Representatives From L.E.A.D. Uganda & TunicLove to Ring the NASDAQ Stock Market Closing Bell


 Representatives from L.E.A.D. Uganda & TunicLove along with RJM
 Group will preside over the NASDAQ closing bell.

 TunicLove is a socially responsible for-profit entity that
 creates tunics out of natural fabrics and L.E.A.D Uganda, a
 non-profit youth leadership program, locates forgotten children
 with innate talents and molds them into leaders. Both have joined
 forces to form a unique partnership inspired by their shared
 commitment to help children in the developing world.

 NASDAQ MarketSite - 4 Times Square - 43rd & Broadway - Broadcast Studio

 Wednesday, November 25, 2009 at 3:45 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. ET

 NASDAQ MarketSite:
 Jolene Libretto
 (646) 441-5220

About TunicLove

TunicLove creates the finest tunics, emphasizing the use of natural hand-woven fabrics and designs from places which have rich and varied traditions. Its designs are imbued with contemporary fashion, embellished with techniques such as block printing and real embroidery, and its expert craftsmen and artists strive at every step to create tunics that feel just as beautiful on the inside as they look on the outside.

TunicLove also focuses on supporting social endeavors that are important in today's world, and creates wealth and stability by nurturing the next generation of social entrepreneurs. Equally important is TunicLove's 'You Buy 1-We Gift 1' policy that helps children who need it most -- each tunic that is sold is matched with a gift of basic clothing to a child in need.

For more information, please contact: Gaurav Butani, founder, 646.515.5101,, and visit:

About L.E.A.D Uganda

LEAD Uganda is an educational leadership initiative for children affected by AIDS, war, and poverty. L.E.A.D Uganda locates children living on the edges of society -- AIDS orphans, former child soldiers, child laborers, and molds them into leaders. The goal is to give Africans the skills to help solve their own problems and become equal partners in a world of democracy and prosperity.

L.E.A.D Uganda's student-members attend the very best primary and secondary schools and then go on to university. L.E.A.D Uganda furnishes them with everything they need to succeed: school fees, books and supplies, medical care, clothing and food. During school breaks, we provide workshops in leadership, web design, writing, video and photography. Students receive coaching in English, math and science.

L.E.A.D Uganda is a family to the children. The young scholars are given a disciplined, loving family environment. The staff nurtures them and helps them overcome their traumas with counseling and emotional support. L.E.A.D Uganda imbues the children with a strong work ethic, a devotion to democratic values and a desire to serve.

For more information, please contact: Stephen Shames, Executive Director, 718.622.2650,, and visit

About The RJM Group

The RJM Group is a luxury fashion brand development firm based in New York City. RJM provides critical advice and market support to designers and brand names for launching, branding and positioning themselves successfully in what is a very competitive industry.

For example, RJM has been key to the success of TunicLove. Recognizing Tuniclove's unique product line and its goal of being a socially responsible for profit fashion company, RJM carefully planned the placement of its products at appropriate venues which has been vital to the brand's development.

For more information, please contact: Rita Overzat, Founder, 212 265 2047, and visit

Feed Information:

The Closing Bell is available from 3:50 p.m. to 4:05 p.m. on AMC-3/C-3 (ul 5985V; dl 3760H). The feed can also be found on Ascent fiber 1623. If you have any questions, please contact Jolene Libretto at (646) 441-5220.

Radio Feed:

An audio transmission of the Closing Bell is also available from 3:50 p.m. to 4:05 p.m. on uplink IA6 C band / transponder 24, downlink frequency 4180 horizontal. The feed can be found on Ascent fiber 1623 as well.

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