Listing of certificates (54/09)

NASDAQ OMX Stockholm AB has decided to officially list the following
certificates with effect from December 1st, 2009: 

Name	                           Short name        Order book ID
Landshypotek AB                      LAHC 1012        	71258
Nordea Bank AB	                  NBHC 1012 	71252
Sveriges Bostadsfinansieringsab	SBAC 1012	         71253
Länsförsäkringar Bank AB	         LFBC 1012	         71259
Svenska Handelsbanken AB	         SHBC 1012	         71254
Stadshypotek AB	                  SHYC 1012	         71255
Swedbank Hypotek AB	         SWHC 1012	         71256
Swedbank	                           SWBC 1012	         71260
SEB	                           SEBC 1012  	71264
Volvofinans AB	                  VOLC 1012    	71257
Kommuninvest	                  KOMC 1012	         71263

The instruments will be registered on NASDAQ OMX Stockholm AB, Fixed Income,
submarket Benchmark bonds. 

For further information concerning this exchange notice please contact Patrik
Hellgren or Eva Norling, telephone +46 8 405 60 00 or mail:


exchange notice_certifikat_0912_eng.pdf