Xlibris Author Revives Christian Faith -- Raymond Rosebrough Evaluates Factors Affecting Religious Belief in Today's World

SUMNER, Texas, Oct. 8, 2009 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Raymond Rosebrough addresses theistic doubt and irreligion in an enlightening theological discussion that evaluates the Christian faith. Released through Xlibris, Graphic Christianity attempts to bring God's sheep back into the fold by exploring the factors that have caused them to go astray.

In attempting to reinvigorate the Christian faith, Rosebrough takes the religious temperature of modern society to pinpoint the fundamental causes behind the irreconcilable gap between Christian principles and today's lifestyles and moral decisions. Rosebrough attributes the significant influence of the arguments of science and its effects on modern thinking, as well as the fallible tendencies of humanity. The book provides an extensive discussion on the theory of human evolution and its detrimental relationship with faith, necessarily exposing the chinks in the seemingly failsafe armor of scientific thought.

Rosebrough also steers the discussion onto the truths and fallacies of atheism and humanism, two prominent philosophies considered contradictory to Christian doctrine. He also outlines how lusts of the flesh develop from unchecked habits. As well, Rosebrough addresses the questions on the purpose of human existence, on salvation (who will be saved or not be saved?), and reviews some of the Biblical principles concerning free will and predestination.

Ultimately, with Graphic Christianity, Rosebrough aims to define what Christianity is, providing a clear picture of a true Christian and his ideal relationship with God and defining the purpose of a church. Readers can log on to www.Xlibris.com for more information and for orders.

About the Author

Raymond Rosebrough has had a varied and eventful life, serving in a colorful variety of jobs from ditch digger to slaughterhouse meat grader, to air force veterinarian. He graduated Magna cum Laude from the Master of Divinity Program at Oral Roberts University. Rosebrough's hobbies are gardening, constructing things, and thinking up inventions. He presently resides on a small hay farm in Texas.

          Graphic Christianity * by Raymond M. Rosebrough
                 A Condensed Charismatic Theology
                 Publication Date: October 6, 2009
        Trade Paperback; $15.99; 95 pages; 978-1-4415-7513-5
        Trade Hardback; $34.99; 95 pages; 978-1-4415-7514-2

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