DGAP-News: CR Capital Real Estate AG: Disposal of a city villa to an embassy

CR Capital Real Estate AG / Disposal/Miscellaneous


Release of a Corporate News, transmitted by DGAP - a company of EquityStory AG.
The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement.

On August 4, 2009, CR Capital Real Estate AG sold a city villa located in
Berlin-Grunewald to the embassy of a non-European state.

The selling price corresponds with a multiplier of the annual net cold
rental income of 22, this with regard to the achievable monthly net cold
rent of EUR 13 per sqm. The parties to the contract declared to keep
silence to the precise selling price.

CEO Thomas Ehrich about the transaction:' Also with regard to Grunewald,
the achieved multiplier of 22 is an above average figure. This
demonstrates, that we are seen as a reliable business partner within the
small transaction segment, and that we have a good access to financially
strong investor groups.'.

Amongst others, sales proceeds will be used for financing intended property
acquisitions. Based on a more than solid capital structure (loan to value
ratio of 17 percent as of June 30, 2009), the company owns financing
flexibility and will finalize growth in 2009 also by concluding further
loan agreements. Using the approved authorized capital, that means issuance
of new shares is possible in 2010.

About CR Capital Real Estate AG

Berlin CR Capital Real Estate AG is a listed property company and owns the
status of a Pre-REIT ('Vor-REIT'). The Group manages high quality
residential and commercial properties at top locations in the greater
Berlin area.

The current property portfolio consists predominantly of city villas
located in Berlin-Grunewald. Group's strategy provides for growth of the
property portfolio on other Berlin districts and Potsdam respectively
enlargement of Group's fields of action, this by the acquisition of medical
centres and new buildings subsidized by KfW Bankengruppe.

Hubert Bonn
Phone: +49 (0)6157 9861190

DGAP 06.08.2009 