Føroya Banki P/F - removal from the observation list

|                                      |            Copenhagen, 31 August 2009 |
Føroya Banki P/F - removal from the observation list                            

NASDAQ OMX Copenhagen has removed the below company from the observation list   

| ISIN                          | Name                                         |
| FO0000000088                  | Føroya Banki P/F                             |

Føroya Banki P/F has been removed due to the fact that the company has been     
informed by Finansiel Stabilitet A/S, that the coordinated offer by Lån og Spar 
Bank A/S and Føroya Banki P/F for parts of Fionia Bank A/S has not been accepted
by Finansiel Stabilitet A/S.                                                    

For further information, please see today's announcement from Føroya Banki P/F. 

For further information, please contact: Mads Aaen, Surveillance, tel. +45 33 93
33 66


froya banki - tilbagefrsel uk.pdf