Auctions of domestic government bonds in February 2010


In February 2010 auctions of Danish government bonds will be held on
Monday 8 February and Tuesday 16 February. The sale will be settled 
Thursday 11 February 2010 and Friday 19 February 2010 respectively. 

Auction 8 February                                                        
On 8 February 2010 the government bond 4 per cent bullet loans 2015 will  
be auctioned. The total sale will not exceed DKK 4 billion at nominal     
value. The sale will commence via MTS Denmark's auction system with pri-  
mary dealers as counterparts. The auction depends on stable market        
conditions. As from the opening of MTS Denmark bids can be submitted until
10.30 CET. Subsequently a cut-off price will be fixed as quickly as       
possible and within 10 minutes at the latest. Bids at the cut-off price or
above will be accommodated at the cut-off price. A pro-rata allocation of 
bids at the cut-off price may be applied. Terms of borrowing can be viewed
on un- der Investor relations.                      

Auction 16 February                                                     
No later than three trading days prior to the auction, information about
the auctioned bonds will be announced. The auction depends on stable    
market conditions.                                                      

Further information                                                 
For further information please contact Ove Sten Jensen on tel. (+45)
3363 6102.

