Interim report 1 April - 30 September 2009 (6 months)

*     Revenue decreased 20 percent, to SEK 1,776 million (2,210).
*     Operating profit decreased 55 percent to SEK 95 million (213).
*     During the second quarter, revenue decreased 22 percent to SEK
  825 million (1,056)
          and operating profit by 58 percent to SEK 41 million (97).
*     Profit after financial items decreased to SEK 87 million (205)
  and profit after taxes
          amounted to SEK 64 million (152).
*     Earnings per share amounted to SEK 2.85 (6.80). For the most
  recent 12-month period,
          earnings per share was SEK 8.10 (13.45).
*     Cash flow from operations totalled SEK 123 million (112). For
  the most recent 12-month
          period, cash flow per share was SEK 14.40 (15.45).
*     The Group's financial net debt excluding pension liability,
  decreased by SEK 212 million to
          SEK 128 million (340) during the most recent 12-month
*     The return on equity was 23 percent, and the equity ratio was
  41 percent.

Stockholm, 28 October 2009

Johan Sjö
President and CEO

The Interim Report for the period 1 April - 31 December 2009 will be
presented 16 February 2010.

Addtech AB (publ) disclose the information provided herein pursuant
to the Swedish Securities Markets Act and/or the Swedish Financial
Instruments Trading Act. The information was submitted for
publication on 28 October at 11:30 a.m.
For further information, please contact:
Johan Sjö, President and CEO, +46 8 470 49 00
Kennet Göransson, Chief Financial Officer, +46 8 470 49 10

The full report including tables may be downloaded from the following


Interim report 1 April  30 September 2009 6 months.pdf