |        |        |         |         |          |          |
| Net cash used in |  -43.4 |  -13.8 |     4.2 |   -45.0 |     17.3 |      1.1 |
| financing        |        |        |         |         |          |          |
| activities       |        |        |         |         |          |          |
| Translation      |   -1.4 |    1.3 |    -2.7 |     1.0 |      0.8 |     -1.8 |
| differences in   |        |        |         |         |          |          |
| cash             |        |        |         |         |          |          |
| Change of cash   |  -19.1 |   15.1 |    25.8 |    -2.2 |     17.6 |      3.8 |
| and cash         |        |        |         |         |          |          |
| equivalents      |        |        |         |         |          |          |
| Cash and cash    |  116.0 |  100.9 |    75.1 |    77.3 |     59.7 |     56.0 |
| equivalents at   |        |        |         |         |          |          |
| beginning of     |        |        |         |         |          |          |
| period           |        |        |         |         |          |          |
| Cash and cash    |   96.9 |  116.0 |   100.9 |    75.1 |     77.3 |     59.7 |
| equivalents at   |        |        |         |         |          |          |
| end of period    |        |        |         |         |          |          |
| Change of cash   |  -19.1 |   15.1 |    25.8 |    -2.2 |     17.6 |      3.8 |
| and cash         |        |        |         |         |          |          |
| equivalents      |        |        |         |         |          |          |

QUARTERLY SEGMENT INFORMATION                                                   

| EUR million      |        |        |         |         |          |          |
| Sales by         | Q2/200 | Q1/200 | Q4/2008 | Q3/2008 |  Q2/2008 |  Q1/2008 |
| Business Area    |      9 |      9 |         |         |          |          |
| Service          |  169.5 |  169.7 |   220.6 |   187.2 |    180.5 |    166.1 |
| Standard Lifting |  168.2 |  178.2 |   256.4 |   206.7 |    203.9 |    168.3 |
| Heavy Lifting    |  127.9 |  129.7 |   219.8 |   160.5 |    144.8 |    134.2 |
| ./. Internal     |  -34.0 |  -35.4 |   -46.4 |   -33.9 |    -36.8 |    -29.5 |
| Total            |  431.6 |  442.1 |   650.4 |   520.4 |    492.4 |    439.2 |
| Operating profit | Q2/200 | Q1/200 | Q4/2008 | Q3/2008 |  Q2/2008 |  Q1/2008 |
| (EBIT) by        |      9 |      9 |         |         |          |          |
| Business Area    |        |        |         |         |          |          |
| Service          |   18.2 |   18.8 |    33.3 |    27.1 |     23.5 |     22.2 |
| Standard Lifting |   14.5 |   21.3 |    40.3 |    38.1 |     34.9 |     26.8 |
| Heavy Lifting    |   10.2 |   10.0 |    18.8 |    14.5 |     12.6 |      7.7 |
| Group costs      |  -14.7 |  -13.8 |   -15.8 |    -9.8 |    -10.6 |    -11.0 |
| Consolidation    |    0.5 |    0.5 |    -0.1 |    -1.0 |     -2.0 |     -0.7 |
| items            |        |        |         |         |          |          |
| Total            |   28.8 |   36.8 |    76.5 |    69.0 |     58.3 |     45.0 |
| Operating        | Q2/200 | Q1/200 | Q4/2008 | Q3/2008 |  Q2/2008 |  Q1/2008 |
| margin, (EBIT %) |      9 |      9 |         |         |          |          |
| by Business Area |        |        |         |         |          |          |
| Service          | 10.8 % | 11.1 % |  15.1 % |  14.5 % |   13.0 % |   13.4 % |
| Standard Lifting |  8.6 % | 12.0 % |  15.7 % |  18.4 % |   17.1 % |   15.9 % |
| Heavy Lifting    |  8.0 % |  7.7 % |   8.6 % |   9.0 % |    8.7 % |    5.8 % |
| Orders received  | Q2/200 | Q1/200 | Q4/2008 | Q3/2008 |  Q2/2008 |  Q1/2008 |
| by Business Area |      9 |      9 |         |         |          |          |
| Service 1)       |  126.4 |  125.6 |   159.3 |   170.1 |    172.6 |    156.1 |
| Standard Lifting |  141.4 |  132.6 |   168.9 |   223.1 |    244.8 |    222.2 |
| Heavy Lifting    |   67.8 |  133.8 |   116.4 |   159.1 |    198.4 |    212.2 |
| ./. Internal     |  -26.0 |  -22.3 |   -35.1 |   -36.3 |    -36.5 |    -28.2 |
| Total            |  309.6 |  369.7 |   409.6 |   515.9 |    579.3 |    562.3 |
| 1) Excl. Service |        |        |         |         |          |          |
| Contract Base    |        |        |         |         |          |          |
| Order book by    | Q2/200 | Q1/200 | Q4/2008 | Q3/2008 |  Q2/2008 |  Q1/2008 |
| Business Area    |      9 |      9 |         |         |          |          |
| Service          |   93.9 |  109.1 |   117.3 |   151.6 |    140.2 |    121.8 |
| Standard Lifting |  244.6 |  281.0 |   327.9 |   418.2 |    387.8 |    338.4 |
| Heavy Lifting    |  357.9 |  420.3 |   420.2 |   531.7 |    528.0 |    476.5 |
| ./. Internal     |  -15.8 |  -18.5 |   -29.1 |   -36.4 |    -28.3 |    -27.0 |
| Total            |  680.6 |  792.0 |   836.3 | 1 065.2 |  1 027.7 |    909.7 |
| Sales by market  | Q2/200 | Q1/200 | Q4/2008 | Q3/2008 |  Q2/2008 |  Q1/2008 |
|                  |      9 |      9 |         |         |          |          |
| Europe-Middle    |  236.3 | 246.4  |   380.3 |   298.1 |    285.9 |    243.3 |
| East-Africa      |        |        |         |         |          |          |
| (EMEA)           |        |        |         |         |          |          |
| Americas (AME)   |  121.2 | 132.7  |   178.1 |   144.1 |    125.1 |    144.3 |
| Asia-Pacific     |   74.0 |  63.0  |    92.0 |    78.3 |     81.5 |     51.5 |
| (APAC)           |        |        |         |         |          |          |
| Total            |  431.6 | 442.1  |   650.4 |   520.4 |    492.4 |    439.2 |

Analyst and press briefing                                                      

A presentation for media and analysts will be held at Konecranes office in      
Helsinki at 12.00 p.m. Finnish time (address: Eteläesplanadi 22 B, inner court, 
2nd floor). The event will be held in English and January-June interim review   
will be presented by Konecranes' President and CEO Pekka Lundmark and CFO Teo   
Ottola. The presentation material will be available on the Company's internet   
pages at after the release of this report.                   

The conference can also be viewed as a live webcast through the internet pages  
at The archived webcast will be available on the internet   
pages later during the day.                                                     

Next report                                                                     

Konecranes' January-September 2009 interim report will be published on October  
29, 2009.                                                                       

KONECRANES PLC                                                                  

Sanna Päiväniemi                                                                
IR Manager                                                                      

FURTHER INFORMATION                                                             
Mr Pekka Lundmark, President and CEO, tel. +358 20 427 2000                     
Mr Teo Ottola, Chief Financial Officer, tel. +358 20 427 2040                   
Ms Sanna Päiväniemi, IR Manager, tel. +358 20 427 2050                          
Mr Mikael Wegmüller,                                                            
Director, Marketing and Communications, tel. +358 20 427 2008                   

Konecranes is a world-leading group of Lifting Businesses™, serving a broad     
range of customers, including manufacturing and process industries, shipyards,  
ports and terminals. Konecranes provides productivity-enhancing lifting         
solutions as well as services for lifting equipment and machine tools of all    
makes. In 2008, Group sales totaled EUR 2,103 million. The Group has about 9,700
employees, at more than 485 locations in 43 countries. Konecranes is listed on  
the NASDAQ OMX Helsinki Exchange (symbol: KCR1V).                               

NASDAQ OMX Helsinki                                                    

