You Have The Right To Remain Silent -- A Thrilling Volume That Will Keep You Engrossed Up to the Appalling Climax

DETROIT, Oct. 8, 2009 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- A crime does not go unpunished. In this riveting new book, The Right To Remain Silent, author Robert L. Boyer makes sure you get the message.

This must-read thriller takes the reader through a series of unsolved murders of people with less than law-abiding backgrounds. The plot unravels as one victim after another is found dead with no useable clues that will aid detectives in solving the crimes.

Suspicion is cast on Jay Jay, one of the main characters, as the one responsible for some of the murders, but nothing was ever proven. His friend, Stoney, who operates on the fringes of the law, is a more likely suspect. Jay Jay, a refined gentleman, had a score to settle. He needed the unscrupulous character of his friend to carry it out. Stoney waited near a restaurant until he saw two officers come out and head for their car at the back end of the parking lot. One was female. They had no idea how close they were to drawing their last breaths. For a moment, Stoney thought about not wiping out the female. He soon decided that today just was not her day. He could not allow her gender to get in the way of what he knew he had to do. In this situation, he would be an equal opportunity destroyer.

In The Right To Remain Silent, Boyer creates a perfectly crafted tale of trial and retribution, crime, and punishment that will keep you captivated up to the shocking finale. A first-rate page-turner through and through! For more information, log on to

About the Author

Robert L. Boyer is a lifetime resident of Detroit, Michigan. After serving in the army for two years, he received his discharge only to learn that he had been laid off from his job as a city bus driver. He was recalled to the sanitation division. Boyer saw this as his chance to enroll in night school at Highland Park Junior College. He soon transferred to Wayne State University where he acquired a bachelor's degree in sociology, with which he began a career in social casework. He went on to earn his master's degree from the college of education. He left social work and began working for General Motors where he contributed nearly twenty-seven years of service, retiring as manager of Southeast Michigan Regional Benefit Centers.

Mr. Boyer is a member of Hopewell Baptist Church in Detroit, where he teaches Sunday school and serves on the board of trustees. He also authored a book titled The Enemy Next Door.

             The Right To Remain Silent * By Robert L. Boyer
                  Publication Date: July 25, 2006
       Trade Paperback; $18.69; 298 pages; 978-1-4134-6813-7
        Cloth Hardback; $28.79; 298 pages; 978-1-4134-6814-4

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