Jobindex A/S, Reduction in number of shares

|                                            |      Copenhagen, 28 August 2009 |

Marketplace Announcement                                                        
First North 12/2009 


Reduction in number of shares in Jobindex A/S                                   

The number of shares in Jobindex will be reduced on NASDAQ OMX Copenhagen as per
3 September 2009.                                                               

| ISIN:                                | DK0060088367                          |
| Name:                                | Jobindex                              |
| Reduction:                           | 100,000 shares each bearing a face    |
|                                      | value of DKK 1                        |
| Total number of shares after         | 1,000,000 shares each bearing a face  |
| reduction:                           | value of DKK 1                        |
| Orderbook code:                      | JOBNDX                                |
| Orderbook ID:                        | 41392                                 |

This information is distributed at the request of the Certified Advisor, Advizer

For further information, please call Advizer K/S on +45 70 22 50 33.


jobindex - reduktion september - uk.pdf